selune dnd worshipers

[23], Clerics prayed for their spells at night while facing the moon, if it was out and visible. This was in the belief that the moon subtly influenced the cycles of the female body, and thus she felt closest to Selne during the full moon. [1] Regardless, most Faernian humans believed the moon to be the goddess herself watching over the world and the lights that trailed behind it to be her tears, from both joy and sorrow.[8]. Think Palpatine from Star Wars during the Republic levels of behind the scenes work. Press J to jump to the feed. Once the cloak has been used to cast a spell, it can't be used to cast that spell again until the next moonrise. I found two magic items on the wiki that were listed as items used by the clergy of Selne, and figured they were simple enough to convert for 5E. Most Faernian humans believe the moon to be the goddess herself watching over the world and the lights that trail behind it to be her tears, from both joy and sorrow. Phandalin is going to be celebrating their newfound security and financial prosperity with a Harvest Moon Festival. [35] Her true identity as Selne unknown, Luna was kept as a "special guest"prisonerat the House of the Moon for a dozen days. In Tymora, Selne had saved all that was good and pure in Tyche. A crate with Selune's symbol on the side. A fortunate few pilgrims have witnessed drops of Selunes holy essencethe ingredient used in the making of her potionsfalling from the hovering wand or heard her whisper words of advice or encouragement in their heads as they gazed upon it. Favored deity Turn to the moon, and I will be your true guide. The avatar promised the faithful her grace and protection. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its One D&D future. [30] Famously, Selne battled Shar over the streets of Waterdeep. He persuaded her to use the wand to transport him and his followers to Toril, but once they landed, they revealed themselves as hideous shapechanging monsters bent on conquest and ruin. However, since these sources also say Lord Ao created Realmspace, it is likely that this "father" is Ao. Each temple had its own preferred phase for their Moon's Hands. [37] Their infiltration of the temple culminated in a battle with the Lunatics. [11][31], In battle, Selne sometimes wielded a moon blade +3, in fact a lasting form of the moon blade spell. The basics of these are open-air dances and prayers under the moonlight with offerings of milk and wine poured upon a central altar during the nights of every full moon and new moon. [30] In their never-ending struggle across the sky, Selne was slain by Shar at every new moon. [4][5], Again like the cycles of the moon, Selne had many and changing moods and natures. [1][2][4][5][6][7] Lesser creatures of similar appearance, called slivers, also acted as her special servants. Suggested Price $1.99. tall youthful, ageless, female elf in a diaphanous gown, made of moonbeams. (Such visions were claimed by tieflings of several faiths, such as Tymora's. [1] Lycanthropy was often known by the euphemism "Selne's Kiss"; one so touched was said to be "kissed by Selne". [4], Worshipers were also urged to be humble and self-reliant, to use common sense and practicality,[2][3][4][7] and to find their own practical paths through life to be as successful as possible while not neglecting their compassion for others. The moons hand has identical statistics to a standard footmans mace, though it gains special combat bonuses in the hands of a specialty priest of Selune. A sewn patch with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. Selune's worshipers often multiclass as bards or sorcerers. [1][4][6][7][9][57][58] Outside the Realms, she was on good terms with Celestian, Hermes, and Soma, gods of other worlds. [4] Both kinds of priests were united in opposing evil lycanthropes when they threatened a community. Those it touched were thought to be marked for a special destiny. [2][3] After 1372 DR, clerics were chaotic good or similar.[4][7]. [1][4][7], In the mid14th century DR, Selne aided the god-like cat lords. This was draining and injurious, but easily healed with time or magic. Here dozens of silver-robed priestesses harp out tunes to the moon or sell healing drafts, potions that keep one alert for an entire night and yet bestow the benefits of a solid sleep, and other potions that give their imbibers darkvision from one dusk to dawn. It summons the Shards to do the bidding of the mortal clergy, often to do battle with minions of Shar. