on the way home jill murphy powerpoint

When we come back, our new Big Writing Adventure will be based on Recycling, so could you find out what things can be recycled and why recycling is important for our planet. Synopsis. Explore the differences between analogue and digital clocks. If possible, you could all illustrate your poems after to make them look exciting and colourful. What does your child remember from when they were younger? Worksheets to go along side the planning. They could use photographs, postcards, their own drawings or other evidence (such as souvenirs, tickets etc.) Create a poster with pictures showing all the different ways we can tell the time. Can you make a new page for the book, in which Claire tells another friends an unusual way that she hurt her knee? Please post any wonderful work on our Facebook page, we can't wait to see them! Task 2- At the beginning of the story, the rainbow fish was not kind to others, but then the sea creature taught him how to be a good friend. By Christina Rossetti poem. But just how did it happen . (Greater than, less than). Task 5 Could you write a description of one of the characters in the book using lots of wonderful adjectives? With all this new knowledge, have a go at completing the activity below. Invite them to imagine what a holiday on one of the planets would be like. We provide these links as a service and cannot guarantee their continued suitability. - There are lots of characters from different stories in the book, e.g. the big, bad wolf, the woodcutter, gigantic giant. These are just here to give you some ideas so you can pick out what you would prefer to do. I would also recommend clicking the button that says Show Intervals and encourage children to see if they can work out what the intervals are on the number line) Be sure to check what each number line ends in as they may have different values! Lines and paragraphs break automatically. The Owl and the Pussy Cat - KS1 -The Owl and the PussyCat Poem Differentiated. Ask the children to think about the clothes space tourists would wear and what they would eat in space. I like that you and the kids made your own on the way home book. If you managed to find some different containers for yesterdays lesson, fill them up with the same amount of water in each. What news events might have taken place that day? This week we are continuing to develop our map skills. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Here are a couple of our favourite songs to help you remember the seven continents and five oceans, enjoy! Use the splat square at https://www.primarygames.co.uk/pg2/splat/splatsq100.html to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. What is the difference between the locations; i.e. On my way home by Jill Murphy - Here are some ideas this week to try at home! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pRhgZ8Jffs, (This YouTube clip was checked on 20.06.2020 please use under supervision.). Please see email to parents (March 24th) with log in details. Adverbs have been used throughout the story e.g. However, if you start with the one-star activity and they find it too easy you could always stop them and try a more challenging level. Design a machine that might help Mr Bear sleep. -Reshama @Stackingbooks.com, It was fun, even more fun was making the 3D map out of lego, bits of paper, playdough and anything else we could find . Count along using the square to help. They may not think it possible, but you can tell them about developments that are being made to take tourists into space. and remember the punctuation needed at the end of a question. Watch the White Rose video at https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/, Have a go at the worksheet. What would a spaceport look like, Short extracts from classic texts linked to different themes to enjoy and interpret, Editing and correcting spelling and grammar activities, Activities linked to vocabulary, synonyms and antonyms, Drawing and illustrations tasks and challenges. But just how did it happen . Then, put the strings in order of their length starting with the shortest. A template for your magic key. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. Have a look at the toy timeline dating from the Victorian era to today. Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Can you draw a picture of Sam Sly in the circus ring and write some sentences to describe him? A further more difficult challenge for the children could be to calculate the total cost of the holiday using a calculator. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Worksheets to go along side the planning. But just how did it happen . A set of large posters showing locations from the game. Could you use a dictionary to look for more? Can you work with an adult to add up your coins? Watch the White Rose home learning video. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. E.g 4 ---- 6 2 ----- 8. Children complete the check with their class teachereach term, we refer to it as our phonics game. Can you write an ingredients list for each half? Task 3 Imagine that you have taken a trip to Silver Sands and you met the Singing Mermaid. If you take a look on the website there is a wonderful array of information and activities related to toys from the past. Task 4 This is your turn to be a news reporter! Which one and why? Our objectives this week are: - To name and label the body parts of an insect.