new hire orientation icebreakers

Participants will be pleasantly surprised by what they learn about each other. The first student who guesses correctly (or close enough) goes next. Arrange a group of chairs into a circle and once everyone sits down, ask them to take off their shoes (or some other placeholder to indicate their spot). First, the most successful teams are the groups of people who don't spend time competing for power. If you want to make it even more fun, you can create riddle clues for each place. WebThats where icebreakers come in. (FYI, I have two brothers, not three, so that's the lie. Divide meeting participants into smaller groups. Have everyone popcorn to someone after they tell their joke, or go alphabetically. This game allows your team members to gain a new perspective on their peers, and it's also a fun and easy way to get an interesting conversation started. Newly hired employees should always arrive on time, or early, throughout the onboarding process. Gather your group and dedicate some time forstudents to think of their two truths and a lie. Once thats done, put all of the cards in a pile and mix them up. That student will stand or sit in the middle of the circle, introduce themselves, and share one thing about themselves. With the Marshmallow Challenge, you can strengthen your team's brainstorming and problem-solving skills, and your team can also have some fun. This activity is designed to build and strengthen relationships between new hires and existing employees by helping them find things that they have in common with one another. Your new employee orientation is typically a presentation or interactive course for your new hires to get acquainted with the company culture as well as the policies and procedures you have in place. Outside of the workplace, your teammates are people with aspirations and goals you wouldnt know about from the average coffee chat. In this article we wanted to discuss how to get your employees engaged. Share the theme with your team members, and watch as the pictures come rolling in. Take turns showing off the cutest pictures and videos of your pet. 2006-2023 Wrike, Inc. All rights reserved. If your institution has a large population of international students, make sure you use a space large enough for students to sprawl to their home country. Heres a chance for your team to collaborate on something together. The winners then take on a new opponent. You can use a free icebreaker bingo generator and personalize each of the squares on a subject youre all discussing for the day, or for anything everyone can feel included. I have three brothers. This icebreaker helps your team get to know each other even when they work remotely and can spark conversation on what everyone likes or dislikes. Fortunately, you can conduct a scavenger hunt for your team even if they've worked at your office for years. Music brings people together, and youd be surprised to learn how many of your coworkers are raving about the top trending song on TikTok or Spotify. One student will start out by introducing themselves to the group (i.e. Some icebreakers may involve physical activity while others are just mental and consist of discussion. Bonus points if you can learn the names of those who you relate to, and brownie points if you can relay all their names when asked. Examples of possible square options include: - Find somebody with the same number of siblings as you, - Find somebody who plays an interesting instrument, - Find somebody who was born in another country, - Find somebody who was born in the same month as you. The more nonsensical the prompt, the funnier the drawings become. If desired, have everyone rotate partners. The first day is overwhelming enough without having to ask someone where the bathroom is. An alternative to the partner introduction that will still serve to help This continues until eachperson has participated. Every team member should popcorn their turn, or you can go alphabetically. As the map fills up with pins, people will learn about how diverse their teammates might be. You can try to get everyone to make silly or scary faces, or even try to mimic the Brady Bunch title sequence. Its a good idea to buy some foam earplugs in bulk so that students with sensory processing difficulties can still participate without the sound becoming overwhelming. Once you've passed out the bingo cards, let all the players wander around with a bingo board and pen. This shared initiative has nothing to do with their work projects. Instruct your group to gather in a circle and pick a theme. Ask for their ideas and feedback, and youll identify activities that everybody enjoys. Each student will add one word to the story try to build it as long as you can. For this icebreaker, have everyone on your team go around and share a word or phrase that represents how they feel that day. When its complete, the leader will then share their screen and have the group guess which team member is in each photo. This icebreaker is played like a competition between multiple orientation groups. This icebreaker game will have everyone thinking on their feet. Gather your entire team in a room and ask a simple question (for example, Whats your favorite color?). For the icebreaker, pass out the bingo cards and instruct the orientees to find people whom the bingo spots apply to. Collect allof the responses and place them in a bowl. Spooky? Sound Ball is an imaginative icebreaker that gives everyone a chance to get moving and energized. A unique culture within the workplace is essential when competing for talented new hires and it doesnt have to come with a hefty price tag. The partner to smile or laugh first must sit down. This could be a great way to get to know surprising new things about your teammates. The last person to connect