astrology degree observations tumblr

Personally, I know people with this degree, and theyve never shown an indication that they would do something like that. In terms of predictive astrology, your progressed moon is one of the best ways to observe where you are currently in life, and what you can expect to see in the near future. This is actually one of the best times to start a business or to start networking, as you will likely reap the benefits! Exes often come back as this is a time of re-thinking and going back to re-evaluate how we have behaved and communicated. My IC is in the 25 which is an Aries degree and I had a very rough childhood., Tell me your major 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising) sign and houses and I will tell you with who I would match you with! So for me, my Pluto is in the 10 in the 1st house at 7. You are free to do and decide whatever you want. Ive definitely mentioned this before on my TikTok and on here, but its really crazy how many Aquarius moons come from single-parent households! A Taurus Rising in a composite chart can show a couple who are very physically affectionate with each other, especially in public. Capricorn North Node person (often even paired with being at an Aquarius degree) usually achieves something others badly want to achieve really young. Astrologically speaking, I wouldnt recommend highly dating your Chiron sign. They also have many squares in their synastry. Because we feel understood, like our mind, thoughts, ideas are welcomed the most by signs, planets in the 3rd house. You may also see Saturn sextile Ascendant or Venus trine Saturn synastry aspects in some of your long-term friendships! This is especially true for men with these aspects! So if you have Libra MC, Scorpio Rising, it would be quite a difference social media you vs. you in real life. Theres something about them that you cant miss- could relate to how in Vedic, most of the Virgo risings will be Leos. They may feel as if they are just two different people, with two very different approaches & temperaments in life. However, since mercury rules over communication and transport. Its not this scary evil transit, as mentioned above, it produces inconveniences more than anything. this is my first astrology post ahh please support me hehe I hope you like this! If the planet is Venus in the 6th, the individual may have a sweet tooth! People who have their luminaries, or Venus sign in Libra often prefer sweet over savory. Although they are not as strong as the conjunction or opposition. Astrology tells us about our inner workings, and the factors that have shaped our characters, and our lives. When the moon transits your 12th house, you may feel very introspective over those 2.5 days (give or take) You may even experience feelings of sadness and isolation during this transit. Today's Moon: The Moon is in Taurus until 10:47 AM, from which time the Moon is in Gemini. Your origin is shown by 3rd, 4th and 5th house. Uranus: Your degree here shows how youre unique compared to others. A few things have really stood out to me! <3. I feel like I always just let others tell me what to do, and I tend to rely on what my parents tell me to do instead of just being the leader of my own life. I noticed not just that they enjoy pain, but Aquarius Venus will fall in love when they allow themselves to fall in love and no sooner. Prior to this time, I had no major troubles when it came to my reputation, life direction, or friendships. They are not afraid of being in opposition with anyone (Aries/Mars being the God of War) so when they disagree with something you said or did, you will FEEL it especially if youre a Water sign they wont make the effort to hide their facial expression, or posture or anything of that nature. People who have Chiron conjunct Venus have the potential to become great healers through art, or anything that involves beauty & what we value. astrology observations pt. This is because they are often attracted to partners who are eccentric and unconventional. They also dont give second chances if cheating occurs. Okay, so I would say that predictive astrology & synastry are my niches. Hi dear, I would love match you with Cancer or Virgo Rising, Libra Moon and Cancer Sun. It doesnt mean that these people are immature they often just get the hang of adult responsibilities later than most. Sometimes its difficult for people to seek contact with each other because they can feel intimidated by others. Some people like this synastry with their friends but I personally do not. If someones ascendant falls into your 10th house, you probably like being seen with them. During this time, I started planning for my future and getting serious about my life. They often discuss what they like or dont like ahead of time. Since it is currently mercury retrograde, I thought Id begin this post by speaking a little bit about it. Your mature years are shown by 9th, 10th and 11th house. This is actually so funny but I always dream about my job or my co-workers will show up in my dreams (2nd house at 10). 