- To explore the microhabitats of a range of minibeasts. Remember to use time adverbials (first, next, then)and imperative verbs (bossy verbs; cut, spread). Claire has hurt her knee so she sets off home to tell her mum all about it. Normally in school we would complete several entry tasks into our new topic to create interest and excitement. This cookie is used to a profile based on user's interest and display personalized ads to the users. Practise using an analogue clock to show some half past times. With an adult, use some paint on your hands and create handprints on a piece of paper. Recap yesterdays lesson and what you already know about telling the time. Watch the video https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p017kztf. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyK8iEO5-GI Number bonds to 10 - showing the Part, Part Whole Model, (This YouTube clip was checked on 10/05/2020 please use under supervision. The videos, songs and activity below use all those terms as it is important children are aware of them. How far can you get without having to start from the beginning? We would like the children to design their own Peg Doll that a child in the Victorian era would have liked to play with. Our new IPC topic will be The Magic Toymaker. Can you find any other things around your house that you could halve and share with someone else? On the way she meets her friends and tells them how the fall happened. Task 6 To re-write the story of Whatever Next with a slight twist. If you have some cubes or blocks that are the same size at home, use them to measure the length of some objects. Remember to use a comma between your adjectives! Try to sketch or take photos of each habitat (remember what made some pictures more successful than others in the entry point). What do they do during the day? Can you partition the 2 digit number you rolled? - Which toy is their favourite and why? Tiddler Story - Tiddler - The Story Telling Fish by Julia Donaldson, (This YouTube clip was checked on 30.05.2020 please use under supervision. Complete the worksheet. Lesson 2 - Counting in 5s, Watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EemjeA2Djjw and join in with the song. Please see the Reading section above on this page. ), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lKcpqAcu5U an aerial tour of each wonder, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suGifi15Kqo brief information about each wonder. Was she dropped by a wolf, a slithering snake, an enormous dragon or a hairy gorilla?! We hope the ideas help to support your family to stay fit and healthy in the coming months. Could you underline all of the different types of words in different colours. You could use a dictionary, a laptop, a tablet or whatever you can! Is she standing to the left or to the right of the other characters? Look at all the different flowers you can see. Try estimating the length in cubes first and see how close you are to the actual answer! An example of this is the word "Wednesday". Can you make your own mosaic fish out of different pieces of material you find in the house? Take 2 pieces of paper and write a digit between 0 and 9 on each. Both sections contain a mixture of real words and nonsense words. It is your job to use your super detective skills to work out what animal each poem is describing. Roll a dice and see which number it lands on. E.g a measuring jug for measuring liquids when cooking or baking. SCHOOL AIMS, Respectful, tolerant and responsible citizen Can you think of other books that they appear in and retell those stories? Art/D&T project Could you paint, draw or create a rainbow to go with your poem? Often, other terms such as Oceania or Australasia are used to incorporate the smaller islands within that region, such as; New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Tasmania. Could you try to find out why and how we get rainbows and make a poster about your findings? Where do you think the robbers went after they realised that their plan didnt work? - Children are to take on the role of an investigator and interview a family member regarding their ideas and views about their favourite toy. Watch the video at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zdw7tfr on how we can use different pieces of equipment to measure things. Invite the children to role-play various scenarios, e.g. . Be as creative as you like with your poster. Use counters, cubes or other counting objects and sort them in to groups of 2. Underneath each handprint, count up in 5s and write the correct number in the sequence. Can you make your own handprint fish puppet to join the Singing Mermaid? What punctuation has the poet used throughout the poem? Ask the children to draw pictures of the planets the tourists would orbit or might even be able to visit in the future. Maybe you could underline or highlight the poem to show the different colours. The Toymakers challenge - collect a series of collage and junk materials. Can you identify the rhyming words in the story and discuss the rhyming pattern? Task 1 To read the poem Incy WIncy Spider. Write some prices next to each item and ask whoever is at home with you