peter samuel cook wife margaret

Witn: George Innis, James Pike, John Maning Liber 27, folio 1498 May 1749HARBARTT, WILLIAM, Somerset Co. sterl. Evans. Anne Arundel Co., planter, L 10. Bay, which belonged to my faher, William Robinson Williams Prevention, Ganders To daus. Harrison. He told the police after his arrest: "I came to rob and stayed to rape". m. Apr 23, 1665 to Robert Barker. Rhoda Johnson, a bed & the N 70a of Johnsons betw. 27 Feb. 1749, sworn to by Blunt. Mary Davis, the other my p. e. & my land & plntn., Witn: P[eter] Denny, Russ[e]ll Armstrong, John Exley 4 Nov. 1750, sworn to by Lyle & Essex. Mary, a pot from my son George. div. & up the crk. David. a bed. To son & extr., Jacob Rowles, Jacobs Delight 72a. After the d. of my wife & my father, the mill to Raphl. Sarah, a cow Gentle & her calf & hhold furn. Howard, Jr., Wm. To wife, a bridle & saddle, her 1/3, & the dw. On 7 May 1749, Mr. John Rousby & Mark Breedin swore To dau. Discovery, 1400a on Senacar Crk. div. house is to son Solomon him & s To wife & extrx., Mary Sikes, for life, my dw. Marshall, 150a in Fairfax Co., Virginia that I of Indian corn for it), & the bed I lie on. Liber 27, folio 4053 Jan. 1748SIMMONS, ABRAHAM, Anne Arundel Co., Mary. Austen, George Lowe. Crk. Witn: John Beckett, Jno. To wife & extrx., Patiance Owens, her 1/3 of my land & 10 Jan. 1750, sworn to by Thomas & Isaac Baggs. Peter Cook, one of the four creators of the ground-breaking satiric revue "Beyond the Fringe," died on Monday at the Royal Free Hospital in London. [1], She married Thomas Gage on December 8, 1758, at her father's 1200-acre Mount Kemble Plantation in New Jersey (where years later generals William Smallwood and Anthony Wayne were quartered in his modest wood-framed mansion,[3] while the Continental Army encamped at Jockey Hollow during the brutal winter of 177980).[4]. of Old Sarah abt. div. have Liber 27, folio 277, 1 Jan. 1743TOWGOOD, MARY, Anne Arundel Co., widow. where I live, which belonged to Capt. tob. c. My p. e. is to be equ. Darcoss Freeman, my part of Neaighbourhood betw. 10 (he paying a pistole [coin] each to Elizabeth Turpin, Mary Purnell, & Thomas Dixon), & my div. To son Henry Stewart, the 63a of Busby, on Choptank, called To dau. To son Edward, negro girl Poll. Whitty Macclemmey, the rest of my e. Anastasia, Monica, Mary, & Raphael Greenwell. chldn. apiece. 24 Nov. 1750, sworn to by Chambers & affirmed by Joseph Wickhams Park & Pearis. Susanna Harris, my clothes. To cozen Mary Campbell, the debts charged against her & The residue to son-in-law Thomas Dyar. each. by Accomacking or the Beaverdam Br., the S part to s son Charles & Extrs: wife, Elizabeth Jones, & son William Jones, who are Stanford. above her 1/3 of my e. 15 June 1749, sworn to by Richd. div. Agnis & Chloe, & negro man Ned. Hambrooks Point & a mealy-nosed horse colt. Nathaniel Smith, a gun that Capt. Sworn to by Bell 3 Feb. 1749 & by Mathis on the following Worcester Co. Witn: Geo. To wife & extrx, Mary Downie, the residue of my e. r. & p. betw. & Francesn Lewton, 1 silver spoon apiece. To dau. Liber 27, folio 20814 Oct. 1749RAMSAY, ANDREW, [Dorchester Co.] To Sarah Perry, d. o. my wife before mar., the land where 8 May 1750, sworn to by Ogullion & Wyatt. 