why is the vatican shaped like a snake

What you see is what you are meant to see. It's even the name of America, for Amaru. And as fate would have it, that dragon, that 'scarlet coloured beast' of Bible prophecy is 100% connected with the Vatican, the pope and the Catholic Church. Stick to the topic at hand, report rule violations, and keep any discussion directed at users, mods, or this sub in reply to this comment only. If you view the room with fish eyes (fish eyes lens), you see that the hall looks like a snake. Photo surfaces showing TikTok executives posing with communist flag. Could you explain further? A few years ago they actually rejiggered some of the responses because the English was felt to have strayed too far from those used in other language churches, switched and also with you to and with your spirit and such, Wow! And don't think for one second that I'm wrong. The interior of the Audience Hall also closely resembles a serpent, strikingly with two fangs positioned over the stage. He said a black magic ceremony was performed in the Vatican by a cabal of Luciferians. Most of Washington DC's construction and layout is all attributed to them as well. There are (at least) 4 cherubim that remain in heaven, and their faces are of an ox, an eagle, a lion, and a man. Remember the Church tried to prevent laymen reading the Bible up until the Reformation and the Renaissance. Resign Joe#NordStream2 #BidenBoom @POTUS #Pipeline pic.twitter.com/CgQXgC74Uf, Now The End Begins (@NowTheEndBegins) February 14, 2023. Gunman kills son of federal judge Esther Salas at their home. A ton of dark, evil and very sinister bricks. Enjoy the show! Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of it's victims may be the most oppressive. . Whatever you do, dont ask this question on quora. It has been split. In it you will learn, among other things, that Vatican City is its own country over which the reigning pope is also the king. The CDC is recommending that poor refugees be fed horsepaste! Patriots Are Now In Control. St Paul, the Pope recalled, also spoke of this mystery. Please read some Manly P. Hall (ie America's Assignment With Destiny) or any amount of esoterica and you're realize very quickly that there's a mainstream version of history, and an occult one, and that names and language are a huge part of this deception. By twisting God's word into a lie, Satan has deceived many souls. For a movement that is so bad and evil they sure have exposed a lot of bad and evil. While you were sleeping Trump issued an edict that eliminates job protections for tens of thousands of federal employees, all involved in policy-making. Because they aren't a Christian organization. Something about snakes its not the reptilians that is some misdirection bullshit. He is a surfer of ideals and meditates often on the promise of happiness in a world battered by the angry seas of human thoughtlessness. Where does the idea of a priest even come from? I watched an interview with a former Satanist who said his biggest role was to break up churches! Why? Most-wanted pedoophile mastermind behind darknet sites that served thousands across the globe is arrested. And isnt coming back. For some reason that's been theorized as having to do with DNA, people also often see twisting serpents while on DMT or ayahuasca. He was alerted to these scandals in a letter byRev. And on the other side there are good guy aliens- smoke DMT, and you'll see them. It is a design. Thats a terrible business decision. He himself was a freemason, and the revolution was very proto-bolshevik. More Accusers Step Forward With Evidence Against Ghislaine Maxwell, Prosecutors Say. (a mushroom) Maybe the serpent wasn't the bad guy, but the person wanting others to remain obedient and ignorant. Mark Passio covers it quite concisely in his "de-mystifying the occult" presentation. Reptilian is the common denominator in alter history. The morning star (or just a 16 pointed star) is also a symbol of the Babylonian goddess of sexuality, Ishtar. Now we have a crazy expensive egg shortage, and in an incredible turn of events, Americas largest supplier of eggs just burned to the ground. We are living through an insane scenario that future historians will write about for years: Americans were told to take medical advice on COVID-19 from the same guy who funded the creation of COVID-19. This would go against the churches standing policy of slavery of mind and body. Maybe someone else can elaborate or argue otherwise. Because The Most High in Psalms 18 is a Dragon, whom leads people to the Beast. Ive also seen how American company reps in China have been offered similar bribes to get licenses for large AAA titles. lab52 68 4h55m. Coincidence? there are several conflicting measurements stated, but none of them are 6666in. The Biden family is set to personally benefit from China gaining access to Afghanistan's lithium deposits. You mean other than the talking snake that has consciousness, will, reason, uses logic and persuasion in the Garden of Eden story? So why does it look like a giant demonic reptile? There are FOUR readings from the Holy Scriptures at each and every mass and the sermon is a reflection on them. There is clearly something very intentional going on here and one doesn't spend many millions to