why america is impossible to invade

This tactic has been in place for a long time, since before China's foreign policy went from one of "peaceful rise" to "crouching tiger.". In the video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Russia invades several parts of the United States, including Washington, D.C., in retaliation for a supposedly U.S.-assisted terrorist attack on a Russian airport. Ever look up at New York City buildings and just imagine what it would be like to have to invade, conquer, and keep a city so populous and so large in size and scale? Afghanistan is a notoriously difficult country to govern. This makes it the third most populous country in the world. Misquoting Yamamoto. This only extends the range and variety of people, climate, and geography to conquer. However, the UK, France, Israel, and Pakistan are longtime US allies, while India is a Major Defense Partner of the United States and a member of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, meaning an attack on the US by any of these countries is extremely unlikely. [11] Minoru Genda of the Imperial Japanese Navy advocated invading Hawaii after attacking Oahu on December 7, 1941, believing that Japan could use Hawaii as a base to threaten the contiguous United States, and perhaps as a negotiating tool for ending the war. And ready to go killing again once the war dies down a bit. There is no army in the world as technological advanced as the American and this would make an invasion of the US almost impossible. This is just in fighting a conventional war. February 26, 2023. One such invasion of Iran would not be supported by countries like Russia, China, or even the EU, who only stand to lose from such attacks. For example, the deserts in the Southwest and the Great Lakes in the Midwest insulate the country's major population centers from threats of invasion staged from neighboring Canada and Mexico. The Russia-Ukraine conflict is geographically distant, but the consequences of Putin's aggression could have ripple effects beyond Eastern . Since the British left India in 1947, theyve had to deal with Pakistan on a few occasions and even went to war with China once. Historically, all empires either fall or morph into some other empire and then fall. They're facing all 330 million Americans. The first Cold War strategy against a Soviet attack on the United States was developed in 1948, one year after the declaration of the Truman Doctrine, and was made into an even firmer policy after the first Soviet development of a nuclear weapon in 1949. Albuquerque, Houston, Oklahoma City, Detroit, Baltimore, New York City whether the invasion moves from east to west or west to east . Russia's Belgorod region has suffered more death and destruction than any other Russian region since the invasion with more than 50 towns and villages coming under attack, according to research . 4. The scientists played by Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, and Rob Morgan are ignored by politicians and the media. When Napoleon invaded in 1812, the Russian people took casualties, to be sure, but what really suffered was Russia's towns, cities, farms, and other infrastructure all of it destroyed by Russians. But when it comes to having to defend their home turf, some countries are just not going to roll over for any reason. Every invading empire who thought victory was just around the corner in Afghanistan really just helped contribute to Afghanistans legacy as The Graveyard of Empires. This includes the current sole superpower in the world, the United States, the only other superpower to ever exist, the Soviet Union, and the largest empire ever assembled by any state in the world, the British Empire at its height. Russia launched its wider invasion of . 4. It would be pretty much impossible to beat back the US Navy and Air Force to be able to invade the continental US so let me start off by addressing this with the scenario being the US military itself attempting to occupy and enforce martial law for completely unjust reasons. The Challenges of Size and Geography. It is impossible to see how many countries in the world would allow an invasion of America to happen without intervening. Invading Russia, as any student of history knows, is a terribly difficult thing. In modern times, the high peaks negate the advantage of armor and tanks, just as it negated the advantage of heavy cavalry in earlier times. 2. That's why there won't be a shooting war between the US and China. A final reason why America could not be invaded is because of its global power. We all saw this one coming, so let's get it out of the way early and start with what I know many are thinking: Any invader of the United States isn't facing just the US military. All of that would be very difficult. The sheer size of the United States would deter almost any country in the world from trying to invade it. However, with a population of just over 38 million, the nation is mostly a huge expanse of empty territory much of which is frozen for most of Europe is among the richest regions in the world. Any army an invader can't destroy could just fade away into the mountains and lick their wounds until the next fighting season came. The deserts of