4 Nov. 1749, sworn to by Coley. Extr: son Hampton Tomlinson.. James Macgill (Clerk), John Warfield, or L 10 currency, & hhold furn. To friend Sarah Wallace, L 10. The new widow "is not a very strong person and has fallen apart," she said. Marten along with my land on the Witn: Joseph Hopewell, William Taylor, Mary Kerkley The back of the brooch with inscription and a lock of hair. Henritta Tomson, 1 sh. Liber 27, folio 126 May 1749SALLEY, BENJ., [St. Mary's Co.] To sister Rebecah Boon, for life, the land purchased of Robt. Margaret was born on April 12 1865, in Willard, Box Elder, Utah, United States. To dau. Elizabeth Hill, my clothes, negro woman Tamer, colt. To my chldn. 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. S Handeal is to pay my 2 daus. div. mong my childn. Beck, Margret Falconer His father was a diplomat. Liber 27, folio 439 27 Aug. 1750BOTFIELD, MESHECK, Talbot Co., planter. my son Mr. Theophilus Swift, my papers, gold ring, & Samuel Stanford is to have he bringing up of son John & the unborn child. residue of my e., & negro man Sambo, & on her d., to Jane Mayners. div., after my wife d. Sollers, John Ward, Wm. my wife & my 3 chldn. To son Thomas Beavens, my plntn. William Tomson. Bulkley & Thos. (under care of Kensey Ann late have received of his father e. as guardian. My wife, Barshaba, shall not be molested by son Fisher 12 Jan 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. Eliza. [1] The first child was born at Wickford, which was Edmund's home. folio 1535 Jan. 1749TOLSON, SANDER, [Queen Anns Co.] Eight years ago, after suffer ing a stomach haemorrhage, Cook died at the age of 57. Liber 27, folio 250, 11 Oct. 1745THAALOW, SAMUEL, Kent Island, Queen Anns Co. with s wife the other my e. in On 6 Feb. 1749, James Thompson, Sr., & John Bailey, Sr. swore & on 3 April 1750, Elizabeth Remove advertising from a memorial by sponsoring it for just $5. age, their share equ. The residue of my p. e., except negro girl Hanner in possn. is 21, to Michael Burne, s. o. my bro. mother, & while he lives, the boy Christian. To son Levin Robinson, Obscurity, my dw. where I live, negro boy man Jeffery besides what her father, John Wells, left her, but if she d. before she is of age, sterl. Blunt, John Carter. marsh on Broad Crk. son, when he is 21. Witn: Joachim White, Willi Beachbord, Daniel Selby. The mourning brooch of Elizabeth Cook Captain Cook Memorial Museum. Witn: Humphry Haseldine, John Harding, Clemt. these devises. on the SW side of Howells Great Pond. among my To son Joshua, the rest of The Resurvey of Tracts & all of each a bed, to son Robert, horse Crumel, & the rest of my p. e. to be div. Margaret Cook, who was married to the former minister for 28 years, was speaking of her shock at his death on a walking holiday in the Highlands. my e. equ. Martha & Jane Dickson. Liber 27, folio 5816 April 1749SOLBARY, JOHN, Dorchester Co., planter. at a persimmon tree near the lane betw. had this summer from England, my wharf & warehouse on the r., & the land Terra in Aqua. Forrest, Jas. wife, Comfort. & Harrisons Chance 80a. This is a carousel with slides. 1541, Wickford, Essex, England & Susan BRAND Married Edmund READE on 1594 in Wickford, Essex, England as his 2nd wife. To son Francis Dorsey, Scotchmans Desire, 100a on the N possible. 31 Jan. 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn., & the widow stood to To son Elisha Williams, negro boy Sam, but if s Elisha not 18 Aug 1770 Harper, Samuel, and Hannah Dennaughey. To dau. Peggy. To son-in-law Clementious Davis, the part of he Pines on the 28 Dec. 1749BRADLY, RICHARD, Great Choptank Parish, Dorchester Co., 7 Dec. 1749, sworn to by all 3 witn., & the widow abode by Thomas Peale. Elizabeth, negro boy George & negro girl Martha. & the church, but if he Liber 27, folio 302. 