repeating kindergarten for immaturity

These test results were always provided in graph format. In your parents' day, kindergarten was a pretty laid-back affair. Im being pressured to follow the schools recommendations by family and the school, but I know my son. That should help him quickly acclimate to the situation, and feel better about it, too. It would be nice to have a study to prove this one way or the other. She will undoubtedly feel she did something wrong since she cant be with her friends and do what they are doing. There has been some research that has focused on the role that the age of children has on their success in elementary school with mixed results. Though some schools test students for readiness, a child's ability to read or do math is not what . Does he play well with other children? I guess that if enough parents are doing this, then society is going to be forced to supply more years of educational instruction before kids reach public schools. You've asked a tough question. I totally feel you. It has been a nightmare to get help for them. But at this point, Id be grateful that she did spot a problem and tell you about it before he went on to first grade. Use of this website is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. etc. That is not a requirement in Colorado we are told to have them at least know 30 of the 100 most frequently used words, and they should be able to read, but not fluently. This situation is a fairly common scenario. Ugh. Q: Even though he had an early August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten at a private Christian school. Grade retention has a negative impact on all areas of a child's achievement (reading, math, and language) and socio-emotional adjustment (peer relationships, self-esteem, problem behaviors and attendance). Those books he flies through them because he satisfied the teacher. Holding your child back a year in the beginning of their school . It's also important to explain the plan to your child in a positive way, because your attitude will influence his. The number of infections begins to go down with time. . Media or646-757-3100. Time to catch up academically. Holding back in those first 3 years is very detrimental for most who are not lower IQ, have a disability, or cannot adjust. Does he wait his turn? We have 4 children 1 in college who was older in the class-breezed through school ranked #2 out 650, 2nd is Freshman (oldest in class) and doing well with social and academics, 3rd is a 6th grader (youngest in class) who has dyslexia/ADD and we did not retain her and she has come into her own finally with As and some Bs with much remediation for the reading. oh and for the record Ive taught in Florida and Michigan. Q Even though he had an early August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten at a private Christian school. . Editors note: This post was originally published 12/02/2015 and has been completely revised and updated for accuracy and scope. This used to be Kinder requirements, now they are prek requirements. First grade is where kids must apply themselves to the act of learning to read and do simple math. Think about your child's emotional readiness. The kids are expected to write sentences and use inventive spelling (spell phonetically) for words that they havent learned yet. Parenting expert John Rosemond says it isn't the end of the world to have boy repeat kindergarten. We attended class parties and could quickly realize the difference in maturity, knowledge and socializing shortcomings. Rose, my heart breaks for you and your grandson, as it does my grandson. Social and emotional immaturity is often cited as a reason for retaining students in kindergarten. He where he should be academically. Marzola is an adjunct assistant professor of education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and Hunter College of the City University of New York. WORLD of difference. That can be frustrating and cause kids to act out. While your child's teacher may make the suggestion that your child repeat kindergarten, it's up to you, the parent, to make the final decision. These teachers, trying to put all kids in a peg as either Got it or Did not get it, are unconscionable ! FamilyEducation does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. And 4th we have our 5 year son who has ADHD and maybe ODD. ADHD is not a learning disability. So I told her teacher today that we will work hard with her and that if she isnt eligible to pass that I will be pulling her out of the school system because something isnt right when 3/5 of my children are at risk of failing right now. Fast forward to high school and they STILL seemed little. I am a teacher, and I HAVE reevaluated after many years of thinking what is not analytically true. However his fine motor skills need work. My grandchild is told by his teacher that he should repeat Kindergarten. This, in my opinion could greatly help my son with almost zero downside. In one study, researchers associated this poor academic performance with repeating kindergarten. But when a child often acts immaturely compared to other kids the same age, you may wonder whats going on. Anyone have their child repeat kindergarten & regret it? Published August 17, 2017. While lots of schools still have a primarily play-based curriculum and relaxed standards, more and more have implemented a more academic approach to kindergarten, not only to get young children better prepared for first grade, when reading and math really take off, but also in an effort to meet increasingly objective and consequential government standards. In cases like these, retention might be a reasonable solutionafter all, your child probably didn't get sufficient content instruction the . Kids develop at different rates, and some need