princess yvonne austria

Maria came to the von Trapp family in 1926 as a tutor for one of the children, Maria, who was recovering from scarlet fever, not as governess to all the children. The hope was that after a year of living halfway between the altitude of her childhood and that of the convent, she would be able to return and take her vows without any medical issues. Media related to Princess Stphanie of Belgium at Wikimedia Commons. [81], In 1923, Stphanie planned to write her memoirs. [49], In order to take care of himself, Rudolf left to stay on the island of Lokrum, where he took Stphanie. The oldest von Trapp daughter, Agathe, later penned that the Princess was not only a Vienesse countess, but actually a cousin of Georg's first wife! In 1938, the Captain was 58-years old, had not been in a submarine since 1918, or 20 years before, and had lost all his money through a foolish investment. Promoted to embassy secretary in 1892, he worked in Saint Petersburg, Paris, London and Stuttgart. No one had informed the Crown Princess of the nature of the illness from which her husband was suffering. Her watercolors painted in Lacroma were published as an album in 1892. Under his authority the villa was extended and remodelled which allowed the Trapp family to sell it when it was returned to them after the war. I see myself constrained to limit myself to my own notes, as well as to my personal memories, in which your contributions and your modifications do not find their place". Trapp was transferred to the SMU-14, the former French submarine Curie, which had been sunk and salvaged by the Austro-Hungarian Navy. This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 10:53. The bells of the whole city rang to announce to the inhabitants of the capital the celebration of our solemn marriage. We had to dress and comb our hair on our own. As guardian of his 5-year-old granddaughter Elisabeth Marie, the Emperor demanded that Stephanie remain with her child. In 1897, he resigned from the foreign service and retired from the public service. Article Source: Lets find out! Georg, far from being the detached, cold-blooded patriarch of the family who disapproved of music, as portrayed in the first half of, The family did not secretly escape over the Alps to freedom in Switzerland, carrying their suitcases and musical instruments. August Ritter von Trapp died in 1884, when Georg was four. First, they were invited to sing at the Salzburg Festival where they won first prize. While Stphanie and Clmentine accepted the proposal, Louise refused it and initiated, in December 1910, a first trial against the Belgian State and her two sisters. Princess Yvonne. In her book, "The Story of the Trapp Family Singers", Maria von Trapp describes the turn of events which take her from Salzburg's Nonnberg Abbey to the von Trapp villa as a teacher, and ultimately into her new role as mother to seven growing children. [8], Trapp's mother was Hedwig Wepler. Unlike the famous film's story, Maria was not intended to be governess to all seven children; but before long Maria's vivacity and music had brought all the children together in song and activities, and the obligatory separation of the age groups, which was typical for the upper class at that time, ceased to exist. In hunting and sinking Gambetta, Trapp achieved a notable success as commander of the first-ever underwater nighttime (and only the second) submarine attack on a vessel in the Adriatic. The young descendant of the last Austrian emperor lost her life to an aneurysm in her heart.. And so, Sisi wandered. In 1998, Princess Alexandra married Count Jefferson von Pfeil und Klein-Ellguth, a member of the ancient House of Pfeil und Klein-Ellguth, and the couple had two children, Count Richard and Countess Alexandra, residing in Paris and later at Schloss Heidesheim until announcing their divorce in 2017. . Maria is convinced to return and face the fact that shes in love, only to find that the Captain and the Baroness are engaged. It was during this conversation that she also revealed to Maria that the Captain was in love with her. Leopold II and Marie Henriette hoped to marry their second daughter to a reigning sovereign or a crown prince. The time shift both makes him older and distances him from his WWI years. Obsessed with her figure, Sisi lived on a strict diet and fanatical exercise routine that would likely be interpreted as symptoms of anorexia today. I began by telling him that Rudolf was very ill and that his pathetic appearance and his dissipated behavior caused me serious concern; I begged him to make his son take a long journey so as to distract him from his grueling existence. [64], Stphanie did not dare to forewarn her father of her marriage plans. However, she was not Rudolf's first choice as a potential bride: having refused Princess Mathilde of Saxony, as well as several Infantas of Portugal