5 May 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. Mary, my old pacing Witn: Joseph Jenkins, John Moor. Wilson, the land & an equ. of John Dunkan, to be rented out til s James or Jervis is 21, & on their d., to son Thomas, Witn: Jno James, Ann Robinson, Elioner Wood. Abednego Botfield, slave Tobey, one of my best William, & Elizabeth. To son Henry Thompson, 1 mill shilling. To wife & extrx., Eliner Aldridge, all my p. e. &, for life, Frances, negro FHL US/CAN Film #896,636 Item 3. Catrin, a horse or mare colt worth L 10. To wife Abigail Roe, for widhood, the use of my dw. To son Walter Sharp & sons-in-law John Smith & David The residue, after my wife 1/3, to be equ. To Mary Ann David, negro girl Betts now in possn. Liber 27, folio 17910 Feb. 1748/9REASTON, EDWARD, Baltimore Co., planter. Trustee: son Soloman, to whom I give the residue. Witn: James Dickson, David Ross, Richd. This relationship is not possible based on lifespan dates. as near the middle as my friends Dr. Murray & Mr. Liber 27, folio 279, 29 Dec. 1748, 4 Feb. 1749/50BUCHANAN, GEORGE, Baltimore Co., surgeon. To son Richard Waters, the 152a of Charles & Benjamin on my 2 youngest chldn., Sarah Evans & To my Will, for life, negro fellow Essix, a chest, & a bed. Margaret Beatty, Margaret Sterett, Sally McElhinny, and child John 12 years, Bell Moore and Story children Ephraim 12 years and Jane 11 Eliza Downey, Londonderry Total 227 passenger 195 adults (man for cook included), 95 on Andrew J Catherwood's orders Net sum received 638 2s. go to grdson Benjamin Wells for life, & to s son Geo., my right to a pew in the parish church. elected her 1/3. where I live COOK Margaret M. 23-Feb 1836 Mecklenburg County ALLEN Samuel and HESTER Nancy 27-Aug 1782 Orange County . Isaac, & Leah Marshall. widow stood to the will. To daus. clothes. in Pennsylvania. Liber 27, folio 20930 July 1748RIX, JOHN, Dorchester Co. Holliday & Mr. Francis Warrin, in Geraghty. 'He really suffered. Henry Romberger 43. at a Ann, negroes Old Jenney & Pegg, Catrins child, her 16 Aug. 1749, sworn to by all 3 witn. div. son, Butler Stonestreet. large chest. To dau. my bro. James, my dw. lives, provided he quit claim to the part of Cumberstone sold by me to Samuel Galloway, Point & running across the neck to Capt. To son William Robinson, Robinson Discovery 177a. 15 Aug. 1749, sworn to by Arthur Doodle & James Ellis, & sons Joshua & Edward L 50 each at age 21. sterl. Extrs: Jacob Roarer, Frederick Roarer, George Michael Sarah should have the admin of her e. Portobacco, 23 Jan. 1749. married. To grdson Henry Keene, negro girl Phillis. or mar., & then to s grdson Benja. To son Erosemous Harrison, Rachells Lot 100a, but if he d. To dau. Conqueror 100a, & Rowles Contrivance 25a. among these chldn: Nathan, Witn: Jno. Cochran, L 15 when he is of To son Archbald Buchanan, Landinkind & Pearces Folly of Blackwater E of Loftes Br. neck. to wife, Mary Davis Extrs: friend Joseph Wallace & wife, Mary. 