design and build a very obvious snake within Vatican-owned buildings for no reason. I don't mean you woodsman, I mean anycitydweller. They are followers of Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank. The Vatican is a key-shape. Paul also quotes Lukes gospel in one of his epistles. The rules are very different at the top. We are meant to be afraid and hopeless. Trust your intuition. "Amaruca" is, literally translated, "Land of the Plumed Serpent.". Its officially named the Paul VI Audience Hall, after Pope Paul the Sixth, who reigned from 1963 to 1978. This is very bad for elites. Designed by award-winning Italian architectPier Luigi Nervi, the building is designed to seat 6300 people for conference with the Pope himself, who presents from a stage in front of a giant Satanic looking sculpture. Apparently he was a decent Pope, although he has been implicated in covering up or ignoring the sexual abuse of young boys by members of the Catholic clergy. their. Reddit banned the webpage that lists 44 peer-reviewed studies, 39 of which show that ivermectin is effective against COVID19. Whats Kundalini Energy? The results lend support to a controversial hypothesis: that primates as we know them would never have evolved without snakes. I love Joe, but I didnt like how he just laughed this off. Don't let big pharma shills and the fake news MSM tell you otherwise and do your own research. The snake was one of the first symbols of spirituality, the divine rising within. Can you think of any examples from history of a secret operation that the White House was responsible for, but strongly denied? Snowden tweeted. It is all a ruse for control of the non-questioning. Oddly, from an angle, the head of Christ looks suspiciously like the head of a snake with its fangs open, prepared to bite. In this building you will find no cross like in the church. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. To me, the fact that it's solar powered and therefore have bunch of panels like scales is another nod at how well intended everything was. I went to Catholic mass once and was absolutely shocked. Heck, the pharaoh wore a serpent as a headdress. Or maybe that is allegory about how the fruit of knowledge (the frontal lobe), was the curse that cast humanity out of the bliss of a non-sapient existence. Now they tell us it helped. Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations and all the rest of these evil entitles are driving us ever closer to Agenda 2030. Vatican Snake Room refers to the Paul VI Audience Hall located in Vatican City in Italy, which is an indoor space constructed in 1971 that the Pope uses for some public events and ceremonies. They are making you aware of it (if even just subconsciously) and by your inaction to stop it you are then giving your implied concent by going along with it (is the theory). Sounds like a reference to the all-seeing eye. The snake always has and always will represent deception. Lucifer / Satan. FROM ZERO HEDGE: Dozens of food processing plants were destroyed and/or damaged last year by accidental fires. After several months of a lull in mysterious fires rippling through the food industry, the first major one of the new year was reported byNBC Connecticuton Saturday. the room looks like a snake and the sculpture looks like hell hmmmm. I've been there. They actually teach the opposite. Somebody go check the trunk of Klaus Schwabs car for empty gas cans and a partially used book of matches. Meanwhile in this sub: "It's hopeless! UK Govt Scientist Admits Lockdown Was A "Monumental Mistake On A Global Scale". Who cares the church is just mind control serpent or not. Remember, its only for your own good. The walls are not parallel and form a sort of trapezoidal shape. Right behind the popes throne, they installed a statue created by Pericle Fazzini in 1977 that purports to show Jesus Christ rising up from an atomic apocalypse, and looking for all the world like a scene from Night Of The Living Dead zombie movie. Raised in the middle. "Nothing is right or wrong" and "perception is reality" are what they want to be the case. from what ive been thought they dont even have a hell (in school i was thought that they had a purgatory where they went for 3 months or something like that for them to cleanse themselves of their sins and then went to heaven), Everyone thinks the one world religion is Islam, The Catholic Church is just an extension of the Roman Empire, We are at the feet of iron and clay portion of the prophecy, Watch out when Israel starts building the 3rd temple, Which prophecy? Please pray for our efforts, and if the Lord leads you to donate, be as generous as possible. I did some more digging on the 21 gun salute. 