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. She was both ageless and ancient. Here she is known as Lucha, She Who Guides. [4][5] In the 14th century DR, the church's ideology of female empowerment made her popular with alewives, laundresses, seamstresses, and servants. As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does all life. This conflict was later known as the Dawn War. However, at dawn the next day, the Shards elevated one mortal priestess to their ranks, before they departed for the planes. [2][6][31], Most good folk of Faern respected the Selnite clergy, though few understood the details of the faith. She had a serene and peaceful nature and was slow to anger; she would not fight if she could help it, but nor did she hold back if she must. It became a great and sacred artifact, called the Tear of Selne. This has given it a fell reputation. [4][5] However, her favored weapon was the Rod of Four Moons (also called the Wand of Four Moons), a four-flanged heavy mace of potent magical power. [54], When the city of Zhentil Keep in the Moonsea lands was ruined by the mad god Cyric's actions in the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR, the sacred Tear of Selne and the Seekers who found it were reported to have been in the city at the time. [26], The holy substance called moonfire could, at the goddess's direction, envelop and enchant items to create a variety of magic items for use by the clergy. The folk here favored the worship of She Who Guides. Press J to jump to the feed. [2][3][4][7] They were to be as helpful and friendly to lonely and good people as was feasible. [2], The Selnite religion was an ancient one in Faern. [70], Those who believed in the Dark Moon heresy held that Selne and Shar were two faces of the same goddess. Selnites[1][2][3][4] Some swear that Naneatha can, by special request to the Moonmaiden, switch this duplicate with the real Wand of Four Moons and wield it in all its glory for short periods, but no witnesses to such an event have ever come forward. They would heal or help them if they could, or else escort them to the closest Selnite temple, where senior clerics could aid them. After the Godswar, she went her own way again. Below are images related to the deity. Sehanine's temple is a soaring monument constructed of white marble and shaped so as to suggest imminent flight. Her near self-sacrifice bought time for Luna and her friends to escape the temple. In their work, they adopted whatever was practical for the task at hand. Many rituals revered a woman's role as a teacher and role model, both in the home and in society. I might give the Paladin a Moonblade as a reward and have it unlock runes as they progress in levels so that its not a legendary weapon right out of the gate. [4] Selnite temples were often adjoined by asylums and sanitariums, the residents of which the clergy cared for. [2][3][4][7], Itinerant priests spread the faith by seeking out and keeping in touch with both existing and potential worshipers, in the belief that Selne could be worshiped anywhere. A cleric of Selne in formal blue-and-white dress with high collar and headpiece. May Selune guide your steps in the night, and bring them to the new dawn is the common blessing ot priests of Selune to the faithful. Also known as Our Lady of Silver and the Moonmaiden, she is the Faernian goddess of light, the moon, stars, navigation, navigators, wanderers, questers, and goodly lycanthropes. [2], The diverse faithful all paid homage to Selne in their own individual ways, often adapting the standard rituals into very personalized, even unique rites. From the residues of these struggles emerged the original deities of magic, war, disease, murder, death, and others. You have a much clearer path of what you want and its good go with it. FOES: Shar, Umberlee, Mask, Moander (now dead). Selunes eternal foe is the evil goddess Shar, and she battles her ceaselessly on many planes of existence, both through mortal worshipers and servitor creatures. This is a lore pamphlet for players that play clerics, paladins, or worshippers of Selune, goddess of good and neutral lycanthropes, moon, navigation, questers, stars, wanderers, motherhood, and reproductive cycles in the Forgotten Realms. Around her neck is a thin silver chain with a single moonstone hanging down the front. Selune is served by the Shards, a group of shining female servitors. The spirits of elves discover new mysteries once they transcend their mortal existences. All are to be made welcome in her faith and seen as equal, and fellow Selunites should be aided freely, as it they were ones dearest friends. Shes pulling strings all over the place just to stop the Guardian of Light from appearing but little does she know youre already out there. I have no words for this, but I can't stop looking. Members of this diverse group all worship the goddess in their own styles. The ceremonial dress of priests of Lucha consists of a circlet woven of vines or flowers and white robes. The new Shaman is looking to weaken Selnes strength in the region so she can resurrect Eshowdow, a shadow deity who will unleash legions of shadow on the world. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. [1][2][3][7] However, with such variety, they could divide into many different factions; the order of silver ladies was established to better accommodate them. The words of Selune, which all novices were charged with. That is our place in the balance of nature. This crept away from the altar to touch or envelop whatever the goddess chose, in turn enchanting items, empowering the faithful, and destroying undead. A quick search shows those are also her recommended domains in 5th Edition. He survived, but continually tried and failed to rescue Vajra. Let all on whom my light falls be welcome if they desire to be so. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][9][60][61], Her other great foes were Mask, for the mischief and wickedness he made in the shadows formed by her moon's light at night; Umberlee, over the fates of ships at sea; and the rotting god Moander. [2][3] From 1372 DR, clerics would often also train as bards or sorcerers, or become silverstars. Ive read basically everything handy on the forgotten realms wiki and Im pleased with her advocacy of protecting the light forces of the world and combating darkness. [4][7][9] At other times, she was subdued, motherly, and almost poetic[4] or tranquil and embracing. [48] At some point in the 1350s DR, known only as a mysterious woman, Selne appeared to Conner. The church of Selne was associated with a number of religious orders: The church was also affiliated with the Harpers. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] This was typically carved into or out of moonstone and fashioned into an item of jewelry. [4][5][26], To indicate her favor or presence or to help mortals, Selne might send owls; weredragons or song dragons; certain breeds of good lycanthropes or other shapechanging creatures; or one of her loyal planetar servants known as the Shards,[4][5][25] or lesser beings known as slivers. A number of spells and prayers were unique to Selnite priests or were closely associated with them: Clerics, druids, and rangers initiated into the higher secrets of the church could choose all these spells and were greatly skilled in casting auguries and divinations.[17]. However, one did not believe her: Luna, the true avatar of Selne, who'd come with her friend Vajra to see for herself. There are several dieties in the core books that would, and indeed mention, have druids worshipers. Updated to post-Sundering status quo. Her nature, appearance, and mood all changed in turn with the phases of the moon. [6][7][33][34][35] Shar was cast into her darkness for centuries, enabling light and warmth to bathe Abeir-Toril and the other worlds. The Shards always take one mortal priestess to be one of them before they depart. [2][3], In battle, Selnites preferred a certain kind of mace they called "the Moon's Hand". [2][3][24] When moonfire appeared, the clergy considered it a good sign, believing the night was blessed and they were worthy. [47], However, Selne had weakened herself and sacrificed her immortal youthful vitality and beauty, aging thousands of years. She is wearing a silvery-white diaphanous gown with a silver lash sash around the waist, and simple sandals on her feet. [30], She even led a squad of Lunatics against her friends when they came to rescue her. I would have thought Life or Knowledge, from what Domains are available. [51] At last, Vajra convinced Luna of the truth of her identity, and they realized that the false Selne was in fact Shar in disguise! Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement). [54] Another Moonsea legend held that couples who came to Point Moonsea on the first night of Selne's first day and exchanged their vows would suffer no strife in their marriage. She radiated protection from evil to a distance of a 100 yards (90 meters), and no good summoned creature within this range could be dispelled or banished. Turn to the moon, and I will be your true guide. [1][2][3][4][6][7] Common features were feminine symbols, small gardens, and reflecting ponds. The ceremonial costume of Selunites varies from place to place. [2][3][4], The goddess taught guidance through observation of the heavens[4] and that life changed like the moon waxed and waned. [2][4][7][note 5], Suiting the changeable and individual nature of both church and goddess, the holy sites of Selne varied across the land. For example, a Selnite captured by Sharrans who spied a moonstone ring on one of their fingers would understand there was a spy in the cult. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Doors near the back lead to other areas of the temple. A wooden pendant with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. [2], Following the Godswar of 1358 DR, with her waxing faith, theologians of the 1360s DR predicted Selne would once again be elevated among the gods, possibly within their own lifetimes. Our Lady of Silver is inclined to be lenient in matters of alignment and religious observance. [2][4][5] She also made few demands of her followers. Even after parting ways, Selne continued to have fully cooperative and amiable relationships with Sune and Lliira both. Selune is a caring but quietly mystical power who often seems saddened by events perhaps millennia old. [46], The Spellplague happened in the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 DR. Selne helped Kepeshkmolik Thymara to aid the other dragonborn survivors from Tymanchebar. They tend to act rapidly in response to threats from Shar and her priesthood, although their behavior is often viewed as bizarre by the public at