more time than others to gain skills. I still talked a little too much in first grade, but honestly, the trend continued on into my 30s If your child is doing well academically and isnt disrupting the teacher/class too much, let kids be kids..theyll be just fine! Hi, So finally did you decide on this? Every answer seems wrong! Repeating Kindergarten. Kindergarten students spend a great deal of time on their pre-reading and reading skills. She only just turned 5 this month while the other students are all turning 6. "Should Your Child Repeat Kindergarten?" Emily you are 100% percent correct! When a teacher or other education expert recommends repeating kindergarten, it's seldom (if ever) about a single skill your child is behind on. "Repeating Kindergarten." It seems realistic to suggest that repeating kindergarten may not be the reason for their poor school performance. Repeating a grade at this age can indeed be beneficial. Otherwise, experts suggest that parents carefully consider a teacher's recommendation that their child be . Can he work with others as a group? One consideration in having your child repeat kindergarten is social and emotional development. If you decide to have your kid repeat kindergarten, be sure to look at this k-8 public charter school option. Assuming that a child who is deemed ready to enter Kindergarten at age four is somehow a super-child - perfect in behavior, attendance, performance, attitude, aptitude, diligence, handwriting, and . Given average per pupil spending of roughly $10,700 (the most recent national estimate), the direct cost to society of retaining 2.3 percent of the 50 million students enrolled in American schools . Retention often is associated with increased behavior problems. If it doesnt work out, youll worry about it when the time comes. Children learned math and reading skills in hands on ways, through singing and dancing and through hearing, retelling, and acting out stories, through building with blocks, measuring, pouring, and doing puzzles. I know it will be difficult for her to see all her friends move on without her but on the other hand 1st grade is ridiculously hard and I feel like Im throwing her to lions because I know shes not academically ready. I'm glad he isn't going to high school next year. By the end of the year they know the alphabet and can read and write simple sentences. A 14-year study conducted by the Texas A&M University College of Education and Human Development has determined that Texas students who are held back during elementary school are almost three times more likely than their peers to drop out of high school. But know that teachers don't make the recommendation to repeat kindergarten without a lot of thought. Because children develop at such different rates and the kindergarten age span can run from 4 to 6, there is a tremendous range in social, physical and cognitive development. Oh my goodness, yes! Because of COVID, there will be many children who are betwixt and between. I have secondary education background and we spent a semester on Special Ed and never ONCE was dyslexia mentioned. Through private testing, we discovered that Sammy's fine motor skills were extremely weak. If your child still finds these tasks difficult by the end of kindergarten, he is probably not ready to go to first grade, either. Me and his dad are leaning towards repeating. Can he grip a pencil and cut paper with a scissors? He may even be ahead of his new classmates. Because there won't be any more school, in her opinion Julia should repeat kindergarten again. Get in touch! I would ask for an outside opinion from someone who knows your son and the school. This study was from Taiwan where the cut-off date, similar to the U.S., is August 31. He cannot follow directions consistently enough and other kids are not being nice to him because he is more immature. Not sure what to do, you speak to a few experts, do your research, and decide to chance it and send your child on to kindergarten. Repeating a grade at this age can sometimes be beneficial. Kindergarten has been a struggle for him, in reference to compliance with directions, social interactions with peers (picking up on social ques), acting out towards other kids perceived to have slighted him, impulse control and executive function. Exactly Emily, these kids with dyslexia are NOT going to magically learn to read. The research clearly states not to and the teacher says we have to do this for his well being. Hes on the low end of the spectrum. Some school districts also offer a "young fives" program. Im so conflicted. For more parenting tips and tricks, find us on Pinterest: Are you a writer, expert, or influencer? Most of the other students were 6 years old and much more mature than my 5 years old who already had developmental delays (and he was born 6 weeks pre mature, so if he had been born on time, he would not have made the kindergarten cut off anyway). They did some testing prior to the start of the Read David Elkinds Miseducation and look up the High Scope program. C books are recommended, but not required. For a child who is behind his or her peers, these potential positives are real and significant. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. My husband and I knew she wasnt doing well with reading so we recently enrolled her into the Sylvan Learning center. Have you thought about holding your child back from first grade? I never went to Kindergarten, but only knew the alphabet and numbers but not any math and could not read sentences at age 6. (June 7, 2012), Mlyniec, Vicky. Some children might suffer from the social stigma of repeating a grade and end up feeling embarrassed and ashamed, leading to a negative self-concept. You just couldnt see or analyze yourself ! Second do you have any suggestions on how to teach him to blend sounds into words? She has learned up to this level in 3 weeks of bringing home A C books that we read together every day. This article is not accurate in the standards that are taught and need to be mastered. After administering the scale, Jones interviewed 20 of the families to collect more in . Connecticut, one of the last states to allow 4-year-olds to enter kindergarten, is considering changing its rules so that children would have to be 5 by Oct. 1, not Jan. 1, prompting a fight over . Not a teacher, but have researched standards. Every child is different. We are questioning ourselved non stop, and havent made a decision yet. We were reassured that they would work with his math and build on what he knows with reading, but not once did we hear anything about resources that can help him with reading if we chose to put him in first gradethat was made out to be just another burden for someone to do. There should be 20% of the kids identified. Rief also recommends requesting a student-support-team meeting. There may be individual cases in which a child benefits, such as if she's missed a lot of school because of illness or a move, or if she has significant delays in all areas of development. He gets out of school in 3 weeks and we are just hearing about this issue. I had a February birthday, so I didnt start Kindergarten until I was over six and a half years old. But these days, kindergarten can seem less like a nurturing bridge to formal learning and more like academic boot camp. "Children who are retained may do better at first, but many fall behind again if their areas of weakness haven't been addressed," says Sandra Rief, a resource specialist and author of Ready . Sleep: Many kids consistently sleep less than six hours a night. I will do what I need to do. There are certain basic skills that all children should have going into first grade, no matter where they live. Q: Even though he had an early-August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten this past fall at a private Christian school. However, because kids often make sudden leaps in development later in the year, it can be hard to predict their performance in first grade. History repeating itself- A country with Socialist leaders disbanded the military and Russia invades - is this repeating, Politics and Other Controversies, 0 replies Names of good private pre-kindergarten or kindergarten in Woodlands, Houston, 1 replies Now school is over and although his teacher told me throughout the semester that he will most likely be repeating kindergarten, the school promoted him to fist grade. I know that my oldest was not required to read at this level until she was in 1st grade. Beyond that, though, things can get a bit confusing: Which skills is your child behind on? Question: Even though he had an early August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten at a private Christian school. Faced with this revelation, it can seem someone is questioning your child's mental acuity. It's about how developmentally ready he or she is for first grade at this moment in time -- and children will reach their milestones when they're ready. These same problems are an issue when repeating any grade; but regarding such an early grade as kindergarten, some people question whether the potential benefits can outweigh the potential drawbacks. I knew my son was young entering kindergarten. The lead author of this study, Dr. Mu-Hong Chen said, "Our findings . My son turned 5 a week before the deadline. 5 Incredible Things You'll Learn in First Grade, 5 Incredible Things You'll Learn in Kindergarten, a complete disinterest in the kindergarten curriculum, significantly smaller physical size than his or her peers, difficulty handling even slight frustration, Church, Ellen Booth. (June 5, 2012). So we entered him into kindergarten in August 2014. He has emotional issues, is not matured, does well with younger kids as is, and just has not yet developed emotionally where he should be for his age. Not anymore. Teachers often have good instincts, but not every teacher is great. Im having the opposite problem. Long story short, he did not do well in kindergarten. The hardest part of repeating a grade is dealing with questions about your age. This may or may not be related to your child's actual age. How can ANY teacher of those first 3 years determine ability for success in the future for a child that young ??? They do testing of 4 parts. Every week! Because children develop at such different rates and the kindergarten age span can run from 4 to 6, there is a tremendous range in social, physical and cognitive development. That said, its important to note that learning disabilities may not even be diagnosed until the child goes to grade school. Kindergarten starts around age 5 for a reason. As a result, babies tend to get a high number of infections, usually 4 to 8 per year. Just dont know why he can not put the sounds together to make the word?? The health and medical related resources on this website are provided solely for informational and educational purposes and are not a substitute for a professional diagnosis or for medical or professional advice. I wish he were only going 1/2 a day but that wasnt an option where we live. But according to organizations such as NAEYC, the National Education Association, and the National Association of School Psychologists, the best option in most cases is to provide specific support to help the student catch up during the remainder of kindergarten, over the summer, and in first grade. He has been staying after school to work on blending. Kindergarten is not mandatory in California although most children in the state usually enroll. Ive asked multiple times to please send books home so I could help him with reading to give him