36 chronic diseases and disorders have more than doubled. Later we went over to The Pantheon, an ancient Roman temple with statues of the major Roman gods. A train carrying toxic chemicals derailed and ignited a fire in East Palestine, Ohio, on Feb. 3, setting off evacuation orders and a federal investigation. Theyre referring to an instrument that was developed for their Large Binocular telescope which was abbreviated to LUCIFER. ", https://www.uhmc.sunysb.edu/surgery/america.html, What about amerigo vesbucci? Google "Land of the Plumed Serpent" if you haven't found this rabbit hole before. The U.S. attorney's office in New York is signaling more criminal charges could be forthcoming in their grand jury investigation into an underage sex ring allegedly involving the late Jeffrey Epstein, socialite Ghislaine Maxwell and others. She wants monetary policy set by the price of gold. I am old enough to remember when Joe Biden promised he was going to take out the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraineso why is he denying it now? An overview of Epstein and his connections. Named The Resurrection, La Resurrezione,the sculpture was designed byorPericle Fazzini. Tim Ballard went undercover for the Dept of Homeland security to infiltrate child trafficking networks. Don't know why, but it does. Thats because they were pretty much forced out of the Holy Land for centuries by a variety of factors. Astrotheology reveals this. Hunter Biden still has a financial stake in BHR, which has in its portfolio the battery maker CATL - a global leader in lithium-ion battery development and manufacturing. The Pope is the mouthpiece of the anti Christ. Only followers of Jesus Christ understand this. We're looking outside in at a world we can't even hope to understand. You can lose a trademark just because people call your product the wrong thing? Plandemic II: Indoctornation (Documentary). Snowden tweeted that the hysteria was an engineered bait and switch to prevent the media from covering the pipeline explosion revelations. and was inspired by the idea of Christ rising from the blast of a nuclear explosion. This fire is just one of a half-dozen or so major blazes involving hazardous materials taking place across America this week. Yesterday, the White House denied that the objects were extraterrestrial in nature, although the glib dismissal if anything only continued to feed into speculation online that ET had paid a flying visit. No conspiracy here, they were simply studying the effects of fear on adrenal gland production. 43. Well, what happened in the garden? http://www.theworldisabook.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Papal-audience-Sala-Nervi.jpg, https://vigilantcitizen.com/musicbusiness/occult-meaning-lady-gagas-video-g-u-y/. Because Crocodiles, Alligators, Komodo dragons and especially venomous snakes, are really scary. My answer to you is this; its not much trouble. If you were bit by a venomous snake that was game over. I even find it difficult to go to church at all, really. At this point it's irrelevant if Q is real. Its stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out. In an update to the story, Hersh gave an interview with Radio War Nerd in which he slammed the mainstream media for criticizing him personally rather than investigating the story. The famous Fontana della Pigna is a massive pine cone which is believed by many to represent the pineal gland, a tiny gland within the human brain believed to be the source of spiritual experience. I knew that if I scrolled down3/4s of the way, Id see a comment providing actual context. This has always driven me insane about religion among other things. It's subtle enough that people noticed, but not enough to outright call it out in public. No one shall be deceived into hell. Do they think were stupid? Gospel, What Gospel? Pope Francis Entrusts The Soul Of Pontifex Maximus Emeritus Benedict XVI To The Most Holy Virgin Mary Queen Of Heaven, NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Why Roman Catholicism Is Not Biblical Christianity, And We Take Your Bible Questions In Our NTEB Open Forum, NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The True Identity Of The Woman In Revelation 17, And The Precise Geographical Location Of Babylon In Revelation 18. Lucifer is mentioned ONCE, in place of Morning Star, yet Jesus himself says I am the Morning Star. Anything not in the Bible is evil apparently. The Pigna sculpture sits in a Vatican courtyard called the Court of the Pine Cone, and is today considered the largest pine cone statue in the world. is. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out atno charge. Suddenly there came to me the idea of Christ preaching peace for 2,000 years, and the place where He prayed for the last time: the olive grove of Gethsemane, said Mr. Fazzini in a book about the work. Notice the similarities in the shape, the roofing and scaly skin, and the placement of eyes. If the unsealed documents had placed Trump on the island with young girls it would be plastered all over MSM and social media with non-stop coverage right up until the election. "1986: The Act" premieres today! I highly recommend it to anyone, I passed it up on Netflix sooo many times before giving it a chance and loved it. Wow that's so cool. Find peace within yourself as. This makes men figuratively fish. Side effects are a feature, not a bug. The building is not a rectangle, it narrows at the "mouth". The Eastern Church still retains a lot more of the mystical elements of the faith, whereas the Western (Roman) Church, while still having some mysticism, has also embraced intellectualism (evidenced by scientists, medical doctors, and other priests with less theological/spiritual emphasis). Baldwin shot and killed Halyna Hutchins, whose husband Matthew Hutchins just happens to be an attorney for DC powerhouse law firm Latham