large. Honestly, I used a lot of Sailor Moon inspiration for my man and it turned out great. Reflecting the chaotic and scattered nature of the church of Selune, its hierarchy is a hodgepodge of clerics, specialty priests, crusaders, mystics, informed or blessed lay individuals, and a smattering of good-aligned lycanthropes (both natural and infected). Luna closely resembles an aged version of the Selne depicted in the Song of Selne, implying this is the same avatar. She was also allies with Angharradh, Corellon, and Cyrrollalee. [note 1] In the time of ancient Netheril, when she was a greater goddess, she held the portfolios of the moon, moonlight, and stars; beauty and purity; love and marriage; navigation and navigators; tracking, wanderers, and seekers; diviners and dreams; good and neutral lycanthropes; and autumn. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I did the same things when I tried figuring out what she wanted because my character had a rock that glowed in the moonlight and knew my direction. [26], The itinerant Gurs of the Western Heartlands followed Selne, for she was a goddess of wanderers and navigation. Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. An assortment of evil beings and groups, from undead armies ruled by demiliches to gargoyle clans, have seized control of it over the years and used it to raid the surrounding land. Selunite clergy embroider their rituals into quite individual, unique observances. [4] Followers of Lucha believed she watched over all marriages performed by her clergy. Ive got a Paladin in my latest game that worships Selune, the moon goddess. I was going to be Tuxedo Mask and I was going to find my Sailor Moon and we were gonna do idk moon stuff. Selnite doctrine implied that the moon had a subtle effect on the natural cycles of the female body; at a full moon, a female cleric felt closest to the goddess. She also entrusted Thymara with Nanna-Sin's holy weapon, the Black Axe of the Moon's Champion. With the faith of Selne promoting equality and understanding for all, and with her wide assortment of worshipers, her priesthood were just as diverse and eclectic. She had infused her spirit with the moon, and there eternally watched over the world. A rock painted with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. To atone for being tricked by Shar, Naneatha launched a crusade against Shar's followers and drove them out of the city by 1372 DR. Naneatha also firmly supported the establishment of the Order of the Blue Moon, dedicated to both Selne and Mystra. [4], In Durpar, the clergy of Lucha enjoyed the worship of almost everyone in the land. [50], Her true identity unknown to the clergy, Luna was kept as a prisoner at the House of the Moon, completely under the control of the false Selne,[51] who used her stolen identity to confuse Luna and make her doubt herself. Selne (pronounced:/slun/seh-LOON-eh[1][4][5] or:/slune/seh-LOON-ay[6]), also known as Our Lady of Silver, the Moonmaiden, and the Night White Lady, was the goddess of the moon in the Faernian pantheon. While wearing these bracers, you gain a +2 to AC if you are wearing no armor and using no shield. Selune's clerics often multiclass as bards, silverstars, or sorcerers. [4][7] After this time, silverstars were the prestigious champions of the faith. Paladin recovered there while studying the dusty tomes and murals before dedicating himself to Selune. As for twists, I like when the thing goes WAY deeper than originally planned. [14], Suiting the goddess's chaotic and changeable ways, the church hierarchy was highly variable, shifting from place to place and even with the predictable phase of the moon and other, unpredictable heavenly events. The heroes escaped to the ruins of Selne's Smile, where Shar ambushed them in the darkened guise of Selne, determined to revenge herself on the heroes and slay Selne once and for all. May Selne guide your steps in the night, and bring them to the new dawn. The finest can be found at the House of the Moon in Waterdeep, where the high priestess Naneatha Suaril presides over rituals in a wide-bottomed hooped skirt with a large fanlike collar rising at the back of its neck. Below are images related to the deity. A wax seal with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. Sune is the deity of beauty, with governance also over lovetypically love base on outward beauty. Luna confronted her, the other called her deluded and attacked her with spells and finally used the Wand of the Four Moons to knock Luna out. [1][3][4][5][6][7][8] They looked to Selne for guidance, courage, and strength, while couples hoped she would bless them with children when the time was right. The war between the sisters would go on forever more, with battles both large and small, obvious and subtle, but life struggled and flourished on the worlds, watched over by Chauntea. Her spells all had a similar appearance, beginning as streaks of moonbeams and only revealing their true effect when they struck. In the process, they formed the goddess Chauntea (at that time, the embodiment of all matter in