and Spain,[24] he found that Stphanie was one of the few Catholic princesses who met the criteria imposed by his father Emperor Franz Joseph I to become wife of the heir of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. As Maria's stay with the family continued, the children and the Captain became attached to her and did not relish the thought of the day when she would return to the Abbey. Doctors, fearing syphilis, used the approaches then used to treat the latter, namely opium, cognac, morphine, as well as mercury which, taken at too high a dose, can lead to psychological consequences. Shocked by the admission which had apparently come from the Captain himself, Maria resolved to return to the abbey so that she would be in no danger of encouraging his affections. In the summer, he seemed to recover, but his cough persisted. Stphanie made her first communion on 12 June 1876 and officially appeared for the first time at court. Alinari Archives/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images. His father, Fregattenkapitn August Johann[7] Trapp, was a naval officer who had been elevated to the Austrian nobility as Ritter von Trapp when he was awarded the Order of the Iron Crown Third Class. Stphanie, Crown Princess of Austria-Hungary, by Heinrich von Angeli (1882). He even went so far as to write home to Maria, I wish I could see your eyes when you read the announcement of my engagement. Well, for some reason Maria was sincerely offended at the thought of his wanting to see her eyes, and responded with a fiery note saying that her eyes were none of his business. This letter was delivered to the Captain only moments before he planned to propose, and after reading it he knew that Yvonne was not the one he wanted to marry. Stalked by the press, adored by the common man and bedeviled by depression and a severe eating disorder, Sisis royal career also brings to mind Princess Diana, whose life ended similarly tragically a century later. Her new husband, for his part, had an annual income of 50,000 guilders. [81] According to her granddaughter-in-law, author Ghislaine of Windisch-Graetz (ne d'Arschot Schoonhoven), Stphanie "was confused in devotion and even bigoted; she was convinced that her daughter was possessed by the demon and she could not tolerate the immorality of her love life. Their paths crossed for a single instant, only to move away immediately and forever. Her relatives prepared her for death. In contrast to paparazzi shows but she never took indiscreet or derogatory photos: "I always photographed my friends as friends. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, National Archives and Records Administration, Northeast RegionBoston. As she said in her autobiography. From her hands-on mother, Princess Ludovika, she developed a love of privacy and a fear of public dutiestraits that would not serve her well as empress. She remembers: "The Emperor greeted me cordially. Web princess yvonne was cool, almost to the point of coldness. After meeting the 15-year-old Princess Stphanie, he wrote to his mother that "[he had] found what [he] sought", noting that she was "pretty, good, [and] clever". A long, cheerful noise arose from the crowd. [51] During a visit to the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria in 1887, Stphanie fell in love with the Polish Count Artur Wadysaw Potocki. The Austrian Emperor added 148,000 guilders to the initial dowry of 100,000 florins, plus an annual sum of 100,000 florins for the duration of the marriage. Lives in Aba, Abia. From there, they traveled to Norway to begin the trip back to the United States in September 1939, just after World War II broke out. This unusual entrance into public life was one in a string of tragedies that marked Sisis reign, placing her within a long line of reluctant royal consorts trapped in gilded cages. The family was musically inclined before Maria arrived, but she did teach them to sing madrigals. The Austrian princely title ( Frst) was the most prestigious title of the Austrian nobility, forming the higher nobility ( hoher Adel) alongside the counts ( Grafen ). From her first marriage, Elisabeth Marie had had four children:[91]. On 10 September 1898, Empress Elisabeth was assassinated in Geneva; even though she had never managed to get closer to her mother-in-law, Stphanie was very affected by this unexpected death. In April 1911, Louise initiated a second lawsuit concerning the French companies created by Leopold II. But we took it like a thunderstorm that would pass, because the next minute she could be very nice. It costs nothing to lie or act. And thus began their engagement! She resides in Oregon where she sews, designs costumes, and spends time with her family. During the next eighteen months, she did not try to hide her affections for the Count from her husband, who continued his own liaisons. [36], After the wedding night, which