must find something they have in common with the original person. A way to allow coworkers to create that community is to introduce icebreakers. Try not to blush too hard when they get to yours. Once each team is ready, they must get the hula hoop from one end of the human chain to the other without breaking it. For this game, youll need to prepare by purchasing two identical jigsaw puzzles. During weekly video chats, you can designate one coworker to teach the team how to engage in a hobby theyre good at something you dont need to be in-person to do. Planning a few new hire orientation games will help you break up those mundane to-dos while encouraging your team members to get to know each other and forge some beneficial bonds. Qualee is dedicated to helping you onboard new employees safely, simply, and in the most engaging way possible. Gather the group and allow them some time to think about three clues that describe where they are from. Its important to note that no two people will have more than one tile to ensure everyone is included. There are a few reasons this game works as both a great ice breaker and a team-building exercise. Hi my name is Alex and I like dogs). At HubSpot, we conduct a scavenger hunt for new hires on the first day of their training. Some can be as simple as "Would you rather", "2 Truths and a Lie", "Team Scavenger Hunt", or "Favorite Animal". here. Its almost like a - What do you think your previous team valued about you? The list continues below read on to find fun icebreaker games, ice breakers for large teams, and more. Before orientation begins, the orientation staff will create bingo cards that describe individuals and their experiences. - What is your favorite thing about working in a team? This is a great reflection exercise for the very beginning or very end of orientation. Then, have everyone form a circle and take turns introducing their partner to the group. A fun icebreaker session puts everyone at ease, creates a positive and informal setting for banter to flow, encourages self-expression and discovery, and can help to break up any team cliques that may have formed up until now. You or your teammate will share an interest, such as a TV show or hobby. Allow your new hires to talk to their supervisors or other managers and ask them questions as well. Once they have been given their materials, set a timer and get ready to build! You can alsorepeat this by having each student state their intended major and why they chose it. Perfect for larger groups and movie fanatics, this icebreaker is as crazy as you make it. Have the instructor lead the meeting from the start, ideally with a time limit on the activity. Familiarizing a new hire with his co-workers is another crucial element of employee orientation. Shuffle a deck of cards and hand out one card per student. Sometimes, having a fun ice breaker game or activity can aid in that connection. Have coworkers sign off on a sheet the new recruits carry or, better yet, ask the new recruits to take a selfie with each coworker that fits one of their assigned traits. "The person sharing gets to decide whether or not to elaborate, and everyone listens without response. Split the group into two teams. This activity requires a little more preparation but the results are worth it to see teams work together to problem solve in a fun way. Once all the students have formed into their groups they will arrange their comic strip frames in chronological order. Some employees may feel anxious to get back to whatever project theyre working on. Gradually people will be made to exit the mingling space or find a seat until the last person standing wins. Share your thoughts on Twitter, and we just might update this blog post to include your idea. It helps to create an environment of trust and support within the team, allowing the new Would you rather is another classic icebreaker game that gives employees a chance to learn more about each other in terms of their preferences. The orientation leader will break the group off into two sub-groups and then pick a topic of conversation. If anyone shows their teeth, they are out. 60 Awesome Icebreakers for Orientation and Beyond, New school, new friends, and new experiences . Pair the group off and tell them to stand back to back. Ask each student to write a fill-in-the-blank sticky note or index cards. Simply split up your team into groups, and give each group a shortlist of items to find if you work in a smaller space, maybe you can hide some funny items around the office ahead of time. Whoever catches the ball next must repeat the sound made, then throw the ball to another person making their own unique sound. Asking fun questions is an easy and effective ice breaker game. Im the grocery cart with the creaking wheel). Have them wear a specific colour. 10. They often make way for both group and one-on-one interactions, helping each coworker to get enough face time with the people they would like to know better. Meet-and-greets allow team members to talk to everyone on their team attending With a work friend, new hires can better assimilate to their team and company as a whole. For instance, let's say you're leading a meeting on culture. And even if you work remotely, team bonding is an important part of running a productive, effective team. We have some good news: If youre on the lookout for a great exercise for new hires, your search is over. Whether its a prized-collectible or an item that sparks nostalgia, theres plenty of stories waiting to be told. The group leader can then ask one question for everyone to answer, such as why did you choose to attend this university? The first person answers the question, takes a part of the yarn, and then passes the ball to another group member seatedaround the circle. We recently released a podcast that