and Watkins - a law firm that represented the Clinton campaign and the Clinton foundation in multiple litigations. The "science" mob has come for The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, which is bravely standing behind their study showing there is no data supporting a cloth mask in prevent transmission of the coronavirus. Note the overall shape -- wide back, narrow, rounded front, eyes in the middle, nostril at the front, and curved top. What people do not get about religion is that much of it was put into place to control the narrative of Christianity, specifically the Catholic church. Rule 2 is not in effect for replies to this comment. Hmm, WikiLeaks Shows George Soros Controlling Vote With 16 States Using SmartMatic Voting Machines, False Teacher Beth Moore Endorses The Late Term Partial-Birth Abortion Candidate Crooked Hillary, 2022 NOW THE END BEGINS | NTEB | SITE BY MUDFLOWER CREATIVE MEDIA, So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. Both churches still pray to the saints and Mary, but they both call it joining in prayer with the saints. Read about it in his novel Windswept House. St. Peter's Basilica, also called New St. Peter's Basilica, present basilica of St. Peter in Vatican City (an enclave in Rome), begun by Pope Julius II in 1506 and completed in 1615 under Paul V. It is designed as a three-aisled Latin cross with a dome at the crossing, directly above the high altar, which covers the shrine of St. Peter the Apostle. ", Vespucci was born in 1454 in Florence, where he was baptized, according to the official record, "Amerigho" not, as Carew asserts, Alberigo. Perhaps most common is the portrayal of the serpent as an enemy in general, or as Satan in particular., is the earth-bound incarnation of that familiar part of our timeless cosmic selves, the rebel within. He just left more of a imprint on the world than your average person. I think Jesus would understand the situation. Every damn newsroom repeated this crap. Among the many strange and suspicious statues, fountains, facades and structures that occupy Vatican City, the Popes Audience Hall stands out for its uncanny resemblance to a snake. Or because the serpent is the reason man was banished from heaven, and the reason man ate of the tree of knowlege of good & evil. Coincidence? "He said that Jesus emptied himself, humbled himself, annihilated himself in order to save us". 2023 Corona Times coronatimesnews@substack.com, This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_VI_Audience_Hall, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlAoOtatzzY. With that in mind, the fact that the Vatican created a building in the shaped of a giant reptile and the pope gives speeches from the beast's mouth is off-the-charts interesting. Twitter cancels Qanon, bans 7,000 account and limits 150,000 more. If anything that symbology would have ingrained an absolute fear of helping your fellow man. It was definitely infiltration. I got hissed at by a nun for kissing inside. I never went to a Latin church, so I cant speak to that. Since 1990, there has been an explosion of chronic disease. The Pope is the taking piece of the one that ought not be named. Moreover, the Apostle offers an even stronger . A few years ago they actually rejiggered some of the responses because the English was felt to have strayed too far from those used in other language churches, switched and also with you to and with your spirit and such. People and christians take the bible too literally. Mass is not a cannibalism ceremony, but rather an offering to God. The current was intertwined like 2 snakes, the caduceus / dna symbol. Take it for what it is. You have to pledge your allegiance and love to Jesus Christ when you are taken in. On a related note if you check out /r/DMT there are endless stories about meeting the "serpent" who is the center of the universe. There is only one in the distorted picture, because it was a neat feature to put into the picture. [Source]. Their idology is most sinful. Whistleblower claims Chinese communists pay Vatican $2 billion in bribes every year to pay for its silence on the CCPs repression of religious freedom. This guy will tell you whats up like a slap in the face. You think thats crazy, wait til you realize this is a mirrored map with Las Vegas in the center. In the picture you display its actually two fold. 1. The national media won't cover it, so here's a list of who have been caught so far. Ghislaine Maxwell's 25 year old nephew in charge of North African and Middle Eastern policy right before the Arab Spring began with Destruction in Libya and War in Syria? Jesus and his merry men were just regular people eating mushrooms. Why?? https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/c91cx3/why_does_the_popes_audience_hall_at_the_vatican/ess3ptk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app. Very weird and out of place from the Christian point of view. Weren't they the dominator of their period? They didn't read from the bible. This is definitely in the column of "things that make you go hmmmm". They CLEARLY understood the phycology tactics to use on members. Still looks like they made it to be the shape of a snake's head. They say it's through them, now give us your money and your children. Its sad that even