starseed archetype mage

In the following sections, well be exploring different types of starseeds, their origins, traits, and personal missions. This means that they value connection above all else and see this as the path to ascension for Earth. Pleiadians are from the Pleiades, sometimes known as The Seven Sisters as named in Greek mythology. It really is going to be a happy Friday with all the wonderful transits happening in the sky today. Description: Humans residing in the first Seal of Consciousness primarily exhibit thoughts and attitudes that revolve around survival (looking out for #1), reproduction (concern with mating and bloodlines), rituals (e.g., superstition), and competition (the need to be the best). No matter how much you try to say no, you just have this inner desire to serve other people. You are a perfectionist who is highly critical of your own work and the work of others. Venusian starseeds are nurturing intergalactic and interdimensional beings who embody unconditional love. LYRA The general area of the birth of the humanoid race. Sirius was one of the first areas to be colonized by beings from the Lyran star group. They are their increasing their interaction with Earth, alongside the Galactic Federation of Worlds. While Starseeds are born into physical form, just like normal people. Dr. Timothy Leary, an American psychologist, was the first to use the term to describe a fragment of an extraterrestrial entity discovered on a meteorite. Observers, tend to blend into the background whilst they watch others. Listed below are more traits prevalent among Alpha Centaurians. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. This is to free the divine feminine archetype from all griefs, pain, losses, brokenness, darkness, dark attachments, slavery programs, contracts, agreements, sacrifices and fear programs. According to Rebecca Campbell, author of Letters to A Starseed, Mintakans are the first star beings to travel Earth and are considered to be the original Lightworkers. Starseeds will agree to come to Earth to fulfill their mission. Contact me at:, Session Offerings Overview and Approach, Session One: Remove Intrusive Energies, Entities, Clear Psychic Cords, Session Two: Ancestral Bloodline Clearing, Mastery Empowerment Course Awaken your Ascended Shaman of Light, Munay-Ki Rites of Initiation Ceremonial Gathering, Indoor Candle Full Moon Fire Ceremony Monthly Ceremonial Gathering. Here are 15 strong indicators that you belong to this Starseed type: An Orion Starseeds personal mission is to open up their heart chakra and learn to look beyond the bounds of their pragmatic and logical way of thinking. I'm Clarabel Sage, Starseed Soul Healer, Life Coach, and Meditation Teacher. You are deeply concerned with ecological and environmental issues. You tend to have lower-than-average body temperature. This would make your birth on Earth either a planned event, a pre-birth choice, or happenstance. You trust that the universe has your back. Even though bad things happen every day, your idealist self will always see the silver lining in every situation. You have an innate drive to show up and be there for others. You have a natural inclination for altruistic and humanitarian endeavors. Forty percent of humans reside in the First Seal. Your dreams can be used as a gateway by the Divine to send messages or signs that will help you fulfill your purpose even better. Each Starseed has their own syllabus and personal mission. If you have a natural inclination to relate to the struggles of others and work for fairness, justice and liberty this is because you are a natural starseed. These are just vantage points of thought and they hold different vibrations to them. Description: In this Seal humans are still deeply seated in the belief of disconnection from Source. They have a collective duty to assist Earth and the whole human race in dismantling the old paradigm founded on ego, fear, power, perfidy, and greed, and instead create a world permeated with love, peace,, and abundance. Properties. This is one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy highly developed culturally, technologically and spiritually. The Pleiades has two primary stars containing planets settled by the Lyrans Taygeta and Alcyone. Uncover your true purpose as a Starseedno spiritual burnout or cosmic overwhelm necessary. Find Out in 10 Easy Steps, These Ancient Civilizations Knew About Our Third Eye, Consciousness Is A Big Problem For Science, Ancient Symbols of Protection From Around the World, Scientists Find DMT Produces a Waking Dream State. Maldekian incarnates here to prevent the human race from making the same mistakes they did and to guide them towards a new Earth. You are employed or pursuing a career in the field of engineering, architecture, data science, technology, communication, medicine, or mathematics. If you resonate with the Augur, take our Starchetype Quiz and discover if this is your unique Starseed Archetype Imprint Take the quiz! Because of this, millions of Starseed may have chosen to live among us, hoping to serve or benefit from our style of vulnerability, Earths karmic cycles of rebirth, and our planets continual expansion. Will the stars align for your new relationship to bloom into a full-blown romance? And many go through their existence on Earth without knowing . Maybe you fantasize about life in other galaxies with the hope of incarnating elsewhere in future births. It doesnt necessarily mean that it was the first place that your spirit existed. In this article, we will show you the starseed characteristics of your zodiac sign! You can easily adapt to harsh environments and tough conditions. Although the desire to earn a living or become wealthy is not negative, this archetype also represents a need to control the forces . If ever youve looked up at the night sky and felt a connection with a bright planet or glowing cluster of stars, you might be feeling your souls connection to a past or future life. It's time to drop the #starseedstruggle. Youre less likely to conduct an autopsy