you might enjoy. Develop the right techniques for hiring remote employees. Think you cant pull this off with your own group? Its simple everyone will create a fun, creative handshake. Simply choose a brief personality quiz on your phone or computer (if you're stuck, here's a list), and pull it up on a projector or send the link to everyone. Have everyone fill out an interest form for the event. In Tall Tales, each player will make up three sentences to add to a running story. With the Rose, Thorn, Bud icebreaker, team members can quickly convey whats on their mind by sharing three bits of information: Rose: A recent positive happening like a personal highlight or win, Thorn: A challenge or roadblock they need support on, Bud: An idea for the future theyd like to share, or excitement for events in motion. If your goal is simply to encourage team bonding, your quiz can be more fun like, "Match the lyrics with this 80's song." The goal of the volunteer is to hear a joke from every colleague around the circle, while the goal of the other team members is to make the volunteer laugh. Someone with that same interest should either drop a note in the chat or raise their hand. Steps in Making the New Hire WelcomeBegin the process before the new person starts work. Make sure that key coworkers know the employee is starting and encourage them to come to say "hello" before orientation begins. Assign a mentor or buddy, to show the new person around, make introductions, and start training. Start with the basics. More items Playful icebreakers allow new hires to work in teams quickly and spark conversations. Beware, some coworkers have impressively bad dad jokes saved up for these moments, so the competition will be fierce. At the end of the exercise, ask each recruit to introduce their partner to the group. If you're discussing company changes, for instance, maybe you'll start by quizzing team members on company history facts (e.g. Its a fun way to bond and share a giggle here and there over everyones work of art. Theyll have to act out the behaviors, facial expressions, or even the iconic Im flying scene from Titanic. To get started, split employees up into teams or pairs, with each team having an equal amount of new and veteran employees. Ask which hero they would like to be and why based on their stories or abilities. Ready? 3. Its very simple: just like regular RPS except with a few added features. This activity is particularly effective at getting people to talk to one another and is best in a big group so that all employees have the chance to interact with everyone. Allow the teams time to deliberate and then ask them to present the item they chose and why. Each person will respond to the prompt If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would it be, and why?. Break the students up into pairs and send them off with their list and these simple instructions: Find as many of thethings on the list as you can in the time allotted. This is probably one of the silliest icebreakers in this list, but its definitely worth trying for the fun of it all. Everyone will need to have a separate device to use so they can enter the game and submit their answers. Designate a team member ahead of time to lead the stretches (or lead them yourself). As a virtual team, you dont have the benefit of being in the same room or doing some of the above physical activities together. To play, you simply divide your team into groups of four and give each group 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and a marshmallow. Invite your employees to bring one icebreaker question they want to ask, such as why they choose their career path or what their experiences were before. Figure out whos a fan of the classics by clapping and stomping to the rhythm of We Will Rock You by Queen, or do whatever it takes to help your colleagues recognize your favorite tunes. I listened to feedback and tried to incorporate it into better ice breakers. This one also works great as a late-night event during orientation week. Planning new hire ice breakers can be simpler when smaller teams are involved. If another ninja is successful in hitting your hand, you must put that arm behind your back and continue with one arm. You can also adapt this game to be Name Boggle instead of birthdays. Thanks to the Presence team for helping me curate this list! What icebreakers would you add? The other group must figure out what they are spelling. Thinking off the top of your head is a lot harder said than done in Scattergories. The first personsays zip and points to another member of the group, whothen says zap and points to someone else. Typical icebreaker questions can get people to say a sentence or two about the subject, but if youre passionate about it, youll see more personality come out from the most unexpected colleagues in the call. Make sure your theme is chosen in good judgment. At the end, have everyone show their work. Break the students up into pairs and send them off with their list and these simple instructions: Find as many of thethings on the list as you can in the time allotted. Some icebreakers are conducted in a group while some can be completed individually. Icebreaker games help lighten the atmosphere, boost camaraderie, and provide team members with a fun venue to share their thoughts, likes, dislikes, and unique characteristics. According to the training firm Leadership IQ, 46% of rookies wash out in their first 18 months. This was found by a study done over 3 years of 20,000 new hires. Here are a few ways to welcome staff into the school family during a new teacher orientation: plan fun icebreaker games to fight those first-day jitters create welcome baskets with school supplies and school swag (like staff t-shirts or lanyards) provide snacks and water take them to lunch on the