r/conspiracy cant seem to see or understand this. Le Vatican. The word Vatican literally means Divining Serpent, and is derived from Vatis = Diviner and Can = Serpent. The explanation for the difference between the two is this: Before Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism split, they were one Church known as the Catholic (Universal) Church. You also need to see the end time sculpture (?) Out of topic, but we really need to stop using "google it" as a verb instead of "Search for it". Something forgotten about the death of Andrew Breitbart. Quite different from speaking from the chair of Peter, the cathedra of truth. Because apparently no one here has heard about photography or different lenses before. Fox News reportsthatat least one car contains hazardous materials. The manifestation of a spirit within a human being. FWIW. With that notion I'm leaning slightly more that it was intentional. Those who don't use their brains can't see it because the information conveyed is covert. It's exaggerated in the photo, yes. Anyway, the point is I am highly, highly skeptical or religion. There are many more examples of satanic imagery if you care to look. Without explanation, I gotta start asking wtf is going on behind the scenes. The only people who need perception to be reality is those who make perception different from reality (aka decievers). Fifth Pharmaceutical Company Charged In Ongoing Criminal Antitrust Investigation. This means inside the monument secret satanic sacrifice sexual meetings are being held by the NWO! Just Like In A Dan Brown Novel, Vatican Conservatives Have Launched A Secret Plan To Remove The New World Order Evangelist Pope Francis, Will It Work? The church literally has become the thing he would warn people about. All of the things you're not supposed to do, like killing and stealing etc. A few years ago I was rewatching it on youtube, and while my enjoyment of the musicality can't be denied, I soon realized that neither can the occult meaning behind much of the lyrics: "Fill us with the light of day" Posts like this is the real reason that 8chan was shut down. Let em eat sand while we pull the broken shards of what's salvageable together and make a world free of their brand of fear. "Amerigo [sic] was undoubtedly a Florentine dilettante [and] an extraordinarily clever one. Also the Pope talked about bringing all religions together in some type of one world religionhmmmmmmmm. For a second i tought it was built in minecraft, Theres a huge conspiracy about this and if you look of the Vatican lizards on YouTube, its easy to find. Okay but why the fuck would secret organizations leave little clues around?? Not everyone refused like I did.". Avoid getting tested. I wonder why this "New Baby Album" costs $11,199.99? According to Wikipedia the Washington monument is 554feet71132inches. Not only on a conscious level, but subconsciously too. The symbols, the rituals and the phrases are all alien to us, the profane. The penis snake is twice the size of the second-largest lung less tetrapod. They don't have anyone's full consent and never did. Welcome to the end times dystopian world of you will own nothing, you will eat bugs, and like it. The number of child victims reached well into the millions. But let's not let reason get in the way of you adding nothing to the conversation. Reddit officially allows anti-white racism and hate speech. I love the humor in that show and Lucifer, despite initially being portrayed as cool and sexy comes up as severely flawed and narcissistic. He is a surfer of ideals and meditates often on the promise of happiness in a world battered by the angry seas of human thoughtlessness. Worshipping a dead man wont bring you any closer to enlightenment. Why is 'free thought' ridiculed, challenged, and threatened when a person is opposed to the 'mainstream-narrative'? I don't know for sure if Nintendo would have lost their license, but it wasn't worth the risk when everybody called video game consoles "Nintendos" that weren't from Nintendo at all. He who speaks with a forked tongue is said to be deceptive, untrustworthy or a liar. Trump: "Is that supposed to be a bad thing?". But the serpent that saves: this is the mystery of Christ". I DO NOT condone violence, but at times, a fight for good is all they leave you with. Havent you heard of the ancient order of the Quonset? (See /r/culturallayer for the last one..). http://cdn1.collective-evolution.com/assets/uploads/2017/11/Screen-Shot-2017-11-15-at-11.57.43-AM.png. Which is 6655.34inches. Where ancient wealthy bloodlines sat on top and controlled everything. http://saturndeathcult.com/the-sturn-death-cult-part-1/the-golden-age/. Pedo elites are quite real and there's an uprising against those elites forming. Do the right thing, and you'll better prepare your soul for wherever we are all going next. The head of Jesus is turning into(anyone care to hazard a guess here? The Paul VI Audience Halls draws many conspiracy theories not only due to this sculpture that people swear is a demonic representation and a serpent idol, but also because the design of the hall makes many associate it with snake imagery.

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why is the vatican shaped like a snake

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