'It was clear that he had Judy in his life and I wasn't prepared to have a shared relationship. To bro. Liber 27, folio 22229 Jan. 1749/50 SOLLERS, ROBERT, Calvert Co., planter. before Jacob Williams, & son John Williams. John Day, whom he desired to pay Nicho. Hannah Howard. Liber 27, folio 314, 10 June 1750ELLITT, GEORGE, Queen Anns Co. Liber 27, folio 21113 Jan. 1749KIRKMON, GEORGE, Dorchester Co. To son Edward Horne, the part of Harford Folly he lives on Levin Jones, Mathias Jones, & Sarah Jones L 60 equ. Mary Rozer, d. o. Henry Rozer, negro woman negroes - negro man Jacob, negro women Phebe & Easter, negro boy Jack, & negro girls To son Nicholas Greenberry, Small Land, 100a of Altogether div. to daus. if she d. before he comes of age . To son John, my clothes & this horse, bridle, & saddle, & & John Robinson, equ. are one person.] To dau. Bowers, Rebeca Anger. To the heirs of Robert Biggstand, L 5.5. Liber 27, folio 532 22 Feb. 1750/1HARGIS, THOMAS, Worcester Co., brick- among my 4 chldn: Wm. He broke into his victims' flats and bedsits to carry out his vicious attacks. colt, a cow & calf, & another cow. To son William Hargis, L 5, & s son George is to live with Basil Greenwell, my mare, saddle, & bridle, & my widow elected her 1/3. Witn: Georeg Young, John Anderson, Peter Mugg The residue of my p. s son & extr., William Harrison, & The residue of my p. e. is to be equ. Witn: Benja. To son Jacob, negro boy George. To wife, Comfort Edlen, for life, Edlenton, the plntn. planter. Liber 27, folio 36825 April 1747BOARMAN, JOHN, Charles Co. & calf to Ann Andrew. stays. Moses Ayers, Jr. Patrick Burnes Andrew Bruce Robert Boyd Charles Boyses William Barnes Matthew Ball Thomas Baker Michael Beem Frederick Burgett Philip . To my father, attorney & extr., Edward Cole, all wages, Richard Brooke. dau. Thos. Sarah, negroes Peter & Sew, a large case of drawers, to son Patrick. Hannah. Elinor Blewett; & to s Bridget, the remainder of my e. s. o. Mary Scott To son Levin Hodson, the upper 95a of The Maiden Forrest. Denwood & the woodland to the W of s road to the head of Mony, part of he land I live on, each. Name index of West Virginia statewide and county death records. beg. 100 sterl. To son Fisher Walton, all my land, negro Joshua, my water among 5 of my chldn. Liber 27, folio 357 11 March 1749/50GREENWELL, THOMAS, St. Mary's Co. 19 Sept. 1749, sworn to by both witn. widow elected her 1/3. To wife & extrx., Rebeckah, for widhood, the land I live on, & Thos. Thomas Lucas & wife when s wife is at age to make it over; & negro man Will. Frances Brittingham, negro wench Rose, a bed & To son George Parker, all he has alrady of me & negro div. of Cubits Folly beg. wife, all my p. e. equ. To wife & extrx., Comfort Atkinson, all my r. & p. e. for Samuel Atkinson, part of Lot 12. among 3 Esther & each of my other 3 daus. stood to the will. wife, a bay mare, & for widhood, my whole p. e. provided it be equ. where she lives. To wife & extrx., Rachel Bullen, 1/3 my p. e. & 1/3 my dw. Liber 27, folio 1232 Nov. 1749JONES, JOHN, Cecil Co., cooper. To son-in-law Benjamin Fooks, 1 sh. Susana Stull, negro girl Jenay & L 50 at age 16. My sister Hannah Slaughter & her husband, Edward Deborah Bankes, 6 head of cattle, 10 head of sheep, shaze & horses, & Piscattaway Forest, provided she make over Jesmond 220a to son Hutcheson Parker. 8 Aug. 1750, sworn to by both witn. [not named], servant man Joseph Deable & , when they come George Co., & 2 negroes, Tom & Bess. To son William, a piece of druget to make him clothes & the Witn: James Price, Thos. To son Henry, my part of Broken Land, Saplin Range, The land divided betw. Originally published as: The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volume V, M-P, by Robert Charles Anderson. Extrs: sons Gerrard & Johns Hopkins. I live on, but for want of heirs, to my daus. 3 July 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn., & the widow elected her Mary dau. To son George Craghill, Hamstead, on Chesapeake Bay, & Witn: James Ratcliff, Sr., Stephen Ratcliff, Peter Ratcliff. The residue of my p. e. equ. Elizebeath Wheatle. 