school When the game starts, everyone will be prompted to write a fun sentence. The instructions are simple, every group member will be randomly assigned a different person to draw in a couple minutes. During orientation, a new employee can establish whether the company is family-friendly or individual-oriented. Ask coworkers which genres theyd rather watch, or which theyd want to be in. Every player will have a chance to put their own spin on the budding story, and can even try to throw the next participant for a loop with a crazy situation. Ice breakers are great for dissipating nervousness on a new hires first day. Enjoy seeing the eclectic items in your team members homes! Talent show Ask for a few volunteers who want to As a group, they must form a perfect square. Now what? A win, win. Web6Icebreakers to acquaint new remote employees with the team Virtual icebreaker games for new remote employees 1The birth map 2Personality Tests 3Fill in the blank 4The Make sure you keep track of how many you get right! One by one, everyone will choose one word to draw, and the others will get to guess the word. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. The activity can be easier or harder depending on the time limit you give, but three minutes is a good starting point. These suggestions will be sure to make your employees love their jobs. Pair the group off and give them five minutes to interview each other. - What's the most unusual job you've ever had? Everyone should write down five surprising facts about themselves on an index card (make sure they arent obvious these should be things like I once went hang gliding in Iceland rather than I have brown hair). But heres the problem: Everything youve found so far iswell, a little cheesy. The facilitator will read from a list of prompts (you can write your own for your group or you can use a pre-written one) and the designated tappers will lightly touch the shoulder of the people who the statement applies to. In need of a wholesome icebreaker? Heres an example from Oregon Goes to College. The first team to accomplish this wins. You are not allowed to move directly to the left or right of where you started. It will also help them connect with the corporate culture and with each other, making them feel like valued members of the team on their first day. For a solution that can ensure an intuitive onboarding process that will help smoothly integrate new employees into your organisation, check out Qualee. If one stumbles or does not ask a question, they are out. Have team members guess which is the lie. Have the group form a circle and toss a ball around the circle. This is when the group leader can discuss the importance of each person in a team or group. Some may think a careerorientation is merely a formality, a quick introduction to the company rules and mission statement before new workers are sent to their desks. Get creative with the scavenger hunt by hiding funny items in different rooms or asking recruits to retrieve things, like three pens from the supply closet or a snack bar from the office kitchen. Have coworkers read through a list of Most likely To titles and assign them to one another. If you do your employee onboarding remotely you can use digital scavenger hunts too! You can also adapt this icebreaker game to the digital age by having the participants text their facts to you and then having everyone vote using Poll Everywhere. Ensure you have the right team size for this activity. The idea of an icebreaker may make teams feel a little hesitant, due to how mind-numbing they could be in school. Here are examples of icebreakers you can use for training: 1. Have someone write down well-known names on sheets of paper and then hand them off one at a time to a team member. When the orientation leader says go the first person will tap on the shoulder of the student in front of them and act out the prompt. "What year was this company founded?"). Same rules of bingo apply here the first person to get bingo wins! They give people the Say hi to helping students make new friends 60 different ways! The first person will say their name and the reason why chose to attend this college. Some suggested sentences for this exercise include: Before I came to college, my main interests were, The way I would describe my family is, and The things I value most are. Sign up to start creating engaging polls today. Whisper Down the Lane is an icebreaker game where team members form a larger circle and share a random message whispered into the ear of someone to their left. Doing this icebreaker is a great way to build connections remotely. In meetings, it can be hard to communicate or understand everyones perspective on a project unless everyone has the floor to say whats on their mind. Have one team member start making a noise youd hear in a song like percussion and have others gradually add to the beat. Pick one player to start the game, saying ha once. Like, Whats the name of our CEOs goldfish?. Manually choose an instructor for the upcoming meeting, or pick a name randomly using a tool. They will continue talking about themselves, sharing things that they like. Each student will thenshow off a special skill or hidden talent that they have. Our CEO plays Two Truths and a Lie in the onboarding orientation he facilitates with each group of new hires. Once they are done, have them tape it to their back. Consider reaching out to managers from other departments and creating groups of employees who don't often get to work together. The host of the game can choose from topics as broad as foods and countries or as weird as Things Granny would say.. Youll create a physical map where your teammates can place a pin on their birthplace. This ice breaker can promote team bonding, and it's one of the easier options on the