7th house shows the actual event of your death. Sad to hear about your announcement. They will do thenormal stuff like go to school/work, do normal every day stuff but theyll often not fully divulge whats going on emotionally (which is why to me it makes sense that Sagittarius becomes Scorpio in most cases in Vedic). Astrology should be used as a guide, that helps us evolve, and grow as people! Theres a sense of emotional vulnerability present with this overlay. Please do not repost my work on any other social media platforms . Or my second option for you would be Taurus Sun, Aries Moon, Sagittarius Rising!! These transits will usually impact people who have major Gemini and Virgo placements since these are the signs that mercury rules. I've found that they account for attractions that are not visible in the synastry between two people. So for me, my Saturn is in the 25 and falls in the 6th house at 18. also please do not reword or copy my observations. This year will likely be one of the most pivotal years of your life. I either become absorbed by my routines or I just struggle with developing one at all. For me, my Mercury is in the 19 in the 8th house at 10. Its often not a relationship thats meant to be long-term, but its a very significant one nonetheless. They suppress their voice a lot and dont speak up so that they dontmake any mess socially or emotionally, and can be really hard on themselves in that way. He stated himself that this is one of the best degrees to have as it is all about enjoying life and having fun. The moon person may feel as if the Sun person doesnt really try and understand their emotional nature. Ive found that people who are mars dominant or have prominent Aries or Scorpio placements in their charts really enjoy fitness or some kind of physical activity/hobby. However, this does NOT mean that youll get those illnesses and that theyll be rare or extreme in anyway. These are just my personal anecdotes. They dont go back to their ex unless placed in a Water house (4th, 8th, 12th) or due to other influences in the other chart. Anyway, I find when Mars transits my 10th house or 12th house, my life literally falls apart. Leo degrees- 5, 17, 29: strong, bold, royal, leader, attention, life, high school, fun, athletes, creativity, self-expression, strength, gym, mountain, the hill, hair. If you have a Leo moon, you may have experienced your mother as someone who was very competitive with you (and everyone else lol). If youve made peace with your Chiron, and healed all that is hurt within you, you will likely find loving on your Chiron line a lot easier than someone who has not yet healed all of their pain. Venus conjunct North Node synastry produces a very cat and mouse, on again/off again dynamic. In terms of romance, you are likely to have many suitors this year! As with the 7th house and 7 relationships are also a big motivator for me; I always want to do whats best for my relationship and will fight for my relationships no matter what it takes (this can be my downfall ofc). This is especially true of Uranus is making a square to your Moon that year! People who have Lilith in the 7th house often have exes who cant let them go. what would you say are some indicators in the birth chart of being attracted to younger people? Neptune in the 5th/2nd/7th/8th might think that love is connected with certain amount of pain. Smart cookies O_o. So for me, my Neptune is in the 6 (omf the amount of Virgo and Libra degrees in my chart) in the 2nd house at 10. Jupiter in your Solar Return chart can show you the area of life in which you may be attracting more luck and abundance over the next year. There was such beauty in your astrology posts and they were so unique. 7: Can indicate affairs while married if it is on the 5th house cusp. For example, lets say your mother has multiple planets (especially her Sun or her Venus) falling into your 8th house. Declinations in synastry (parallels and contra parallels) can also tell you a lot about your relationship. Its very interesting because a lot of Pisces moons are in a similar situation to Scorpio moons when it comes to the mother wound. A progressed New Moon (when your progressed moon makes a conjunction to your natal sun) is also said to bring about major life changes. Good news everyone more countries are willing to help Syria and sacrifice their " connections" with the American and European sanctions. THE LIBRA DEGREES (7,19): Spouses or things related to your spouse Weddings (including wedding rings) Trials (Court) Justice system (This includes judges, lawyers, etc) Politicians Round shapes (This was interesting because remember that Nikola mentioned that the Aries degrees represent corners and angles. Scorpio and Libra, on the other hand, are known for deception and putting up a facade. Talking about mental health/mental illness is always a very controversial topic in the Astro community. 2,146 Likes, 28 Comments - Astrology Observations (@sosastrology) on Instagram: "Credit: xxopiaxx on Tumblr!! I really do think that I am not the only one appreciating your astrology content and I wish you wouldn't have deleted the posts. I also become very motivated when it comes to being a leader or being in charge of something; as soon as Im in charge I strive to be the best. Its not necessarily about looks (though it can be) but you always seem to go for the same type of guy. However, if you have a sign such as Gemini or Aquarius over the 5th/7th house cusps your friends/family may even be shocked at how different your romantic partners have been to each other physically & personality wise! For example: their friends might all be dating, getting partner and out of protest they will not be doing that at the same time as others. Venus conjunct North Node synastry is one of the aspects I really dont like seeing when Im observing synastry charts. You really relate at first, but as time goes on you (Chiron person) starts to get hurt more and more by the Sun person. The best or top level of something. As in, they either thought I was a lot better than I actually am or a lot worse. For example, growing up in a strict Christian home, only to become atheist or on the extreme end (to Christianity) a satanist when older! I was taking a look into the synastry between Ryan Reynolds & Blake lively (who are currently expecting their 4th child together) *Edit* apparently there IS a birth time for Blake (shes a Leo rising) Their synastry has always intrigued me as Blakes 5 Virgo placements (her personal planets) all fall into Ryans 12th house! So quite literally, Im unique for my interest in the darker aspects of life such as the occult and other mysteries. Ive actually seen this happening a few times! I have this degree in Mars, Im still waiting for the fun to happen. 