Kazakhstan, the mountains and forests of the Caucasus region, and the frozen shores of the Black and Caspian Seas. Must. For an even-somewhat dictatorial American President and his sociopathic cabinet of corporate inside traders, Canada would be the pearl of great price; and an impossibility not to . This one goes well beyond the myth of General Winter (although that would definitely be a factor for most invading countries). Consortium News on Feb. 4, 2022 warned that the U.S. was setting a trap for Russia in Ukraine, as it had in Afghanistan in 1979 and Iraq in 1990, to provoke Russia to invade Ukraine to provide the pretext to launch an economic, information and proxy war designed to . This would mean there would also be resistance to any occupation, making it difficult to maintain. A 2012 remake details a similar attack, launched by North Korea and ultranationalists controlling Russia. The British High Command planned instead for a decisive naval battle against the United States Navy by Royal Navy ships based in the Western Hemisphere, likely Bermuda. A combination of Americas surrounding geography, and the terrain across the continental US, are major reasons why the country cannot be invaded. To the north and east lay harsh Himalayan mountain passes and arid deserts makes up roughly half of Indias northwest regions. Internally the United States has mountains, grasslands, deserts and forests. The submarine crews would infect themselves and run ashore in a suicide mission. Its a giant bowl of desert surrounded by some of the highest peaks in the world. In December 1944, the Japanese Naval General Staff, led by Vice-Admiral Jisabur Ozawa, proposed Operation PX, also known as Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night. as well as other partner offers and accept our. India can't rely exclusively on one benefactor, meaning it can't just choose to be closer to the USA or Russia. Duncan is the founder of Global Affairs Explained. Thats 12 potential loyalties right there. We've been bombarded with bromides about a civilizational struggle that pits the forces of autocracy and liberalism against each other. Losing is almost impossible. The most important reason no one can conquer Afghanistan is because any invader has to completely subdue the population. Chilling photos show the first hardcore gangbangers moved into a new mega-prison in El Salvador that President Nayib Bukele has boasted is "impossible to escape.". We Have Strong Military Alliances. Innocent children are fair game for . Several modern armies operate nuclear weapons with ranges in the thousands of kilometers. Logistically, the terrain makes it difficult to move people and equipment. Russia's full-scale war started a year ago . they project power globally (like the United States) or regionally (like Iran). For the uninitiated or bad at math (or both), that means they have almost the entire population of the United States plus a billion. Although other countries may have more troops, the size of Americas army combined with its advanced technology makes it incredibly difficult to defeat. Even if an invader managed to take control of the civilian population and that's a big if they'd still have to get through the best-trained, best-equipped military in the world, recruited from the very violently pro-America people I was just telling you about. Troops from Quebec would be sent to seize Albany in a surprise counterattack while troops from the Maritime Provinces would invade Maine. The United States has fought many wars in its history, 102 to be exact. The concept of an invasion of the United States relates to military theory and doctrine which address the feasibility and practicality of a foreign power attacking and successfully invading the United States.The country has been physically invaded on several occasionsonce during the War of 1812, once during the Mexican-American War, several times during the Mexican Border War, and three . An attack from the latter would probably be more feasible due to the Great Lakes blocking much of the Canadian border, but California and Texas have the largest concentration of defense industries and military bases in the country and thus provide an effective deterrent from any attack, with the Southwestern desert spanning the two regions dividing any invasion into two. Ever since, China and Pakistan have only grown closer so Indias entire defense strategy has to be predicated on the idea of fighting a war on two fronts and theyre ready for it. So who knows what theyre packing. The 2003 video game Freedom Fighters is set in an alternate history where the Soviet Union won the Cold War, conquered most of the world and has invaded the United States from both Alaska and New York City. NATO provides a mutual defence guarantee to all countries that means an attack on one is an attack on all. The most important reason no one can conquer Afghanistan is because any invader has to completely subdue the population. The US is therefore vulnerable to nuclear attack by powers such as the United Kingdom,[24] Russia, China,[25] France, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel (allegedly). Most of the land around the US-Mexican border is desert which is also hard to move an army across. In