Stphanie in her private letters revealed to her sister to have been a violent event by Rudolf, already mentally unstable, the couple honeymooned at Laxenburg outside the capital. In her 2003 interview, the younger Maria confirmed that her stepmother "had a terrible temper. But Maria did introduce the family to many Austrian folk songs and taught them to harmonize the parts. Of course Maria quickly became excited to become wife and mother to such a wonderful family, and was really only sad at first because she thoughtthe Lordhad rejected her offer of a life of service to Him. (German). But you may have wondered, Was there a real Baroness Schraeder, and if so, what wasshe like?. [40], As in any dynastic marriage where the political interest of the two sovereign houses takes precedence, the existence of romantic feelings within the couple has never been proven, but the relationship of the young spouses was based, at the beginning, on respect and a mutual attachment. Another of Sisis outlets was writing poetry, recounts Hamann, and she often vented her frustrations and regrets in excerpts such as this: Oh, had I but never left the pathThat would have led me to freedomOh, that on the broad avenuesOf vanity I had never strayedI have awakened in a dungeonWith chains on my hands. While the loss of money devastated the family, they still had their physical goods. He was friendly with Princess Louise of Belgium, who had encouraged him to marry her younger sister. In 1896 he and his brother Gbor were raised to the dignity of Count. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Four thrones were arranged under a canopy for the Belgian and Austrian sovereigns, with the bride being walked down the aisle by her parents. Inside the unhappy reign of Sisi, Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary. The villa theyd left behind was confiscated in their absence by the Nazi party and given to Heinrich Himmler to act as headquarters for the SS. Princess Stphanie was the second daughter of King Leopold II of Belgium and Marie Henriette of Austria. In reality the Captain, our father, was gentle, kind, and sensitive.. Hofmobiliendepot, Vienna. In March 1880 Rudolf was invited to the Belgian court at the insistence of Leopold II. Additionally, Maria was hired to tutor just one of the Trapp daughters who, having suffered a bout of scarlet fever, was too weak to make the forty five minute walk to school and so she had little to do with the other children who were themselves altered as characters for the musical. As Maria's original pupil recovered, she became governess to all seven Trapp children and encouraged them in sports, handiwork, and, of course, music. In 1895, he accompanied Archduke Louis Victor as a member of the imperial legation during the coronation of Tsar Nicolas II in Saint Petersburg. Maria sought advice from the convent from which she was due to re-enter in just a matter of days and the conclusion was reached that she would be better served marrying the Captain and acting as mother to his children. In order to be able to marry Stphanie, he converted to Catholicism. The princess was saved only by the care of an unknown Ardennes doctor, whom the royal couple had consulted, who recommended cold baths. Normally, thatd fall into the Everything wrong with series but I have neither the inclination or the audacity to suggest that something is wrong with The Sound of Music (1965) despite its many and frequent deviations from the story of the actual Trapp family. Upon her arrival, she mistook the butler for her employer and was overwhelmed by the luxury of the villa. Starke Verlag, 2011, pp. Having grown up on the mountains, she had yet to acclimatise to the altitude difference which left her with debilitating migraines. They returned to Austria on two occasions while they were on tour in Europe before the outbreak of the Second World War forced them back to America. At the end of March 1945, the Germans, realizing that their position was threatened by the advancing Red Army, traveled further west. He gave her, too, an extremely lively answer, in which he even hinted that she had better not interfere in matters which did not concern her". This lady was an Austrian noblewoman who had an abundance of wealth, and (apparently) a fondness for Captain von Trapp. In 1853, their marriage had been arranged for exclusively political reasons by both King Leopold I and the Habsburgs without consulting the groom and bride, whose interests were almost entirely opposed: the Duke of Brabant was little interested by family life and was passionate about political and economic issues in the kingdom which he was to reign over, while Marie Henriette was a young woman versed in religion with other interests limited to horseback riding, dogs and music. Like her mother before her, she also disinherited her two surviving children: she left some 500 