list. Enjoy! Example: Would you rather travel to only island destinations or mountainous destinations?. Once the one motion is completed, you must be frozen in that position until it is your turn again. In this icebreaker game, have everyone write 10 facts about themselves on paper and place them each into their own envelopes. The orientation leader will split the group into two teams. An alternative to the partner introduction that will still serve to help your recruits get to know each other better is the icebreaker game Ten Things in Common. Again, youll want to split your group into pairs. To run this remotely, you'll want to share your screen with your team. My name is Luke and I like lemons). Icebreaker Bingo is a great way to bond with large teams because it can include as many people as you want. Grab this free checklist template. Team building is an essential part of onboarding and new hire orientation. This pattern continues until eventually, everyones arms will be linked into one gigantic chain. Icebreaker activities can seem cringeworthy but are actually a great way to build trust within your team. each student will help craft a story, one word at a time. There are existing quizzes like Strengthfinder and Myers-Briggs, to sillier ones that will help co-workers laugh together like discovering which Hogwarts house everybody belongs to. Each group will be assigned a word that they must spell out using their bodies (no hand signals or signs). Team building activities can also help new hires better understand the organizations culture, values, and objectives. No repeat songs or skips! I bet anyone who watched Squid Games in 2021 is familiar with this game, and if you havent, the rules are simple (and the stakes are much, much lower.). Maybe its by height or shoe size, or perhaps its by birth month, or number of years with your company. Whichever team can build the tallest structure, wins the trick is, the marshmallow must be on top. Published: The Rose, Thorn and Bud game encourages employees to speak up and offer a new perspective. Fun and lighthearted, icebreakers are a great way to connect remote attendees while also creating a positive atmosphere from the start. Explore more uncommon talents and see which your coworkers would like to have in this type of questionnaire. Let your team know ahead of time that youll be doing this activity. To continue, repeat this, but stop on a different letter. - When was the last time you got the giggles at an inappropriate time? Share the presentation a week prior to the meeting so team members can add their childhood photos. Activities such as rose, thorn, and bud and a coworker scavenger hunt allow employees to get to know one another more intimately without risking professionalism. You can do this again with any geometric shape you wish. Of course, you want the topics to be fun and lighthearted, so keep them to topics that arent controversial and opt for statements like, Cheese isnt all that great. if youre a madman. Once everyone has selected a frame, they will begin searching for the other students with the same comic strip. The person who doesnt win their round is now a cheerleader for the winner. See how long your team can keep the chain going. (We dont recommend trying this with Laurel/Yanny, just as a word of warning). Ask the group to form a circle. The game will start once everyone designates themselves as. Each student will introduce themselves by stating their name and a word within the theme that starts with the same letter of their name (i.e. One of the most crucial parts of the onboarding process is taking the time to help new hires smoothly integrate into their new team and connect with their colleagues. For this icebreaker, everyone will debate a silly topic and chime in with an equally silly answer and reasoning. Click the Invite button and share the link with your colleagues. Say something lovely with another team member, and it could be anything you want as long as its respectful and in good judgment. Keeping the ice breakers inclusive keeps everyone engaged. Looking for simple icebreaker questions, that dont require any further rules or materials? For example - "Would you rather speak in front of a crowd or stay behind the scenes?". The first person in each line will talk to one another, but only in questions. Heres an example from. Make sure you give the hider a set amount of time to hide! Then, have each group create a chain by linking arms. Here are a few "Would You Rather" questions to get you started: Accomplishments Before 18 is an engaging and unique way to encourage team members to share fun or interesting stories with one another. While its important for your new employees to begin making connections with each other, you also want to encourage them to begin building rapport with other members of the company. You or your teammate will share one bucket list item. In this icebreaker, the leader holds an imaginary ball in their hand and throws it to other players, making whatever sound they think it would with that gesture. The orientation leader has a large ball of yarn and asks the group to sit in a circle. Their experiences ) goes next prompt, the orientation leader has a large ball of yarn and the... Videos of your head is a good starting point game will have everyone thinking on their feet understand organizations... Team go around and share a word of warning ), we conduct a scavenger hunt new hire orientation icebreakers your even. Another member of the silliest icebreakers in this icebreaker, pass out the bingo cards and the. Clues for each place or which theyd want to as a TV show or hobby these moments so! Crucial element of employee orientation their intended major and why based on their stories or abilities running.. 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