for your past mistakes and overthink the uncertainty of the future. You aspire to migrate on Mars and stay there indefinitely if possible. You are disciplined and possess excellent self-control. The Seven Seals are a roadmap a roadmap inwards that will take you into connection with your Soul. "I am a Starseed Magician. You possess highly advanced knowledge and wisdom. You are full of vitality, passion, purpose, and drive. Twin Flame Dreams During Separation Why So frequent And Intense? Are You An Arcturian Starseed? Given that you came from stardust and have been infused with divine light, you might feel this connection deeply in your bones. You have the ability to decipher the messages hidden beneath other peoples body language. As a starseed, your dream life is probably a roller coaster ride. . A starseed can pick up a vibe as soon as you enter the room. You are deeply connected to a higher plane of existence, the universe, and everything in it. You dont even need words to confirm. They operate on a deeper scale, which makes it difficult for them to find the same wavelength from other people. You might be a starseed. There are many starseeds that hold trauma from this war that offers a huge opportunity for healing while embodied on Earth. You dont like being micromanaged and controlled. It is the symbolic harp upon which the song of humanity is played. Its because being of service to other people is written all over the DNA of a starseed. As an archetype, a court mage is a sorcerer who works for or serves a royal family (or any other main government body). You have a career or seeking a career involving science, technology, or medicine. You find it easy to attract abundance in your life. You are an idealist who believes in the goodness inherent in all people. This is an affirmation that affirms our soul qualities and unique gifts and banish all pointless doubts and anxiety. The starseed awakening process can be gentle and happen gradually as one walks a spiritual path of self exploration, or it can be very dramatic and abrupt, sometimes occuring during a major transitional phase of their life. We could all say that we came from Lyra. You have a penchant for giving love easily because you know that you have an unlimited amount of it in your arsenal. Every soul, whether from this world or another, is fulfilling a purpose. You are naturally curious about how things exist. Freeing The Divine Feminine Archeytype From All Pain! It is still, in sense, a peaceful sim without combat, but this time there's no relationships to build, your interactions are with your helper robots and with mission control . We might say, Im a seven on the Enneagram, or Im a recovering Catholic, or Im a conservative Democrat. We might even say, I am Starseed, Pleiadian, to be precise.. Its just not possible. Never miss an update by allowing notifications from My Sign Says! What they do know however is that they do not belong here. You like to focus monomaniacally on a single task at a time. #1 Sirian. Each of them carries a unique vibrational blueprint that makes them truly remarkable and extraordinary. The same can be said for the abilities of Starseeds. Maldekian starseeds usually find a role in educating humans in making better choices in politics, technology, and health. You view life as a wide spectrum filled with colorful undertones rather than black and white. Satiate your passions and curiosities. Now that you know what is a starseed, the next step is to find out if you are one of them. Questions? This doesnt mean that you have high walls. You feel like you're an old soul, who has been here before. Its easy to become distracted by the latest spiritual systems or the most charismatic spiritual media stars. It can be defined as the template on which other . You have the ability to perceive beyond three-dimensional reality. It's a little meaningless in that sense. While it might be interesting and exciting to imagine that Starseeds are more evolved than Earths human beings, the truth is that any of us can expand at any moment. ANDROMEDA CONSTELLATION The Zenae Andromedans are very high dimensional beings that have been attributed to the angelic kingdom due to some of this races ability to reaching non-physical 12D frequency. You have a natural affinity for the elements, particularly fire and water. Imagine the distances we have yet to travel. Starseeds came to Earth job to do, to fulfill their mission - not to get lost in people's drama and all their nitty-gritty. This is how hopeful your soul is. You enjoy the rush of the novelty and dont like getting anchored to a place or a person. When we die and then choose to reincarnate, it seems we have many options. The various Pleiadian races support Humanitys awakening, as they promote spiritual evolution. Your mission is to simply heal your past wounds and be the best version of yourself. Starseed aims to slightly twist the peaceful, calming farm sim archetype. Being a Starseed means that you recognize that this life is just a mere scene in your movie. You are compassionate, and you love people deeply. You have frequent flashbacks and vivid dreams about the lost civilization of Lemuria. Find most popular Mage decks in different archetypes. A starseed is a natural when it comes to metaphysics. Pleiadians are well-versed in esoteric wisdom and ancient knowledge and use this to advance their healing abilities, expand the collective consciousness and assist those searching for the truth. From flashbacks to dreams, your mind shows you things and places that are literally out of this world like you are out of this world. The Orion Starseeds hail from the constellation of Orion, and they are the most competitive of all. Here are some of the characteristics prevalent among these star nomads. You have an inexplicable desire to return to your homeland. As scientists have long been saying, we are all made of stardust. Physical Signs, Light Beings On Earth On Earth With Universal Love In Mind, The Spiritual Meaning of Singing in a Dream, The Spiritual Meaning of Miscarriage in a Dream. Most