the southwest, India is wet and tropical, limiting the best places to land an ocean-born invasion force. Reportedly, one Soviet submarine nearly launched a nuclear torpedo at an American warship, but the three officers required to initiate the launch (the captain, the executive officer Vasily Arkhipov, and the political officer) could not agree to do so. . Another film that shows an invasion of the US was the 1999 film South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut in which Canadian forces invade the main characters' hometown in Colorado. As well as being an enormous country, the US geography is difficult for invaders to conquer. It is clearly not true, as is sometimes said, that its impossible to conquer Afghanistan -many Empires have done so, from the ancient Persians, through Alexander the Great to the Mongols, the . Iran's ability to defend itself against a U.S. invasion begins with its formidable geography. It is still easier then waiting for SOV to fall, although USA gets a buff when invaded (since WtT). The population of America is 334 million. These efforts culminated in sabotage operations like the Black Tom explosion (July 30, 1916) and the Kingsland explosion (January 11, 1917). Fighting in India is not a small matter, as any Indian general will probably tell you. A Facebook post says the Japanese military did not invade the mainland United States after Pearl Harbor because "they know that almost every home had guns and the Americans knew how to use them . 2023 Copyright Global Affairs Explained, link to 7 Reasons Why Canada Is Not A Poor Country, link to Was Europe Ever Poor? VACROUX: The Russians have been saying for a long time and it's the subject of a lot of academic debate that the Americans and NATO promised there wasn't going to be expansion to the east beyond the borders of the former East Germany at the end of the Cold War. Their . Tack on the fact that they have one of the largest active militaries in the world, at about 1.2 million soldiers, with a staggering 6.3 million in . The impact of an invasion of America would have around the world would be enormous. Part of Star Trek: Enterprise includes a similar scenario. A spokesperson from Texas-based Brave Books told Fox News Digital this weekend, "A head official at Hendersonville Public Library has been pushing back against the story-hour event all week." Kirk Cameron, who is based in Los Angeles, has embarked on a tour of numerous cities across America to discuss his book, "As You Grow," but also to share . 1.United States of America: The United States has the second-largest stockpile of atomic bombs. It was the forgotten invasion of a forgotten war. So any invader has to remember that theyre likely fighting every single Russian across 11 times zones. This is actually the only peace offer from the USA to this day. Fighting which included the deadliest fighting in the history of human warfare (which the Russians won) at Stalingrad. This fact is one of the major reasons why America alone escaped from World War II unscathed - we didn't get invaded by the Japanese or the Nazis. Ever look up at New York City buildings and just imagine what it would be like to have to invade, conquer, and keep a city so populous and so large in size and scale? Military expert Dylan Lehrke noted that an amphibious assault on either the West Coast or the East Coast is simply too insignificant to acquire a beachhead on both coasts. Did you catch that? India imposed the highest number of internet shutdowns globally in 2022, a new report has revealed, in what critics say is yet another blow to the country's commitment to freedom of speech and . 7 4 Canada. Meanwhile, other ships based in Canada and the British West Indies would attack American merchant shipping and protect British and Commonwealth shipping convoys. American nuclear warfare planning was nearly put to the test during the Cuban Missile Crisis. A terrorist occupation of Washington, D.C. was the subject of a G.I. Top 10 Countries that are Most Difficult to Invade. During the Mexican Revolution in the summer of 1915, Mexican and Tejano rebels covertly supported by the Mexican Government of Venustiano Carranza, attempted to execute the Plan of San Diego by reconquering Arizona, New Mexico, California, and Texas and creating a racial utopia for Native Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, and African Americans. Americans are allowed to design and build their own weapons in many states, without ever having to register. As well as being too large to successfully invade, the size of the United States would make it impossible to occupy. second no military has the size and weapons delivery to take ours out. The fun doesn't stop just because the invader made it ashore. There are two other states, Alaska and Hawaii, which are north and south of the contiguous states, respectively. If invading troops arent massacred along the way by bands of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army, then they still get to contend with a variety of tropical diseases along with the diseases that come from overpopulation and pollution. It may sound like a throwing a few million soldiers at an invader is stupid, but it's quite the human wave and it will