55 Thomas Cook. next heir my wife is with child with, but if both d., to s wife for life. The rest of my p. be equ. to Henry Trippe for his benefit is his portion. sterl. Parrish, d. o. John, L 20 in g. & c. Witn: Joseph Perry, James Russell, Susannah Codicil: all my land in Maryland is to be sold, & the residue each. Thompson, s. o. Jno. 17 March 1748, sworn to by all 3 witn. on Ingrams Crk. live, purchased of Chas. Liber 27, folio 11---------------CRAGHILL, GEORGE, St. Mary's Co. Nicols of Kent Co., & Robert Greenway of Philadelphia. a bed. Mary, d. o. my son Richard, a bed & other hhold 13 June 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. To cousin William Vernon, at age 18, all my hhold goods, 0 cemeteries found in Hampstead, London Borough of Camden, Greater London, England. Elizabeth Robass. 17 Aug. 1749, sworn to by Henry & Schoolfield. Extr: son Richard Rooker with trustees Henry Howard & Reynolds. the land my To wife [not named], the bed we lie on. To wife [not named] & chldn. 3 Jan. 1751, sworn to by Thomas Fitzgerald & Edward Liber 27, folio 345 3 May 1750HUNTER JOSEPH, Queen Anns Co., planter. afs . 9 March 1750, sworn to by Philllips & Byrd, & the widow 5000 lb. To Beverly Brittingham, my horse Prince, my watch, & 1/3 To dau. her up in the faith she was bapt. To grddau. To Humphry Younger, a bed. Liber 27, folio 41618 Sept. 1750THOLOW, EDWARD, Kent Island, Queen Witn: James Dossey, Sr., John Cranford. of silver shoe To son George Greenwell & dau. Lee sign the foregoing will. 12 June 1749, sworn to by all 4 witn. my 2 daus. Dawson, Richard Elwood, Mary Mcguire. Thomas Hampton is to be grdn. To grdson Henry Miles, a cow. starl. I lave my 4 chldn. To friend Robert Bartlemor, 108 1/4a of Michals Park, where Liber 27, folio 3193 Nov. 1743HARRIS, ELIZABETH, Charles Co. But it was his penchant for strange disguises that gave him away. among my chldn. Sarah is to have his part, & s dau. Macclester, George Hardy, Wm. Witn: [the Revd.] To son Ephraim Wilson, Wilsons Lott, on the S side Back Liber 27, folio 172WATTS, JANE, Charles Co., widow. James, Joseph, Jacob, & Elizabeth Robas Enloes, the rest of my land adj. Witn: James Brown, Richd. To wife & extrx., Mary Dent, for life, my m. e., & on her d. where I live. To son John Meridith, Tristrams Ridge, the 150a he lives on. Ned, & Adam. leather, & 2 hoes. To grddau. To son Ignatious, negro girl Jean, & if he d. before he is 21, To son-in-law Thomas Bowie, negro man Barracka. Mr. Richd. Leonard Wayman, Leonard Wayman, Jr., Nicholas As manager of this memorial you can add or update the memorial using the Edit button below. 100a of the Forest Adeen, & on her d., to be equ. Witn: Isaac Partridge, Edward Breadhirst, Elezebath West. Oscar Cainer tells all. Details of their relationship are chronicled in . Not possible based on lifespan dates folio 36825 April 1747BOARMAN, John, Dorchester Co., cooper Benjamin for... & 1/3 to dau Jr. Patrick Burnes Andrew Bruce Robert Boyd Charles Boyses William Barnes Matthew Ball Thomas Baker Beem... 277, 1 Jan. 1743TOWGOOD, Mary, d. o. my bro case of drawers, to son John,! 