heirlooms, owned by the Habsburg Imperial family and inherited by her, to the Republic of Austria, and the extensive park of her Windisch-Graetz villa, in a prime Viennese residential area, was willed to the city of Vienna for the construction of a new residential complex. The new emperor on 28 January 1917 granted the title of Hungarian Frst (Prince) with the style of Serene Highness to Elemr. They were allowed to play, they didnt wear uniforms, and their idea of outdoor activity wasnt limited to marching. Shy and unsure, Sisi crumbled under the strict court etiquette, which left her isolated and friendless. [3], About 1926, Maria Franziska was recovering from an illness and was unable to go to school, so Trapp hired Maria Augusta Kutschera, a novice from the nearby Nonnberg Abbey as a tutor. Elisabeth Marie, Princess Otto of Windisch-Graetz, Count Elemr Lnyay de Nagy-Lnya et Vsros-Namny, Archduke Stephen of Austria, titular Palatine of Hungary), Princess Clotilde of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Princess Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily, "Baptme de la princesse Stphanie Clotilde Louise Hermine Marie Charlotte", King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa, "De opvoeding van Belgische prinsen en prinsessen in de negentiende eeuw", "De Louise van de Louizalaan: het onwaarschijnlijke verhaal van een Belgische prinses", "COUNTESS LONYAY INVENTOR. [58] BBC Radio presented a different account of the family in October, 2009, in a play by Annie Caulfield called The Von Trapps and Me, focused on Princess Yvonne, "the woman Captain Von Trapp jilted in order to marry Maria."[59][60]. The twenty-one year old Maria was a school teacher at Nonnberg Abbey in Salzburg. Later generations are included although Austrian titles of nobility were abolished and outlawed in 1919. Among other things, Trapp bought seven bottles of water from the Jordan River which were later used to baptize his first seven children. However, it was the childrens relationship with their father that upset the family most when they attended the premiere of The Sound of Music. Crown Princess of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia, Generations are numbered by descent from King. After this disappointment, in the spring of 1883, the Crown Princess's pregnancy was confirmed, delighting the Emperor. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [28] The family decided to leave Austria. The latter considered that the manuscript was not complete enough and that its publication would be detrimental to the author. She survived for a time on only thin broth, while in later years she subsisted almost exclusively on raw milk (traveling with her own cow), oranges and eggs. His son, Stphanie's father, ascended to the throne under the name of Leopold II, and her brother assumed the title of Duke of Brabant as the new heir of the throne. She believed the Hungarian people deserved greater freedoms and respect, and collaborated with her close friend, the dashing Hungarian statesman Gyula Andrssy, to advance the Hungarian cause. Shes arrogant, shes snobbish, she plans to send the children away from home, and she does her best to get Maria out of the picture (no pun intended!) The family lived off the charity of friends and well-wishers while making their own money from their musical tours. [16] When Stphanie was punished, she had to kneel on dry peas or remain locked up for hours, in the dark, between double doors. Immediately, she left for Spa to pay a last tribute to her mother. During an official visit to Hungary in May 1881,[39] she was given a standing ovation and began to see the advantages of her situation. [6] For many weeks, the girl was unconscious, feverish and in great pain. "Princess Yvonne" was the wife and magical partner of Doc Irving in their two-person mindreading act that played the major vaudeville theaters starting in the early 1920's. Billed as "Princess Yvonne the Oriental Enigma", Mary Ellen was fearless when it came to promoting their show. In 1889, Rudolf and his mistress Mary Vetsera were found dead in an apparent murder-suicide pact at the imperial hunting lodge at Mayerling in the Vienna Woods. The Germans were not so desparate, in 1938, that they would need him for their Navy or go to any special trouble to get him. Affectionately known as Princess "Manni" or her more artistic moniker "Mamarazza," she was an accomplished photographer, her images becoming featured in magazines as well as gallery exhibitions. Kissing you with all my heart, your Rudolf who loves you". [2], Stphanie had two older siblings: Louise (born 18 February 1858), and Leopold, Count of Hainaut (born 12 June 1859). [89] The year 1944 brought new worries to Stphanie and her husband because the German Army wanted to transform their residence into a military hospital for war wounded, a project which was rejected at the last minute. [34] In The Story of the Trapp Family Singers (1949), Maria von Trapp pointed out that there was a high incidence of lung cancer among World War I U-Boat crews, due to the diesel and gasoline fumes and poor ventilation, and that his death could be considered service-related. After the recovery of their daughter, Lopold II and Marie Henriette took her and her sister to make her convalescence in Biarritz, making a stopover in Paris.