likely work. "[21], During the Cold War, the primary threat of an attack on the United States was viewed to be from the Soviet Union and larger Warsaw Pact. Seacoast defense in the United States was organized on that basis, and military strategy was developed to forestall a British attack and attack and occupy Canada. Massacring them also didnt work, ask the Soviets. When the invaders get out of the actual geographical features of the United States (where roving bands of armed American militias are waiting in ambush), the invader will enter some of the largest cities in the world, three of which are in the top 100 in terms of population, and many are full of the aforementioned gangs and violent extremist groups. This latest emergency, descending on us from Canada and slowly moving across the Northern Plains, isn't another Chinese balloon. This resulted in the development and implementation of the nuclear triad policy, under which all three weapons platforms (land-based, submarine, and bomber) were to be coordinated in unison for a devastating first strike, followed by a counterstrike that would be accompanied by "mopping up" missions of nuclear bombers. Mexico, for example, has not historically sided with countries that have wanted to attack the US. The most populous country in the world now boasts 1.3 billion-plus people. In fact, no. Invasion U.S.A.is a 1985 Americanaction filmmade byCannon FilmsstarringChuck Norris and directed byJoseph Zito. Operation Washtub was a top secret joint operation between the United States Air Force and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Fighting in India is not a small matter as any Indian general will probably tell you. Global Affairs Explained participants in a number of affiliate programs, including by Amazon Services LLC. It means everything from the deserts of Kazakhstan, to the mountains and forests of the Caucasus region, and to the frozen shores of the Black and Caspian Seas. We Find Out. Our four time zones contain seven different climate regions, not to mention everything from high mountains to marshland, swamps to deserts, and in some places, a lot of flat nothing. After American independence, the next attack on American soil was during the War of 1812, also with Britain, the first and only time since the end of the Revolutionary War in which a foreign power occupied the American capital (the capital city of Philadelphia was also captured by the British during the Revolution). The fun doesnt stop just because the invader made it ashore. This tactic has been in place for a long time, since before Chinas foreign policy went from one of peaceful rise to crouching tiger.. It is that invading other tribes is simply what men do and have . Snaps from inside the Center for the Confinement of Terrorism built by El Salvadoran officials hellbent on . Bethesda Softworks's Wolfenstein: The New Order and The New Colossus are set in a world where Germany has won World War II, including a mainland invasion of U.S. after a nuclear bomb hit New York City. 1 United States The United States of America, or the U.S.A. for short, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, 48 of them are contiguous states. The United States was the first to make atomic bombs and the first to use atomic bombs in warfare. Fin. America has 4018 nuclear warheads, more than any other country. Any country that tried to invade America would have to go to war with all of NATO. As The Guardian reported near the beginning of the Iraq War, "In October 2000, Iraq insisted on dumping the US dollarthe currency of the enemyfor the more multilateral euro.". It Devotion is a Korean War film directed by Sign up for our newsletter and receive the mighty updates! So any invader has to remember that they're likely fighting every single Russian across 11 times zones. It's surrounded by extreme weather and oceans on all sides, so invaders will have to be prepared for the impassable Gobi Desert and the jungles of Southeast Asia, not to mention the mountainous, snowy Himalayan regions which will make air support difficult. . Japan. Too bad many major American cities are already organized. The population of America is 334 million. However, one example does not make a trend. This only extends the range and variety of people, climate, and geography to contend with. They . The plan had detractors, who saw it as unrealistic, but it also had supporters who believed that it could conceivably have worked. The Top Ten. Many major cities are already organized. 1. Any army an invader cant destroy could just fade away into the mountains and lick their wounds until the next fighting season came. [13][14] The Aleutian Islands campaign in early June 1942 was the only foreign invasion of American soil during World War II and the first significant foreign occupation of American soil since the War of 1812. 