of these types of sorcerers are goodly beings . You are friendly to everyone, but you choose whom you open yourself up to. If you instinctively feel things about your body, and are able to diagnose conditions without a doctor or before a doctor comes to the same conclusion this is an ability possessed by a starseed. As you are doing so, you will resonate with some things and not resonate with others. You have an unlimited reservoir of love within you, and you have no qualms about sharing it with everyone you come into contact with. You have a fascination with the Orion constellation. You are filled with vigor and passion about everything you set your mind to. You are at peace with yourself and with every facet of your existence. Indigo, crystal, and rainbow Starseed children are the newest generation of starseeds. Given the vast arrays of ideologies and experiences they most likely have had, and having lived in a variety of worlds, it stands to reason that Starseeds could possess brighter hearts and the keenest intuition. Many starseeds will experience the 11:11 synchronicity as a type of 'wake up call' to their soul purpose and mission. They are the ones whom you feel deeply connected to. Being intuitive is synonymous to being a starseed. There is a direct connection with Earth. Whats The Difference Between An Indigo And A Starseed? You are incredibly empathetic, hyper-sensitive, and highly perceptive. Lightcodes, downloads and upgrades . The mission has been ongoing for quite a while now, and most identify with more than one system. You should meditate on each of the different Starseed types and try to understand them on an energetic level. Starchetype Mystery School Community Experience Use Starseed Markings in your Birth Chart - There are various sets of starseed markings (or starseed alignments) in your birth chart that indicate starseed incarnations. A Starseed is a highly evolved soul who has previously lived their past lives in distant planets, galaxies, or solar systems at various points of time and who has now reincarnated on Earth to accomplish its mission. They are amongst the most common starseed types to incarnate on planet Earth. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. They are often drawn to teaching and love academia, seeing a life spent learning as a life well spent. You perceive the world the way it should be. You have an odd obsession with lost lands and ancient civilization. Cant count them? I recently came across a website called starseed coach and did a quiz on it, it should me that my archetype is a void walker. You are charismatic and a natural-born leader. Maybe even another dimension of space-time far away from this reality. The Winter Solstice Yule meditation is now available in the Soul Shop and on sale until December 31st at midnight! While you are doing a great job lending your ears to people, make sure that you also recharge. Quiz Image. There may not be a lot happening in the sky today, but that stars will still have an impact on our emotions and our relationships. In his fullest, the Magician is wise, thoughtful, reflective, healing, contemplative, and transformative. You have the ability to alchemize negative energy into a positive one. Other main traits of Lyran starseeds are as follows: On the personal level, Lyran starseeds are here to simply be and ride out every blissful and painful moment life has to offer. You trust that everything works out the way its supposed to. A word of caution for starseeds: remember that being kind and being a pushover are two different things. Is this an illusion? You're sensitive, compassionate, and very spiritual in nature. Orion Starseeds. They are far less concerned than the other groups about oneness and unity, preferring the idea that healing humanity is achieved one soul at a time. You have laid back personality and a carefree lifestyle. With their healing powers, advanced technological knowledge, and clear vision for the future, these rare breed of starseeds are catalysts of change to create harmony on the planet. Every one is made from consciousness. You always feel like you don't belong here on Earth and that your home is somewhere out there in the universe, maybe among the stars or planets. Lyran starseeds are often regarded as old souls, they live in the present moment and are regarded as the wisest ones among all of the starseed types. Many say that there are over 100 billion stars in The Milky Way, our home galaxy. You have long, flowing hair, and your height is seven feet and up. You strive to figure out the answers to some deep, existential, and philosophical questions. You make a conscious decision to infuse your life with love, joy, and gratitude. Youre in the field of psychology, medicine, spiritual mastery, child care, social services, or environmental science. Feeling like you don't belong on Earth. They carry special wisdom within them, one that is deep and divine. Of all the starseed types, Venusians are the most self-less and giving type. Often referred to as Satanists, Saurians, Lizard People, Archons, and the Cabal, among others, Reptilians are highly intelligent dark starseeds who are endowed with a cunning ability to manipulate and control human societies and culture. When Starseeds are part of spiritual lineages that seeks to help humanity, then they may have higher levels of intelligence and a more expanded collective consciousness. You can also use your writing, art, or even social media to help others in their journey. What is your Starseed type? You tend to invest too much time in your spiritual growth, which sometimes leads you to neglect your worldly Sisyphean responsibilities. The Crystal, Indigo, and Rainbow g roups are the newest generations of starseeds, however there are many older starseeds and wayshowers such as the Blue Ray Starseeds, first wavers, alpha starseeds, and many more. Lemurians and Atlanteans are rooted in celestial beings that come mainly from Pleiades, Alpha Centauri, and Sirius. According to the channelers, Starseeds are advanced spiritual beings, from other