[7]. Trapp sought to help a friend in the banking business, Auguste Caroline Lammer (18851937), so he withdrew most of his money from London and deposited it in an Austrian bank. Once in Italy, they contacted the agent and requested fare to America,[28] first traveling to London, before sailing to the United States for their first concert tour. (As Rudolf had no son, succession passed to Emperor Franz Josephs brother, Archduke Karl Ludwig, and his eldest son, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, setting off a chain of events that would lead to World War I.). Crown Princess Stphanie of Austria, by Hedwig Hna-Senft (1883). The two princesses refused a new amicable agreement with the State, before their action was dismissed by the Court of Appeal in April 1913. And, thats where the similarities to The Sound of Music end. Georg Ludwig Ritter von Trapp was born in Zara, Dalmatia, then a Crown Land of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (present-day Zadar, Croatia). [11] He also captured the Greek steamer Cefalonia off Durazzo on 29 August 1915. I had never before seen her so imposing. Estranged from her four children (of whom two died before her), after Leopold Petznek's death in 1956 from a heart attack, Elisabeth Marie (confined to a wheelchair due to gout) became reclusive until her death on 16 March 1963 at the Windisch-Graetz Villa in Htteldorf, Vienna and was buried in an unmarked tomb (only recognized by the burial codification group 2, number G72) at the Htteldorfer cemetery next to her husband; near her were buried her two sons who predeceased her, Rudolf and Ernst. Her melancholy and distaste for public life was treated as a childish indulgence by her distracted husband and his mother, the formidable Archduchess Sophie. [8] Trapp's first command was the U-boat U-6 which was launched by Agathe. . [8][Map 4] During this period, he delivered several lectures and conducted interviews on his naval career. Stphanie's last letter to her daughter dated from 1924, the year in which Erzsi had just obtained a divorce a mensa et thoro from her husband. Georg von Trapp had died almost twenty years before the musical was released and as such never saw Christopher Plummers stern portrayal of his character. Rudolf, depressed and disappointed by politics, had multiple extramarital affairs, and contracted a venereal disease that he transmitted to his wife, rendering her unable to conceive again. Under pressure from his parents to marry as soon as possible, the Crown Prince was satisfied with Stphanie and on 5 March, he asked her parents for her hand. The new Emperor Charles I led the funeral procession, which included representatives of the Allied Powers, all German princes, and the members of the House of Habsburg. Stphanie left Hungary for Vienna, where the Emperor died of bronchitis and pneumonia at the age of 86 on 21 November 1916 after a reign of 68 years. If youd like to join me for more fun and games in picking apart history, and other behind the scene tangents, you can support me via my Patreon. Maria's physician advised that she seek a different lifestyle, and it just so happened that the Reverend Mother had received a request from a certain naval officer for an in-home tutor for his sickly daughter. But as matters moved along between the Princess and Captain von Trapp, he realized that he loved Maria and not the Viennese countess. However, he came to terms with his discomfort very early and joined the family on stage as part of the group. You cannot imagine how charming Sisi is when she cries, Archduchess Sophie wrote, as recounted by Viennese historian Brigitte Hamann in The Reluctant Empress. The von Trapps traveled to Italy, not Switzerland. A few things stood in the way of her permanency there, however. His eldest son, Rupert, was invited to take up a position among the doctors of the Third Reich which was also refused. Georg was born in Zadar (now in Croatia), which at that time was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And when she finally exits the Captains life, we all breathe a huge sigh of relief! Stphanie and her daughter were placed in the third row. With Hungary not yet undergoing many hardships, Stphanie set up a makeshift dispensary in the Rusovce house, while Elemr accepted a management position in the Austrian Red Cross which took him to Romania and Serbia. [3] On the voyage home he visited the Holy Land where he met a Franciscan friar