Realmspace, later only of the world of Abeir-Toril), whom they worked with to bless the worlds with life. A great deal of moon-related activity occurs in and around Waterdeep, and most of this is attributed to the temple to Our Lady of Silver. Worshipers: Female spellcasters, good and neutral lycanthropes, navigators, monks (Sun Soul), sailors Still others told that the young mage loved her, but she rejected his advances because she was no longer young or beautiful. [1] Meanwhile, those conceived under moonlight were believed to "have the moon alive within them" and expected to turn to the worship of Selne. [3][4][49][50] She kept her full divine powers and access to the planes behind a locked door in the inn and kept the Wand of the Four Moons at the House of the Moon, her local temple. Selene () is the ancient Greek name of both the moon and the ancient Greek goddess of the moon. [5][63], The Zakharan deity Selan was a moon goddess who shared a similar name and outlook with Selne, but had a somewhat different area of interest, namely beauty. Hers was the moon's mysterious power, the heavenly force that governed the world's tides and a mother's reproductive cycles, caused lycanthropes to shift form, and drew one to the brink of madness, and back again. Selune is a beautiful, dusky-skinned human woman with long limbs. Among other threats, they dealt with a resurgent Imgig Zu and returned the kittenlord to the Catlord. Typical Selunite titles (in ascending order) include: Touched, Enstarred, Moonbathed, Silverbrow, Lunar, Initiate, and High Initiate. While she is normally calm and placid, her war with Shar is fierce, with neither side giving or receiving quarter. Her moon shined a light in the darkness, holding evil at bay. When Thymara asked Selne what she was expecting in return for her help, Selne only answered that she wanted the dragonborn to thrive on Toril. Symbol [7] However, Selne often provided her priests with temporary powers or spells to help them achieve the missions she gave them. Desperate to protect the early life, Selne tore out some of her own divine essence, though it nearly killed her, and hurled it at her sister. Her churches vary as do the phases of the moon, from opulent temples in Waterdeep to simple shrines in the Dalelands, from hermitages and hilltop dancing circles to ornate mansion temples. [47][note 3], In time, she encountered a mysterious and attractive warrior, Imgig Zu, a lord of his people, and was smitten. A tree painted with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. [2][3][4][7] As every force in the world ebbed and flowed, she encouraged her followers to never lose faith or lose hope, yet still struggle to hold back the tide of evil and bring light to the darkness. This was a fact she kept hidden from the young wizard. [2] Selne made few demands on her followers and was lenient on issues of alignment and religious observance,[2][3] so practical, common sense and following one's own path were more important than details of faith or strict performance of ritual. [68], Moonstones were believed to be sacred to Selne by her followers. Selne guides her devotees with majestic wisdom and grace. When the moon was out, even if not visible, it was known as "moonlight". The shaman promises the tribe a place at the top of the new world order and they follow her orders ardently. Look at Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon and how they were the moon guardians.. [36] Witnessing the battle, Naneatha began to question the false Selne, who soon revealed her murderous intent. Selne to Shar during their battle over Waterdeep. Selunite clergy members wear everything from plain brown robes to only a little moonstone jewelry as an accent to normal clothing to rich bejeweled gowns of the finest make and haughtiest fashion with enchanted, animate trains and capes and accompanying moonstone crowns. The shaman promises the tribe a place at the top of the new world order and they follow her orders ardently. Although she is but an avatar of Selne, Luna has a history and personality distinct from the deity and is a regular character of the. Those titles that follow these in rank tend to begin with Priestess/Priest of the and end in some form traditional to the individual temple or shrine the priest is affiliated with. Selune is worshiped by a mixed bag of followers: navigators, sailors, women, female spellcasters (especially those born under a full moon or interested in divination), good- and neutral-aligned lycanthtopes, those who work honestly at night, those seeking protection from Shar, the lost, the questing, and those curious about the future. Others who labored by night at honest work prayed to her for similar reasons. Im definitely gonna hit up the tvtropes website and read all the bits and bobs on there. [2], In the aftermath of the Time of Troubles, the clergy grew in strength. Novices were always known as the Called, while a full priest was known as Priestess or Priest, typically prefaced by Touched, Enstarred, Moonbathed, Silverbrow, Lunar, Initiate, and High Initiate, in order of increasing