to come and buy the items from your shop. We will update this section every week with the next couple of objectives and tasks. We would love to see your travel agents! - Before listening to the story, look at the front cover. Task 4 Can you write a letter from the mermaid to the friends she left behind in the ocean, asking for their help, to help her escape from the circus? Draw a picture and write about them, describing what they look like and what they can do. Can you explain why they are in those places? You could describe how he looks, his clothes, his voice, his personality and many other things. Maybe you could use a teddy and pretend it is Incy, acting out the poem as your read it?http://teach.files.bbci.co.uk/schoolradio/incy_wincy_spider.pdf. These tools provide children with different ways to interconnect their thoughts. But just how did it happen . In June, all Year 1 children usually undertake a statutory 'Phonics Screening Check'. What about quarters? Powerpoint of the story. If you are feeling confident and want a challenge, you can select Up to 20g. (Try to think about the resources you have in your home or at school. You could use an old shoe box or cereal box and decorate it or you could just draw a picture of your box on a piece of paper. Use these videos as the starting point for learning in your classroom! Can you write some interview questions to ask Claire about howshe felt at different points in the story? jill murphy banner. Write a newspaper report about one of the adventures that Claire says she had. E.g the clashing of the alligators jaw, the slithering sound of him crawling, the growling of the wolf. Task 4 - The author of this story, Julia Donaldson, uses conjunctions in her sentences such as but and and. When do we use time to help us? Group them into two groups by drawing 2 circles and drawing the sweets inside the circle. You could do this on your own or with someone else. The following will provide a useful starting point: - The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett. They are made of different materials but all are designed for us to have fun with, to learn new skills and to exercise our bodies and our imagination. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Task 5 Adjective alphabet When you are writing poems or doing a super piece of writing, you usually have to use lots of adjectives to make it fun and exciting. Can you create a poster with all the items you have chosen cut out and stick them on your poster? Take it in turns with your child to model the role of the customer or travel agent. Maybe you could pretend to present your own weather forecast for a specific month and season of the year. http://www.bbc.co.uk/gardening/gardening_with_children/. It was well read when I first started teaching and its now the perfect story for my daughter who is trying to make sense of real characters versus fantasy characters, we have long conversations about the reality of ghosts, giants and dragons! Climate is the average weather conditions in a place over at least 30 years. Talk to your child about what they know about the seaside. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. Can you use books or the internet to find out some facts about the moon or a planet of your choice and make a fact file on it? How do you think the characters felt when they got smaller? Download to discover 9 slides full of interesting information about who Jill Murphy was, when she began writing . Task 1 Can you find the names of the animals which the ladybird saw on her journey in the wordsearch? Conditions. Remember that the greedy crocodile always eats the bigger number! Try some role play activities involving Claire. Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores PowerPoint Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores Sorting Posters Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores Sorting Cards Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores Answers Food Chain PowerPoint Year 1 Food Chain Game board Food Chain Game Sorting Pictures Food chain paper chain activity, Other Useful Science Websites full of challenges: James Dyson Foundation - challenge cards Pratical Action - Challenges, Classroom Secrets have also put a brilliant Home Learning Pack together. Share it here! . This week, we are practising our addition and subtraction skills. Biff and Chips adventure was set in their bedroom, where will yours be under the sea, space, a jungle, desert or an enchanted forest? Have a go at drawing your own array. Continents Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6DSMZ8b3LE, Five Oceans song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6BE4VcYngQ. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/geography-ks1--ks2-the-world/zkk6t39. A story of how Claire hurts her knee and uses her imagination to explain how it happened as she goes home. Easter starts with the letter E, how many other words can you think of that start with E. How many words do you have? Lesson 3 - Counting in 10s. Make it as exciting as you can you could even pretend you ran into a bear! Peace at Last Story Peace at Last by Jill Murphy, (This YouTube clip was checked on 19.04.2020 please use under supervision.). A bulletin board created by Special Education students as part of Black History Month. Write the time you wake up, what time do you brush your teeth? On the way she meets her friends and tells them each a different story on how she got her . Product description. The Story: Claire has hurt her knee so she walks home to tell Mum what happened. Try to answer the pink for think challenge question. Lesson 4 - Adding Equal Groups. This story was a favourite with the children in my reception class when I first started teaching. Can you think how she might have felt when this happened? In a dinosaur world? Read more Reading age 3 - 5 years, from customers Print length 32 pages Language English Lexile measure 570 Dimensions 21.08 x 26.42 x 0.51 cm Publisher My copy of On the Way Home has a different picture on the cover and is old, battered and well loved. You could change the animal in the story e.g. How many possibilities were there? Allora guarda alcune delle nostre altre storie narratePeace at Last - https://youtu.be/_PcVoqF4DdgSo What - https://youtu.be/ARv9SJa6hSg--------Backing music:Walk by ikson: http://www.soundcloud.com/iksonMusic promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/szEfp07r5CgThis video uses sound effects from Mixkit and these sound effects from freesound:[wolf-growl] by newagesoup (http://freesound.org/people/newagesoup/ )(Spaceship Cruising, UFO) by Burgh Records[Snake.flac] Copyright 2013 Iwan Gabovitch, CC-BY3 license. Can you identify all of the adjectives and verbs on each page? Please refer to the White Rose links below which provide the backbone schemes of work and questions for each unit to help you support your child with their learning. Can you take them on an adventure to your new setting? https://www.virgingalactic.com/learn/ the Virgin Galactic website has information about future space travel and its spaceships. Put the 2 objects next to each other and see if you are correct. These cookies do not store any personal information. Have a go at the addition and subtraction word problems. Activity Wanted Poster 1 Wanted Poster 2. Tes Global Ltd is World In Danger - Frankie Morland 2019-12-05 Discover the beauty of the world around us and why we must protect it, in this magical, sing-along picture book. Lesson 4 - Making Equal Groups - Grouping. Have breakfast? Why or why not? This task focuses on the weather and climate across the world. Can you write a set of instructions for a job you do to help around the house? When they have created their toy, can they create a poster advertising their new toy and present their invention the family. The pack covers; maths, grammar, spelling and punctuation, reading and practical ideas. (Possible discussion points: What does the word sow mean? (Remember the halves have to be equal!) Read It: The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle, is a beautifully illustrated story of the life cycle of a flower. How do you think he was feeling and why? See attached document for more details. Task 2 Write a description of what it is like in your house at night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKQfJFAHW8Q, (This YouTube clip was checked on 16/05/2020 Please use under supervision. Parts of Plants PowerPoint Lesson Presentation - Parts of Plants, Activity - Create a Plant Picture and label Parts of Plants Label Sheet Parts of Plants Label Sheet 2, Activity - Tree Parts Bingo Parts of a Tree Bingo Mat. Can you use the conjunctions to write your own complex sentences? If you dont have access to a computer, try drawing out the objects with a total that is in the 2 or 10 times table. By Jill Murphy, a-quiet-night-in-jill-murphy-powerpoint-pdf 2/4 Downloaded from vendors.metro.net on February 11, 2023 by guest the author and illustrator of the bestselling Peace at Last and Whatever Next!, On the Way Home is a They need to be able to identify a producer, consumer, prey and predator. Could you rewrite the poem changing some of the key aspects and add in at least one more verse? Should she go? If you have some weighing scales, you could have a go at measuring them for yourself and seeing if you were right! I was going to come and thank you in person, but I got lost on the way. On a sunny, fresh morning I saw the Easter bunny run past, so I chased him and. Compose a bedtime song to help Mr Bear to sleep. Try out this game at https://www.mathplayground.com/balance_scales.html and see if you can find which objects are heaviest using the scales. Maybe you could also draw or create a background to show its journey? Can you make a missing poster to help find tiddler? Art / DT related task - Design your own magic box. Task 1 Can you write a new story with the title 'On the Way Home'? Description. Could you retell the story and change some elements of it? Segui Claire mentre torna a casa e senti quali storie inventa per raccontarle ai suoi amici.Questo libro fantastico da leggere pi volte, scegli il tuo personaggio spaventoso preferito e vedi se puoi inventare le tue storie.Questo libro ottimo per bambini dai 4 anni in su.Se vi piaciuta questa storia e volete sostenere l'autore, andate nelle librerie indipendenti come la Libreria Piccoloblu - www.facebook.com/libreria.piccoloblu/ e chiedete una copia. Was she dropped by a wolf, a slithering snake, an enormous dragon or a hairy gorilla?! Allowed HTML tags:

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