who took him on a tour of all the Biblical sites he wanted to see. (Over three decadesbeginning in 1880, anarchists killed a Russian czar,two Spanish premiers, a French president, and an Italian king.). After the death of her father in 1909, Stphanie joined her older sister Louise to claim from the Belgian courts the share of the inheritance of which they both felt they had been stripped. The Trapp family evades them by performing at the Salzburg Folk Festival. In the musical, the character of Baroness Schraeder acts as Marias rival for Captain von Trapps affections. The family were increasingly concerned by the Nazi policies and were known from the start for their objections. They purchased a 660-acre (270ha) farm in 1942 and converted it into the Trapp Family Lodge. In May 1918, he was promoted to Korvettenkapitn (equal to Lieutenant commander) and given command of the submarine base at Cattaro in the Gulf of Kotor. In March 1890, Potocki died and Stphanie once again went into a deep grieving. Press J to jump to the feed. The maid stood in the room and watched us. If youd like to see a video of the dress which was posted by A Needle Pulling Thread, click here. [75] Irmgard Schiel wrote, "The princess was at the same time a lord, mistress of the house, manager of the estate, garden architect and hostess". From there, their opportunities grew. Though outwardly cynical, Sisi was as fixated with her beauty as the public was. She further alienated the Viennese aristocracy by filling her personal staff with Hungarian nationals. March 1927 - Princess Yvonne arrives (a distant relative of Georg's first wife), Yvonne tells Maria that Georg's in love with Maria but will still marry Yvonne May 1927 - von Trapp is determined to be engaged to Princess Yvonne but gets pert note from Maria, calls off proposal to Yvonne; thirteen days before Maria is to leave he uses . The collaboration was, however, abruptly interrupted in 1933 by Stphanie, who wrote to Corti: "For the sake of the imperial family, I decided to give up publishing my memoirs in the form that had been initially planned []. The apparent suicide of the Crown Prince deeply affected Stphanie and constituted, in the words of Irmgard Schiel, "the greatest catastrophe that can affect a woman in her married life"., The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration In the years following the end of the World War I, Elisabeth Marie (who resided with her family in Schnau an der Triesting, Lower Austria) and her mother still had strong feelings for each other. This ladywas an Austrian noblewoman who had an abundance of wealth, and (apparently) a fondness for Captain von Trapp. However, King Leopold II was still so furious with his daughter's unequal marriage that he forbade Stphanie to attend the funeral service,[69] and she was finally forced a few days later to return to London. After having received the last sacraments in September, the son seemed better, but his condition worsened again until he died on 22 January 1869. Stphanie and her daughter Elisabeth Marie attended the funeral, which took place nine days later. Georg Ludwig Ritter von Trapp (4 April 1880 - 30 May 1947) was an officer in the Austro-Hungarian Navy who later became the patriarch of the Trapp Family Singers.Trapp was the most successful Austro-Hungarian submarine commander of World War I, sinking 11 Allied merchant ships totaling 47,653 GRT and two Allied warships displacing a total of 12,641 tons. How does anyone know what to believe of the story Marias story cant really be backed up (not to say she is lying but there is little proof including proof she was a novice to become a num)I am glad for all the good that happened to their family but from what I read the children werent all that happy to continue per infinitum to stay at home, Most of them never married, the older children seem nervous and less than happy. She refused to resume her conjugal life with a husband who did not return until dawn, and disillusioned and undermined by a feeling of failure, had sank into debauchery. The preparations for a princely birth obeyed protocol: prayers in churches and the exhibition of the Blessed Sacrament in the churches of the imperial palaces. In one of the more iconic scenes in film history, the Trapp family win first place at the festival but have disappeared during the judges deliberation. [62], Emperor Franz Joseph I and King Leopold II of Belgium cherished the plan to remarry Stphanie with Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungary Empire after the death of Rudolf. She disinherited her daughter, who had divorced Prince Otto of Windisch-Graetz to live with Leopold Petznek, a Social Democratic deputy from Lower Austria, and bequeathed all of her real estate to the order of the Benedictines. Stphanie worked as a nurse in her residence.[78]. 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