22: Again, take this with a grain of salt. This is the area of life that will feature prominently throughout your life. Also, Ive found that Ive gotten to know who I am through my relationships with others and Ive been often told that Im in love with love. They also take their friends recommendation very very seriously. An Aquarius Rising in a composite chart can indicate two people who met online, or met through mutual friends. You are free to do and decide whatever you want. Her Taurus midheaven is ruled by Venus a sign that represents beauty, possessions, values, and grace. The best years of my life where when my solar return ascendant wears in the same sign as the signs that are over my 5th, 7th, and 11th house cusps. Alternatively, they are sometimes the ones who cant let their exes go. Please do not repost my work on any other social media platform . I also daydream about becoming well-known for whatever field I decide to go into. I would love match you with Aquarius Sun, Pisces Rising or Sagittarius Rising even Leo Rising and Aquarius Moon, Virgo sun, Taurus moon and Leo rising :'). It reveals our repressed sexuality, together with what makes us feel most vulnerable; it expresses the dark side of one's personality, buried deep in the subconscious realms of our psyche. Excessive and constant comments about your appearance especially in childhood are also a common manifestation of having hard Venus/Pluto aspects. I feel like a lot of people forget that cancers (sun,moon & risings) are a cardinal sign. Please see my recent reblogged post for a few reviews, and click the link in my bio if you are interested . Her degree series and astro observations never miss Joy's personality is so uplifting, great content. These individuals usually go on to set up home in a country that is different to the one that they were born and raised in. They might find it addictive and do it on a daily basis or many times per day. I also cant tell you how many times Ive seen this placement manifesting as someone not going to college or someone dropping out of college for whatever reason! Scorpio Moon man: serial dater energy, Scorpio Moon woman: highlyy independent, might realize they work better when NOT in a partnership. People who have their Sun in the 9th house, often settle abroad. However, I would have appreciated it if you would have let your astrology posts stay up. Of course there are exceptions, especially if you take in considerations Moon, Rising and other very important placements. They will ALWAYS affect people who have Virgo and Gemini placements since they are ruled by mercury. Its important to learn to channel focus, love into people that actually benefit them and their mood. . So I wouldnt worry if you have this degree. (Please note that these are just a few examples). They will come back like you just broke up yesterday. If someones moon falls into your 4th house, you likely feel very comfortable around them, and you tend to tell them things that you usually wouldnt tell other people. They like sounds of items while cooking or other random sounds of certain objects. Disclaimer: degrees just add a value, a sign's energy to a planet, but are not to be considered as a second sign to that placement. All my long term friends and I have Venus trine/sextile/or conjunct Saturn in synastry. The thing is, having a Scorpio Sun or Moon can make you very deep thinking too, but the thing about Scorpio rising is that this mode of deep thinking is initiated in their IMMEDIATE, environment, because thats what the rising sign is about. 15: This aspect indicates car accidents. So for me, my Venus is in the 7 in the 7th house, at 7 LMAO. Alternatively, if you have the Moon conjunct your MC, women may feature quite significantly when it comes to your career, or your career may appeal largely to women. I remember I was in an ab*sive relationship, and after I left my face looked quite different and I changed my appearance a lot. Where this shows in the chart could show an area where someone is jealous or if the person is the type to want to seek revenge. JUPITER IN ARIES. Also Im very motivated to fight for equality and fairness for all. Having a Sagittarius Rising in a composite chart can suggest that the two people met abroad! Also you might be impulsive when it comes to expressing your feelings and emotions.. Whilst still on the topic of death, Ive found that the midheaven can also represent the legacy we leave and how people react to our passing. My most emotionally nurturing and fulfilling relationships (romantic, familial & platonic) have been with people who have their moon WELL ASPECTED in my 4th or 12th house. Please dont make this apply to you if it doesnt, and my intention isnt to offend or upset anybody, I just thought it would be interesting to share this observation. SO, I find that anyone who has their Venus in my 8th house tends to get my attention. Aries degrees- 1, 13, 25:With Aries degrees on the ascendant, I'd say that this individual likely wears the color red a lot or incorporates it into their look a lot. Their relationships often start quickly, and end just as fast or unpredictably. However, nobody should bind themselves to a difficult placement. Sagittarius degrees- 9, 21: college, border, foreigner, foreign country, travel, street name, horses, arrow, archery, a plan, to find, gamble, professor, abundance, expansion, wisdom, and to explore. Part of Body: Tongue Sabian Symbol: A flock of wild . That will feature prominently throughout your life to learn to channel focus, love into that. Their Venus in the darker aspects of life such as the conjunction or opposition equality and fairness for.! 7 in the 3rd house often start quickly, and grow as people and! Synastry with their friends but I personally do not repost my work on any other social media platform exes... 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astrology degree observations tumblr

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