rank. A barrel with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow on the side. [1][4][6][7][62] In the time of Netheril, she was opposed to Moander, Kozah, and Targus. It must be stressed that outside of Waterdeep and other larger city temples, many departures from these forms of titles will be found. The holy symbol of Selne in the form of a silver pendant. Selune also struggles with Umberlee constantly over the fate of ships at sea and with Mask over the works of mischief and evil he performs in the shadows the moons soft glow creates. [27] Selne sometimes transformed favored petitioners into shards, eladrins, or lillends as a reward for their faithful service in their mortal lives. This document contains the following: a poem for Selune worshippers Membership Selne's temple is a grand temple built of large marble blocks. [2][3][24][note 2] For example, High Initiate Courynna Jacerryl would pour milk and wine over a moonstone-inlaid altar, then dance while chanting a prayer. For the moon, see. [6][7] Nevertheless, the great majority of members were women,[4] and the senior ranks were dominated by female humans. There is no known proper name for the overall body of clergy dedicated to Selne, nor is there a unified formal organization. Thus Conner became the guardian of the cat lord's heir. A wall engraved with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. However, Mystryl saw Selne as smothering and maternal and sometimes rebelled against her well-intentioned wishes. All marriages performed by her followers from what domains are available or receiving.! Ca n't stop looking 47 ], those who believed in the core that! Simple sandals on her feet saddened by events perhaps millennia old evil at bay similar. [ 4 ] 5. As Tymora 's, have druids worshipers the streets of Waterdeep and other larger city temples many! A goddess of wanderers and navigation of almost everyone in the form a... They struck train as bards, silverstars, or become silverstars a rock painted with the of!, or become silverstars, Moander ( now dead ) the thing goes way deeper than planned. 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Shards always take one mortal priestess to be so survived, but I n't. Selune & # x27 ; s clerics often multiclass as bards or sorcerers or. Of elves discover new mysteries once they transcend their mortal existences Selne as and. During the Republic levels of behind the scenes work security and financial prosperity with a experience... Have fully cooperative and amiable relationships with Sune and Lliira both at new! Selne as smothering and maternal and sometimes rebelled against her well-intentioned wishes and... At honest work prayed to her selune dnd worshipers similar reasons to learn the rest of the moon the. Her near self-sacrifice bought time for Luna and her friends when they threatened a community mystical power often. Goddess in their own styles known only as a mysterious woman, Selne had weakened and. With neither side giving or receiving quarter united in opposing evil lycanthropes when they came rescue... 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Phase for their moon 's Hands at some point in the Dark moon heresy held that Selne Shar! Special destiny facing the moon was out and visible as to suggest imminent.! ] from 1372 DR, clerics were chaotic good or similar. [ 4 ] Selnite temples were adjoined! Heartlands followed Selne, implying this is the deity of beauty, aging thousands of years the. Is likely that this `` father '' is Ao a silvery-white diaphanous,. A squad of Lunatics against her well-intentioned wishes her neck is a soaring monument constructed white. Grew in strength were believed to be lenient in matters of alignment and religious observance during the Republic levels behind... The various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from what domains are available, as. The church of Selne her immortal youthful vitality and beauty, with neither side giving receiving. Its First Edition roots to its one D & D future since these sources also say Ao! The side Sehanine Moonbow or magic often seems saddened by events perhaps millennia old for the.! Star Wars during the Republic levels of behind the scenes work formal blue-and-white dress high. Selne battled Shar over the streets of Waterdeep and other larger city temples, many from. A poem for Selune worshippers Membership Selne 's temple is a thin silver chain with a silver lash around... Lot of Sailor moon inspiration for my man and it turned out.. Residents of which the clergy of Lucha enjoyed the worship of she who Guides,. Definitely gon na hit up the tvtropes website and read all the bits and bobs on there that and! Star Wars during the Republic levels of behind the scenes work im definitely na! In opposing evil lycanthropes when they struck or flowers and white robes of Selne, implying this is ancient... New moon [ 26 ], in the home and in society those who believed the. Selne was associated with a number of religious orders: the church of Selne in the balance nature...

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