advantages of line organisation

There is failure to get correct information and to act upon it due to lack of communication. There is no provision for growth and development. Every organizational system comes with some pros and cons. Hence, this is unstable. Every unit is complete in itself as far as the functions are concerned. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Responsibility, on the other hand, flows upwards. 3. 6. The executive authority of the enterprise is concentrated only on the top-level management. Prohibited Content 3. Flexibility: This system is flexible in the sense that it is subject to quick adjustments to suit the changing conditions. There may be a good deal of nepotism and jobbery and personal prejudices. However, it should be remembered that it works best in small and medium-sized companies. Advantages and Disadvantages of Line Organization Advantages are: 1. 1. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. How to Improve Line and Staff Organization? In this blog, we'll explore six benefits of Change Management when . Your email address will not be published. Having a three-way authority system in the company facilitates expansion and growth. A line organizational structure helps build rapport between senior management and employees. Five key benefits of implementing a service line management structure are highlighted below: Improves patient experience: At its core, service line development aims to connect and enhance care coordination across all sites and levels of care. The officers work according to their whims and preferences. An organisation where staff departments have authority over line personnel in narrow areas of specialization is known as functional authority organisation. Therefore, they can proceed their work without any confusion or misunderstanding. Since all work is done according to the wishes of one person alone, the efficiency of the whole department will come to depend upon the qualities of management displayed by the head of that department. He need not to waste time in getting instructions from above. 7. A number of organizations do not even employ staff managers, relying solely on their line managers to accomplish business objectives. Since one man controls the whole show, the subordinates have to dance according to his tune. Instruction is given by the boss directly to his subordinates. Line managers sit directly in the chain of command in a company's hierarchy, and are responsible for overseeing subordinates and reporting to their own managers. Its like an organizations grapevineyou dont know what youre going to get because information gets recycled at each level. Thus, this system can be successfully practised where: (a) The business is carried on a small scale with a small number of subordinates and operatives. 2. The involvement of functional managers per need allows the line officers to make quick decisions. Line organization is the oldest and simplest method of administrative organization. Although an executive can delegate authority, he has ultimate responsibility for results. Experienced employees with specialized knowledge are given functional authority in the organization. Each department is under the control of a departmental head who is completely responsible for organising the department. Similarly, each group of activities will be a complete unit by itself being adequate for performing the assigned tasks. Line organization can be further classified into two kinds: The chart given can illustrate the Departmental line organization. This structure is suitable for large organizations but not the best choice for small businesses. The line and staff structure may promote over-dependence on staff members. The line staff organizational structure offers more flexibility than others. Content Filtration 6. If they are not able the enterprise will not be successful. As such, they can not devote sufficient time to creative functions. Authority flows vertically from top level person to all the persons responsible for the execution of work. about B2B Account-Based Marketing: How to Grow Sales? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. They have staff wings like intelligence, medical and so on. This greatly reduces the establishment cost. Every manager is required to incorporate these activities in his department. Some of them are inherent while some others are due to peculiar failings of human beings. 5. A line organization is easy to establish. Chain of Command in Organizational Structure, Advantages & Disadvantages of an Egalitarianism Company. Where the scale of business is comparatively small. Disadvantages of Line and Staff Organisation. Since authority and responsibility flow in an unbroken straight line, it is called line organisation. Your email address will not be published. Inadequate Communication: Though this system ensures direct communication from the top level to the lower level, it provides no arrangement for communication from the bottom to the top level. Since the departmental head is almost all-in-all for the activities of his department. In recent times, however, the military organisations have undergone changes similar to those occurring in the industrial and other organisations. The leaders follow the line, staff, and functional authority. Such decisions are executed promptly also. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Advantages of Line Organisation: ADVERTISEMENTS: Line organisation offers the following advantages: (a) It is simple to operate and easy to understand. Type # 1. For the three indicators of inclusionequality, openness, and belongingwe found particularly high levels of negative sentiment about equality and fairness of opportunity. All departmental heads try to run the departments in their own way and according to their suitability. What are the advantages and disadvantages of line and staff organization? As its name suggests, the organization must be divided into different departments on the basis of their works. Required fields are marked *. A line function is one that directly advances an organization in its core work. the scale of the business and the size of the products produced; the ways in which goods and services are sold; the amount of capital, available resources, etc. In this organizational structure, all the individuals perform the same type of work. Often the managers are not able to communicate the job roles to the employees. Managers have to involve themselves in jobs of different nature. Hence, there is greater flexibility in the organisation. (iv) It ensures excellent discipline in the enterprise because everyindividual knows to whom he is responsible. military, vertical, scalar, departmental organization. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Line personnel command the workers and give feedback. planning. A manager just communicates his decisionwhether in the best interests of the organization or notand the subordinates have to act according to them. ii. In addition to the tax accounting example given above, other functions that lend themselves well to staff management positions include legal advice and quality control. This type of organizational structure is often observed in older organizations that have routine tasks. 5. Although a line structure isnt as common as it used to be, it still exists in organizations that have been around for years. This way, youll be self-motivated to perform well, get along with your coworkers and do a good job. Above all the departmental heads, there is a general manager to whom all the department heads are responsible. Advantages of Line and Staff Organization, Disadvantages of Line and Staff Organization. Everything you need to know about the line organisational . [Read] about 6 Actionable Tips for Women to Ace Wealth Planning, We are constantly looking for that extra income [Read] about 8 Ways to Earn Passive Income, Debt can be a major source of stress and anxiety [Read] about How To Get Out of Debt and Invest in Your Success. So, there is a lack of stability in enterprise performance. All other types of organization structure have mostly been either modifications of this organization. So it can be operated simply and clearly. Another benefit of line organizations is that they tend to be relatively efficient and decisive in their decision-making and implementation. The simple organization is economical in operation. In case, the manager of one department wishes to issue guidance or directions to a subordinate in another department, he will go up the line and convey the message to the top manager who will then pass it down the line in the other department. Any change in the policy can be effected promptly in all the branches of the organization without any difficulty. Definition, Types, and Ways To Implement, 4 Types of Corporate Level Strategy [+Pros/Cons], What is Retrenchment Strategy? Account Disable 12. (2) Clear Division of Authority and Responsibility: There is clear definition of authority-responsibility of each individual employee. One of the advantages of the line organization structure is simplicity. Publisher Blue Whale Press sp. At each level, the superior makes decisions within the scope of authority derived by him from his own boss. There is also a lack of grooming the new persons for taking up important work. They are bound to follow instructions from their superiors. The line organisation structure is given below: Advantages of Line Organization: a. Is working for a manufacturing company right for you? Some of the advantages of implementing the matrix organizational structure include: 1. 1. Quick Decision-Making In a hierarchical structure, decision-makers don't wait for inputs from other members of the organization before making decisions. General Manager. In the line organization, managers have to perform a wide range of functions. Following this organizational system reduces the burden on line officers. In the pure organisation, the activities at any one level are the same with each man performing the same type of work, and the divisions exist solely for control and direction. A group of employees is controlled by one individual. As a manager, hes the one who has to communicate the CEOs orders to the. The hierarchy is different in each of them. While they work on expanding the unit, the officers can plan for the future. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The process of rating an organization's practices, processes, and products against the best of the world is known as: A. webworking. This can be effective when organizations are short on time. (ii) Staff authorities are not acquainted with the practical problems of the enterprise as they are only academics. For example, the sales department, shipping department and milling machine department in a plant, laid out on the basis of related function. Explore topics such as What is anOrganizational Structure,Types of Organizational Structure,Matrix Organizational Structure,Flat Organizational Structure&Divisional Structurefrom Harappa Diaries and understand how teams functions in your organization. Under this type of organization, each department control is vested with one individual who is known as Departmental Head. (d) The work is of a routine type and is in continuous process which can be directed with no difficulty. (b) Fixed Responsibility Every member of the organisation knows his exact function, to whom he is responsible and who are responsible to him. 5. Direct supervision and control also helps in maintaining strong discipline among the workers. Line structures are suitable for Small businesses where there are few subordinates and organizations where there is largely of routine nature and methods of operations are simple. Matthew was a floor manager at a local restaurant in Wales. Line managers can work more efficiently with staff managers handling specialized functions. Aline organizational structurehas many advantages but they depend on the type of business and number of employees. He is given the required authority and responsibility to manage his department. Functional structure introduces a division into functional departments headed by specialists. Another disadvantage of line organization is that due to the presence of a single authority the scope of favoritism and biased towards some employees increases leading to dissatisfaction among other employees and a hostile working atmosphere within the company which in long run can be a disaster for the company. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Departmental head is given full freedom to manage his department. D. core competencies., Companies benefit today by inter-firm cooperation. If they are not able the enterprise will not be successful. And others may be good at execution but not so when it comes to planning. Storage Discipline: The vertical arrangement of authority and the singleness of responsibility ensures excellent discipline. There are no staff personnel to advice line officers. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Even the workers at the lower level can understand the structure of this organization. According to , the most pressing challenges they face in human resource spectrum are: high degree of employee turnover, management risk (Omolaja ,2015), inadequate management knowledge, shortage of. For example, human resources, accounting, public relations and the legal . Clear definition of authority-responsibility means that an employee can only be given orders by his manager, his immediate boss. Superior at each level makes decisions within the scope of his authority. Simplicity: This system is very simple and can operate very easily. It is the simplest form of organization which is common in small and medium-sized organizations. (ii) Which do not have many subordinates and operatives; (iii) Which have straight and simple methods of operations; and. 3. This type of organisation is in accordance with the principle of scalar chain. Strong Discipline- Because of direct authority-responsibility relationships, discipline can be maintained more effectively. (b) Lack of specialization It suffers from lack of specialised skill of experts. The lack of communication creates many problems for the smooth conduct of business. More recently, it has also been referred to in management writing as the scalar organisation. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Reduce energy Expenses - Under the triple bottom line method, the organizations are encouraged to use renewable energy. The lower-level employees have no knowledge and authority about their performance. iii. Every person in the organization is only accountable to his superior who has delegated authority to him, and to none else. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. (viii) Each department is self-contained and works independently of other departments. about The Truth Behind Cryptocurrency Transactions: Are Digital Transactions Secure? This affects their creativity and capacity for independent thinking. Main article photo: photo by Vlada Karpovich, source: There should be a single line of command. Learn how your comment data is processed. What is Line and Staff Organizational Structure? The line organisation has the following important merits not usually found in other types of organisation: (i) Simplicity It is the easiest to establish and simplest to explain to the employees. What is line and staff Organisation? Although there is communication from top to bottom there is usually no communication from the lower ranks to higher ranks and executives. Everybody knows his work and also to whom he is responsible. They judge the performance of persons according to their own yardsticks. (h) Definition of Authority As the powers and authorities of various person are defined, the conflict in their powers and authorities is avoided. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The quantum of authority is highest at the top and reduces at each successive level down the hierarchy. Line structure the simplest of all existing varieties of business management structures. Where the process of production is continuous or special. For this reason, it is given the name line organization. Quick Decision. Unity of command supports settling the duty in the line organization. 7. It ensures appropriate decision-making for the betterment of processes within the company. vii. (iv) Lack of Communication- There is failure to get correct information and to act upon it due to lack of communication. It is a traditional concept of management. By providing staff managers with total authority in particular areas, line managers have more free. His message will first travel up the command-chain (called scalar chain by Fayol) and reach the manager who has authority over production department and the department in which the said subordinate works. In the fashion world, patterned dresses are a [Read] about What Fabric Choices Work Best for Printed Dresses? However, authority does not always translate to effectiveness. Moreover, it is easily understood by workers. According to McFarland, Line structure consists of the direct vertical relationship which connects the positions and tasks of each level with those above and below it.. Responsibility is fixed. In the army, men are organised into platoons, the platoons into companies, the companies into battalions, the battalions into brigades, the brigades are organised into divisions, and the divisions in turn constitute an army. Some assistants or new officers may be appointed to expand and delegate tasks. Characteristics of line organization are listed below. Advantages of Line and Staff Organization (7 Points) Managerial Specialization Better Coordination Functional Authority Practical Decision Facilitates Growth Better Utilization of Resources Greater Flexibility Disadvantages of Line and Staff Organization (7 Points) Problem of Conflict Greater Confusion High Cost Structure Over Dependence On Staff (i) There are many levels of management depending upon the scale of business and decision-making ability of managers. This means relying a little too much on their individual capability, knowledge and experience. In line organisation every person is under the command of one boss only. He can manage his department according to his knowledge and convenience. While better coordination is an advantage of line and staff organizational structure, it can also be the other way. Another benefit of line organization is that it is easier to make someone accountable and responsible for the task assigned to him or her so if any mistake happens one can easily pinpoint the person due to whom the mistake has happened and there is no scope for him or her putting blame on other persons of the company.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'letslearnfinance_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-letslearnfinance_com-medrectangle-4-0'); if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'letslearnfinance_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-letslearnfinance_com-banner-1-0');Since decisions are taken by the person at the top only the response time to any situation is quick and short besides there is a lot of flexibility due to the presence of a single authority which makes it easier to respond to any situations which may arise from time to time. The sales department can be further sub-divided into Counter Sales, Branch Sales, On Line Sales and Export. Quick decisions and their implementation help to get the benefit of business opportunities. Simple and Easy To Understand 2. Every company operates on the basis of a specific organizational structure, which forms the basis of its functioning. In line organisation, each department is generally a complete self- sustaining unit. The biggest disadvantage of line organization is that since it is one man show the lack of specialization is clearly visible in such type of organization as each job requires different skills to complete the job effectively and efficiently and one man cannot learn all the skills alone so there will be always that lack of knowledge or specialization in case of line organization. They perform all types of works of creative and innovative nature. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Fixed Responsibility: Under this system, the duties and responsibilities are clearly defined for each employee. about How does a Valuator Value a Business? So, learning more about different organizational structures, stakeholders and power structures will help you navigate your workplace. First, commands should be given to subordinates through the immediate superior- there should be no skipping of links in the chain of command. (iv) Where the work is done by automatic machines and less supervision is needed. Line organization structure is also known as a simple organization or military organization. Relief to Line Executives: The Staff officers look after the detailed analysis of each important managerial activity which is a big relief to the line officers. David Ingram has written for multiple publications since 2009, including "The Houston Chronicle" and online at The organizational structure of any organization will depend on how far it has grown, who its members are and what tasks they perform. Both line and staff should try to understand each other's responsibilities and difficulties and try to co-operate with each other for the achievement of enterprise objectives. Direct Communication: As this system enables direct contact between the superior and his subordinates, direct communication is made possible. The term military organisation is, therefore, rather misleading. Each sub-ordinate gets instructions only from his/her immediate superior directly. Line organisation is easy to operate and less expensive. (i) Less Expensive It is less expensive as no expenditure on staff personnel is involved. Advantages of Line and Staff Organisation: Specialization: Line and staff organisation introduces specialization in a systematic manner. Every employee is responsible to his immediate superior. (ii) There is vertical flow of authority and responsibility. The links in the chain of command should not be skipped. A line organization is hard put to find managers who are good at both, planning and execution. Flexibility: Staff can be added to the line and new activities may be introduced without disturbing the line procedure. All other types of organization structure have mostly been either modifications of this organization. What is Business Level Strategy? It is extremely difficult for one person to handle activities of diverse nature. This may result in his personal opinion or impulse, rather than any reason or system, guiding his decisions. Responsibility is fixed. Like any type of structure, a linear structure also has its advantages and disadvantages that an entrepreneur must be aware of. Due to the fact that decision-making authority is. Advantages of Line and Staff Organisation: A line officer can make sound decisions on the basis of proper advice from the staff officer. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Staff managers generally perform their job functions without managerial guidance or approval, allowing them to work much more efficiently than line employees. Simplicity: This system is very simple and can operate very easily. The departmental manager is responsible or answerable to his immediate superior i.e. B. outsourcing. 2. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that youve provided to them or that theyve collected from your use of their services. This finding underscores the increasingly recognized need for companies to improve their I&D engagement with core-business managers. Similarly, they can not devote time to supervise their subordinates. The staff does not have the authority to issue orders to contractors, but has a strong influence on the supervisor. But all managers may not be equally capable and committed to their work; those who pass the test, will accomplish their work as desired, but there may be some who may fail forcing the organization to think of giving them specialized training, or find replacement for them. Just as some job functions are best handled by a single individual, some individuals simply work best when they are left alone. (c) It enables clear cut definition of authority and responsibility. Confusion: If the pattern of authority relationship between line and staff executives is not clearly indicated, there may be considerable confusion throughout the organisation. In spite of these drawbacks, the line organisation structure is very popular particularly in small organisations where there are less number of levels of authority and a small number of people. Privacy Policy 9. (iv) Staff authorities feel that they do not have authority to get their ideas implemented. Managers of all departments contribute to multiple management layers in the organization. In line organisation only departmental head is required to take decisions and he will not waste time in deciding things. Simple To Operate Simplicity is one of the major benefits of line organization. Image: Line Organization Characteristics, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages. He/ she is fully responsible for running the department. 3. WHO IS A STAFF MANAGER? The reactions of subordinates also reach top management in a short span of time. Similarly, a manager has to look after various departments and functions at a time. WAs part of our website, we use cookies to provide you with services at the highest level, including in a manner tailored to individual needs. Simplicity: Line organisation is simple to establish and can be easily understood by the employees. A breakdown of job roles and division of job specifications helps maximize productivity. It is dictatorial in nature as all important powers are concentrated in the hands of a few top executives. They are expected to take numerous decisions and supervise the work of subordinates under them. This is the oldest type of organisation in use and has followed till recently in the army in its pure form. Advantages of Line and Staff Organization: - Line officers can mainly focus on the task as planning and checking is done by the employees. The subordinates should get commands only through their immediate superiors. 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