planets and realms, who possess spiritual and scientific knowledge that date back hundreds of thousands of years. You can feel when a natural calamity or catastrophe is about to happen, and you can feel its effects on your body when it does happen. There are physical and spiritual traits of various starseeds, of which there are many, but we're sharing 12 of the most common. Remembering your role as a Starseed can help you disengage from lifes meaningless dramas and see this life as an epic adventure for your soul to explore and learn from. You are beyond this world. You have experienced a profound spiritual awakening and a major shift in your thinking. You are highly independent and enjoy your solitude. You are incredibly kind and compassionate. They reincarnated on Earth to galvanize the advancement of civilization in the fields of medicine, science, and technology. Do not ever think that you are weird. Its because you always understand their emotions. Wed like to share with you our knowledge of the Seven Seals of Consciousness. You set your own standard on what success means to you. Need Immediate Help? It is said that we might all be star seeds because many have been incarnating on Earth for a very long time. It is said that Arcturians were responsible for the construction of the template for how life should be lived on Earth. You are a visitor, called upon to shed light to those who need it. Although there is definite value in discovering your Starseed Origins, there is arguably far more value in the side effects of this discovery. You have an insatiable thirst for knowledge, regardless of the topic. They feel like they are always the odd ones out. Here are some of the traits commonly shared by Hadarians who have been reincarnated on Earth: The main purpose of Hadarian Starseed is to simply be themselves, a beacon of light, love, and wisdom. Their vibration and consciousness extends from the 6th to the 9th dimension. Sirian: These souls come from the planets Sirius A and Sirius B. Sirius A is the brightest star in the Earth's sky. Answer: Yes, they are. The main mission of Andromedan Starseed is to re-align themselves with the highest interdimensional version of themselves. You have a vision for a better world. Metaphysics has become your go-to when looking for answers. You know when to commit fully and when to simply let things go. Displaying a safety in numbers mentality; not thinking for oneself and conforming to the views of the majority. Consciousness is thought. Hadarian starseeds come from the triple star system Beta Centauri. These 10 signs can be your guide to finally accessing your starseed abilities. Every soul is pursuing knowledge, experience, or expansion, on some level. You are special. A star seed soul who has had at least a 1,000 life times is an original starseed. Picking a light and shadow archetype is . One common thing about starseeds is that you are homesick for a place that you cant even describe. You have an acute sensitivity to external stimuli such as loud noises, certain scents, and bright lights. They want to have gotten there already, not putting much stock in the value of the process of getting there in the first place. This is because your soul hyper-experiences things beyond the physical realm. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. But that applies to around 75% of us here right now. We are constructed in such ways that one thought can lead us into heaven, while another leads us into hell. Its in this way that our souls may have birthed a thousand times in a thousand different galaxies. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. You feel in tune with other peoples emotions and have a strong What does your future hold? Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. You are well-adjusted and have a great sense of humor. Yes, thats a starseed for you. If you are reading this, you most likely have . Sirius embodied the energy of the triadic template and perpetuated the drive toward integration. You have a sense that your soul is ancient and older than the human race. Listed below are the common traits predominant among Lemurian and Atlantean starseed types. This is because you value depth when it comes to relationships. You are easy to talk to and communicate with. The only solution is to quarantine the mages in academies. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. i judge your taste and give you an old republic character I think fits you (if you don't agree, suffer) If you have an overwhelming sense of empathy, and feel the need to support and nurture others, as well as, always have a longing for home this is a clear indication of your starseed qualities. Each of these seven levels (or Seals) displays certain traits and characteristics, or ways of reacting or being. Andromedans are fiercely independent and place the most value on individuality, self-control, and autonomy. Try not to hold onto them so tightly. Their ideas stress competition and fulfillment of ambitions. You are self-assured, independent, and confident. Or are you born from a distant star, a true descendant of a faraway light-body or planet, a Starseed? You are highly attuned to the Earths rhythm and cosmic energy patterns. The true definition of Starseed is a type of soul that's recently incarnated on Earth for the first . You exude calm confidence, are courageous, and are bold. . If this is true for you, its quite a gift. Venusian starseeds, also known as The Hathors, are intrinsically associated with the ancient Egyptian cow-goddess Hathor. Most common Starseed types, Venusians are the most value on individuality, self-control, exclusive! True descendant of a Starseed is to simply let things go show up and there! Attract abundance in your movie black and white belong here system Beta.... Qualities and unique gifts and banish all pointless doubts and anxiety place the most advanced civilizations the. Spiritual in nature, whether from this war that offers a huge opportunity for healing while embodied Earth... 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