the confidence he once had back, up Ive been denied every time with the excuse that he first needed to demonstrate his reading at schoolI even know their strategy that was confirmed by the teacher and still only a very few books sent home. Is your child curious and always wanting to learn new things? Last Wednesday his teacher and principal told us that they wanted him to be held back, SHOCK was how we felt! You need to reassess. I was relating to your comments here as well as from other parents with the same concerns. Sometimes, foreseeing problems, parents simply delay entry into kindergarten, a process known as "redshirting.". Information on our advertising guidelines can be found. There is a whole checklist of things your child should be able to do before going to kindergarten. My mom refused to have me held back, as there was nothing wrong with my intellect; in fact, I surpassed my peers in reading skills, as I began reading simple words at age 2 1/2- 3 years old and read story books aloud to my Kindergarten class. He even went to half days because they said he cant handle a full day. Yes, some children learned to read on their own, but it was not a requirement. Hi Jeanie, Students who are retained are more likely to drop out of school compared . I know thats tough to implement, but grade retention isnt the answer. Parents can ask to see examples of their child's work compared to the work of other children of the same age. So, if a child's birthday falls into dates . Teachers don't suggest this because they think it's funny, they do it because they know the child and what's best for it. I am in the same boat and just wondering based on what you had come to a decision. Anxiety and shyness are surprisingly common in kids. Can he run and jump, play catch, bounce a ball, dance? This is by far the hardest decision Ive ever made. I have enrolled him in a new school for a fresh start. I have a little girl in my class who only just made the age cut off for kindergarten. Same boat here. However, in years past, before standardized testing became so prominent, in the years when teaching to the test was an anathema, children learned to read in first grade. These questions concerned me, but I knew that repeating kindergarten was the right thing for my son. Second, holding your child back can have a negative connotation. I just wanted to know what are my rights as a parent in the state of Texas. I am also currently looking into private tutor for my Some kids act younger than their peers because they are younger than most kids in the grade. She has fine motor and minor speech issues and is receiving OT help. Now, we have been pushing to retain him in Kindergarten, and little did we realize this was going to be such a difficult call for us to make. He lives with adults and communicates like a little adult. If the problems are ignored and a repeat becomes necessary 3 or 4 years later, that becomes a difficult experience for a child. Being retained had no effect on students' chances of graduating. They also were 3.3 percent more likely to graduate from . Kindergarten is not a fluff arts and crafts grade. Our son barely showed up on it. He was always in trouble in kindergarten, had difficulty making and keeping friends, never did homework or classwork, could not focus, did poorly on tests. Through the year he attended, we had several conferences to discuss his progress. - My son will graduate high school and only be 17 years old. In most areas, children must turn 5 by September 1st, in order to start kindergarten. Age range. Try to get out of going to kindergarten each morning, Scribble instead of drawing or writing letters and numbers, Find it hard to stick with a task or pay attention to what the teacher is saying for five minutes at a time, Act out aggressively toward other students, Separate from his parent or caregiver without getting too upset, Notice and respond to other peoples feelings, Recognize his own name in print and write it, too, Draw a picture of an object or to express an idea, Count the objects in a group and tell you if one group is larger or smaller than the other, Understand that addition means putting groups together and that subtraction means taking away from one group, Break up objects into groups of different numbers to show how they add up to the same number (example: 6 balls = 2 groups of 3 balls or 6 balls = 2 groups of 1 ball and 5 balls), Figure out how to turn a group of 1 to 9 items into 10 (example: a group of 6 items and a group of 4 items =10 items), Use items or draw pictures to show and solve simple addition and subtraction word problems, Sort items according to size or color, for instance, Identify basic colors like red, orange, green, blue, black, and white, Use complete sentences of at least five words, Follow directions involving at least two steps, Hold a crayon or a pencil between his fingers rather than with a fist. Thanks. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer! There is a vast amount of scientific research showing that children do not benefit by being held back in grade school., Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, 5 Things to Know on the First Day of Kindergarten, Learning Disabilities in Your School Age Child. There are, however, problems that can arise when a child is "held back." Julie Rawe is the special projects editor at Understood. He is in kindergarten and to our knowledge he has been doing good all year in school. Social interactment, discipline, only basic skills as for letters and numbers, and becoming more mature are the only skills needed for first grade. But sometimes immature behavior is a sign that kids are struggling and need more support. This document details the education code in Texas and your rights as a parent: EDUCATION CODE Shes says thats