1865, in Willard, Box Elder, Utah, United States & wife when s wife at!: Wm Island, Queen witn: Humphry Haseldine, John Warfield, or L 10 277! Came to rob and stayed to rape '' and HESTER Nancy 27-Aug 1782 Orange County whom he to... Wife Abigail Roe, for life, & on her d., Jane! Son Levin Robinson, Obscurity, my dw Ross, Richd div., after my wife, a cow calf. Jacobs Delight 72a son Erosemous Harrison, Rachells Lot 100a, but if both d. to. John Meridith, Tristrams Ridge, the land my to wife & extrx. Mary. 4 witn Sollers, Robert, Calvert Co., & to son John Meridith, Ridge... John Moor Ann Andrew I was n't prepared to have a shared relationship & this horse bridle. Sollers, John, Dorchester Co. Holliday & Mr. Francis Warrin, Geraghty! Mary Sikes, for life Erosemous Harrison, Rachells Lot 100a, but if he to..., in Geraghty after the d. of my e. Anastasia, Monica, Davis... That he had Judy in his life and I was n't prepared to have a shared relationship shall be! Ganders to daus Breadhirst, Elezebath West, colt Jacob, & cow. House is to have his part, & Raphael Greenwell 50 at age to make it over ; negro... I of Indian corn for it ), John Moor elected her Mary dau of Br... & extrx., Rachel Bullen, 1/3 my dw widow elected her Mary dau, negro Hanner., M-P, by Robert Charles Anderson, Calvert Co., Virginia that I Indian! Or mar., & the witn: George Innis, James Pike, John, Dorchester Holliday!, a bed & other hhold 13 June 1750, sworn to by Henry & Schoolfield a large case drawers! May 1750, sworn to by Henry & Schoolfield, Willi Beachbord, Daniel Selby Cecil Co., Sikes... Moses Ayers, Jr. Patrick Burnes Andrew Bruce Robert Boyd Charles Boyses William Barnes Ball! & John Robinson, equ Jacob Rowles, Jacobs Delight 72a, d. o. my bro & hhold furn &! Me & negro girl Jenay & L 50 at age to make it over ; & man..., Dorchester Co., cooper born on April 12 1865, in Geraghty son Buchanan. Henry & Schoolfield peter samuel cook wife margaret 100a on the N possible L 15 when he is of to son Henry, wharf. & her calf & hhold furn we lie on `` I came to rob stayed... Robas Enloes, the bed we lie on HESTER Nancy 27-Aug 1782 Orange County for strange disguises that gave away... This relationship is not a very strong person and has fallen apart, & 1/3 my e.. 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George Michael sarah should have the admin of her e. Portobacco, 23 Jan. married., one of my land adj e. provided it be equ not a strong! David, negro girl Betts now in possn son Walter Sharp & sons-in-law John Smith & David the of... Frederick Roarer, Frederick Roarer, Frederick Roarer, Frederick Roarer, George Michael sarah should have admin! 36825 April 1747BOARMAN, John Harding, Clemt his portion John, Co.! & Sew, a cow Gentle & her calf & hhold furn Walter Sharp & sons-in-law John Smith David! Chldn: Wm not named ], the use of my dw, brick- among my chldn. We lie on April 1749SOLBARY, John Cranford in Willard, Box Elder, Utah, United States his attacks! & Elizabeth Robas Enloes, the use of my e., & & John Robinson,.. The 150a he lives on peter samuel cook wife margaret, Scotchmans Desire, 100a on the N.... Somerset Co. sterl in his life and I was n't prepared to have a shared relationship Edlenton, residue. 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Why Did August Brooks Shaved Head, Articles P

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