7 months ago . There will also be riots and cannibalism in urban areas that will be impossible for the US millitary to supress since the US population is armed. There is no skin in the game for them. Just like the Americans who would take up arms against an invader, the Russian and pro-Russian people living in these areas will, too. If the US was invaded, it could use these to defend itself, essentially annihilating any country that attempted to land troops on its territory. During World War II, the defense of Hawaii and the contiguous United States was part of the Pacific theater and American theater respectively. The British would also attack U.S. coastal bases with bombing, shelling, and amphibious assaults. This provides America with enormous wealth, as well as the resources needed to defend the country. Advocates of gun rights often argue that in World War II Japan was deterred from invading the U.S. mainland by a fear of American citizens with guns in their closets. It involves the star fighting off a force of Soviet and Cuban-led guerrillas. That's 12 potential loyalties right there. The attacking force must have an army large enough to defeat the defenders, and then to take over critical infrastructure, cities and communication networks. New Zealand. And unlike zombies, you don't have to shoot them in the head to . In a nod to the costs that would come from expanding the economic confrontation between the two superpowers, Biden's commerce chief added "The United States does a great deal of trade with . The invasion was Putin's grand plan, drawn up with minimal consultation or honest assessment from those close to him, as we've since learned. Budanov: Well, let's say, if you are interested in other countries, as I understand from your question, in fact, almost the only country that actually supplies more or less serious weapons is Iran . When American resistance grew, the Canadian soldiers would retreat to their own borders, destroying bridges and railways to delay US military pursuit. Another reason why the United States cannot be invaded is because of its huge population. In addition, Hawaii is largely protected by the consistently forty thousand-strong US military presence with valuable assets, which acts as a major deterrent to any foreign invasion of the island state and thereby the contiguous US. Focusing on international relations, history, and geo-politics, Global Affairs Explained uses original research and data to answer questions often not covered by traditional media. Yet the mission it was designed for, to defend Western Europe from a Soviet invasion during the Cold War, has been over for . One of the only officially recognized landings of German soldiers on American soil was during Operation Pastorius, in which eight German sabotage agents were landed in the United States (one team landed in New York, the other in Florida) via U-boats. In modern times, the high peaks negate the advantage of armor and tanks, just as it negated the advantage of heavy cavalry in earlier times. Under pressure from his advisors to appease Carranza, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson recognized the latter as leader of Mexico in return for Carranza's "help" in suppressing the Texas border raids. All would likely come to Americas aid if it was invaded. We all saw this one coming, so let's get it out of the way early and start with what I know many are thinking: any invader of the United States isn't facing just the U.S. military, they're facing all 330 million Americans. Another reason why the United States cannot be invaded is because of its huge population. Even after 20 years in the country, many Americans wouldn't pick up on the fact that one of those ethnic groups I just mentioned is actually a rice dish. north lakes academy soccer; fnaf security breach concept art. The planes would spread weaponized bubonic plague, cholera, typhus, dengue fever, and other pathogens in a biological terror attack upon the population. This one goes well beyond the myth of "Gen. Winter" (although that would definitely be a factor for most invading countries). Social pressure: Working mothers in America may feel pressure to balance their work and family responsibilities perfectly, which can be impossible. besides the prices which are 2-10x more expensive, shipping makes it impossible to increase/reduce gas on real time basis. As well as being a member of NATO, the US has a range of alliances with other countries. Answer (1 of 48): An invasion would not be impossible, a successful and significant invasion of the U.S. however would be impossible. What makes Afghanistan so difficult to capture and keep is first and foremost its terrain. [3] In order to implement the Plan, the rebels set off the Bandit War and conducted violent raids into Texas from across the Mexican border. Imagine trying to subdue 34 million of them, because you have to if you invade Afghanistan. The most important alliance is the North Atlantic Treaty . An important reason why the United States could not be invaded is because of its advanced technology and levels of innovation. Alaska and Hawaii, which can be impossible 7 Reasons why Canada not! Remember that theyre likely fighting every single Russian across 11 times zones technology makes it difficult to people. Countries ) if you invade Afghanistan and family responsibilities perfectly, which 2-10x. ; s aggression could have ripple effects beyond Eastern power globally ( like the United States force! 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why america is impossible to invade

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