whats holding him back the fact hes not writing like he should. Kindergarteners acquire countless skills in the course of the year, and many of them are very important for success in first grade, which tends to be a more formal academic experience than your child has encountered so far. The pros of repeating the prep year of school. You feel confused. He's well above average academically and he gets along great with the kids, but his teacher wants him to repeat kindergarten because he's socially immature. He was at least even with everything she is doing. We both went on to finish college. You're right that normally repeating the grade is not helpful. The truth is, development among kindergarten-age children varies tremendously. Some young children attain the age of reason, the ability . My parents told me that I would be repeating and moved me to a different school and that it was to give me extra help. Kristin J. Carothers, PhD is a clinical child psychologist devoted to the destigmatization of mental health problems. Think about it this way: if the teacher was asking out of malice for your child, she certainly wouldnt want to have him as her student again. I want my child to succeed. She is such an amazing little person. But generally, if the school wants your child to go ahead, thats what will happen. Children who are behind in these areas late into kindergarten may: In deciding whether your child should repeat kindergarten, it is important to consider whether he has all the skills he needs to go on to first grade. I could use advice information and anything that could help us!! Well email you our most helpful stories and resources. Is your child ready for kindergarten? Using a tool called the Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale, Jones measured each child's general satisfaction with life as adolescents. Repeating Kindergarten. There is something schools could do, though you are more likely to find a willingness to do it in a private or parochial school. Posted on 1/25/23 at 9:54 pm to WhoDatKrewe. You turn to your computer and good old Google, and end up more confused than ever. Hes very good with numbers, has a very extensive vocabulary, can spell a lot of his 144 sight words that I taught him because the teachers were not able to help him through them for some reason. Why had his teacher not told us earlier that he was having issues so we could have worked more with him on blending or got him more help? I'm looking for advice/experience in having a child repeat a grade. Schools that favor retention ignore the research, which has shown that most children don't catch up when held back. If the teacher is concerned about the child's maturity or behavior, parents can ask for specific examples of behavior that cause concern. Any advice is greatly appreciated esp now. It's about whether he or she is ready to make the jump to first grade. Suddenly, scores on those tests were the only thing that mattered. "She said that Julia can't read well enough to manage in first grade and that she's immature compared with her classmates, " the mom wrote. There's no right answer, and it's important to keep in mind that we're talking about 5 and 6 year olds here. And as a full time student myself with several children needing help with homework I hardly have the time. This is not about how smart your child is. I got held back in preschool for crying too much. Thirty years ago, I was pleased to hear my daughters middle school math teacher talk about hands on learning in math. I would like to know what specific research you have found that states that retaining is not beneficial. Anyone that can offer advise Id appreciate it. We asked our children several of the same questions, because my friend thinks my son is smarter than her daughter. But to be fair, her daughter is "an August baby and the youngest in the class." Insecurity concerning her classroom authority will certainly compound any immaturity problems, especially with highly active boys.I would lean toward accepting the school's recommendation. Backing up the "not quite ready" date could . Repeat kindergarten? you say to yourself, after meeting with your childs kindergarten teacher. . Does he know how to compromise and adapt? No wonder you feel insecure about doing what is obviously the right thing for your son. Im not a parent or teacher, just happened to stumble across this page while doing personal research and I would like to share my story. From old progress reports, it appears the emotional immaturity stemmed from not consistently staying on task and randomly talking out of turn. That is all I want. On the positive side, keeping your child in kindergarten for another year certainly reduces the likelihood he or she will begin first grade in a rough spot that could lead to long-term academic and social insecurity. He developed stomach aches all the time, even on weekends, which threw us off. This is a misconception, and one that can be detrimental to the decision-making process. My son's teachers are suggesting he repeat kindergarten. Who wants to hear their child is average? The teacher has let him build legos, blocks pretty much all year. Repeating a grade increases the risk. First, you need to remove all of the "you" feelings out of this equation. Him build legos, blocks pretty much all year in school for an outside opinion from someone who your... Much all year ; not quite ready & quot ; program right thing for son. Learn new things hearing about this issue had an early August birthday, started... The Sylvan learning center cant handle a full day our findings Ed and never ONCE was dyslexia.! And i knew that repeating kindergarten may not be the reason for retaining students in kindergarten more immature readiness a! 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