life is strange 2 remind the rules or concede

- 42%, You didn't listen to Cassidy's song until the end. Sean apologizes about forgetting to use the soap and allows Daniel to use it himself. Sean promises that Chris is fine since the accident wasn't fatal, to Daniel's ease. Getting food from the family will make Doris Stamper more suspicious of the brothers. Daniel quickly agrees to leave the scorpion alone. The Power Bear toy will be sitting on the bed stand in the motel room, and Daniel will occasionally play with it. Sean can find the wristband from Finn in Daniel's room, while exploring Lisbeth's house, and sadly comment how Daniel probably misses Finn. Sean will not reprimand Daniel, asking him to stop playing with the scorpion instead. Using the Writing about Writing (WaW) approach to composition, our students composed in text, images, audio, and video towards the ends of developing their metaknowledge in a variety of writing practices, including personal literacies, genre, and writing for particular audiences. Completing the game by asking Daniel to come out after some time has elapsed is not a negative impact on their relationship. If Daniel shares a bad memory at the campfire, he mentions Chris' accident. If Sean looks at the photo, he will comment that he doesn't blame Daniel for "being pissed that day", presumably alluding to when he had to go look for food and leave Daniel alone in the cabin. Caused by: Sean's request to protect the secret. The player should perform at least 4-5 of the following 9 actions, depending on the importance (the opposite choices contribute to repression): Tell Daniel the power can be used as a last resort. Claire will leave a thank you note for tidying the room. Daniel won't tell Chris he has a chibi Power Bear. In the hospital, Sean will look at his tattoo after reading Cassidy's mail. Certain optional events or choices will change the character of Sean or Daniel over the course of the game. Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality during the game's finale. Before reaching the gas station, Daniel will thank Sean for sticking up for him. Sean tells Daniel that they can't trust her. If Sean tells Daniel to have faith in himself, Daniel will remind Sean he said Heaven and God existed. After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will empathize with him. Daniel tries to take it from Finn, but Sean doesn't let him, to which he says he was only joking. Daniel will tell Chris he has a chibi Power Bear when meeting him for the first time. Caused by: Daniel having High Morality or Low Morality and High Brotherhood. Daniel uses the chosen nickname when he invites Sean to his treasure hunt, or simply calls him. Sean draws Finn as he sits under the tree, either with his wood piece or without it. Sean doesn't blame Finn for the heist, and Finn says he will trust Sean. Caused by: Waking Big Joe up without properly wrecking his vehicle(s). The protagonist Sean Diaz is presented with different choices in the form of available action or dialogue options and optional interactions, which can stop the scene and freeze time if it is a major choice. Sean can have a "conversation" with Nick. Or Two lonely souls find each other (again). If thrown at Daniel twice, he will use his powers to hurl it into Sean's face. Daniel doesn't feel remorse about what he did. Charles and Sean will have a relatively honest conversation but won't go into details regarding Charles' drinking problem. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven, then Sean apologizing to Claire. The exact dialogue in the lake will vary depending on Sean's intimacy level with Cassidy. She will also post a photo of her with Daniel, saying she's thinking of him. Daniel tries to take it, but Sean doesn't let him, which makes the former particularly irritated about Sean being unfair. If Sean is able to talk with Lyla or tells her mom the truth, Lyla will meet Sean when he is released from prison in the, If Sean is not able to talk with Lyla and lies to her mom, Lyla will not appear in the. If Sean stays to get a haircut, his speaking mannerism will reflect his regular personality. If Sean told Brody it was hisfault, he will tell Daniel the accidentwas the police officer's fault. Contributes 1 point per item to whether Daniel will steal from Brody (3 or more required). Leave the room - you get a task from Claire to make the laundry. Chris will tell Sean about how his father can get angry when he drinks. Nicholas is present during the entire confrontation. If Sean sees the Bible at the motel, he believes he should finish reading it someday. Sean will have a chance to chicken out saying the water is too cold or go in. Daniel is more conflicted about his power while talking to Sean before boarding the train. Karen is more warm and supportive towards the brothers and their goal. Sean can avoid being caught only if he did everything perfectly and didn't raise any suspicion. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel not to mess with the scorpion and Daniel having High Morality. With "Visiting?" Square-Enix has confirmed that Life is Strange 2 will be launching on the Switch on February 2nd, 2023. Stephen tells Sean not to say anything to Claire. At the Christmas Market, Daniel won't have an extra line of dialogue when he and Chris talk about Mustard Party. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Square-Enix / Eidos or DONTNOD Entertainment. Before talking with Finn at the camp, Sean can dreamily think about hoping to meet Finn again. This is because Finn and Daniel will approach Sean at the campsite and Cassidy will get mad. If Daniel shares a bad memory at the campfire, he sadly remarks he's not Chris' friend anymore because he lied to him. Caused by: Sean choosing to cross the border and Daniel having Low Morality during the game's finale. Contributes 1 point to whether Daniel will steal from Brody (3 or more points required). Officer Campbell mentions the fire while interrogating Sean. Sean will go easy on Daniel after breaking the rule, admitting that saving Chris was the right call. Officer Campbell mentions Lisbeth's death while interrogating Sean. Claire will scold Daniel for swearing and retort to Sean that he could teach Daniel to watch his mouth. If Lyla was called in Episode 1, she will post a photo of her with Daniel, saying she's thinking of him. If Sean doesn't call Lyla in Episode 2 or lies to her mom, Lyla's Facebook page will be supportive about mental health. Watch a cut-scene after which you have to make a choice - "Remind the rules" or "Concede". Say nothing when Daniel makes the dishes float at breakfast behind Claire's back. Episode 1 introduced us to the emotional story of what happens when two young brothers lose their father and learn that the younger boy, 9-year-old Daniel, has supernatural powers. Daniel will wear the raccoon sweater that Sean stole. Daniel is happy that he won and gloats about it. Daniel will wear his raccoon sweater, both at the campfire and during the heist. Choose to protect Daniel's secret instead of being honest with Chris. If Lyla is called in Episode 2 as well, she will post a photo of her with Sean, saying she's thinking of him. The present Sean bought will appear in the, All bought and stolen presents will appear in the. or "Fuck Puerto Lobos!". Contributes to getting closer to Cassidy, especially if Sean tells her it's people like her who give him inspiration. If Lyla was called in Episode 1 as well, she will post a photo of her with Sean, saying she's thinking of him. Sean stood up for Daniel after the latter hit Big Joe. Daniel fully discloses his power to Claire and Stephen; Claire initially shocked. Daniel accuses Sean of cheating with longer legs. If the Chock-O-Crisp was stolen, Daniel will get out the Chock-O-Crisp to eat that night. Only this response has any effect on Daniel (that effect being teaching Daniel the immoral attitude). It hit some really uncomfortable shit, was a unique approach to a follow-up, and I saw ALOT of myself in Sean. This guarantees to increase the likelihood that Sean will refer to Doris as "okay, almost nice" in his sketchbook. To get this outcome, get all of the heroes and villains correct and then ask Chris about his dad either right away when he's mentioned, or after talking about the broken tree house. - 45%, Daniel wasn't asked to help with the chores. Sean takes out the gun and shoots Merrill. He agrees, if Sean chooses to cross the border. Sean is shocked by his actions and immediately feels guilty. The blade will bounce off of the tree and Finn will comment that you whiffed it. Sean encourages Daniel to keep studying, to which he reluctantly complies. Sean asks Daniel to get rid of the officers. Sean watches as Daniel properly stacks the plates with his power. -, You let Daniel use his power to help Stephen and he wasn't hurt. Lyla will say she is worried sick and hasn't been able to sleep since Sean left. The brothers talk about what Sean did. Daniel saves Chris from being hit by a Police car if he didn't tell him the truth earlier. After three and a half sennights of almost continuous combat the decisive breakthrough that the rebels had sought came when Gerold Hightower and his principal subordinates were caught up in an assault near the hamlet of Bluestone; Hightower himself was killed by Robert Baratheon in a ferocious contest, while his subordinates were either killed or captured. Sneaking around Daniel and scaring him while he is hiding to jump out at Sean. Depending on whether Sean told Daniel to tell Chris the truth, Daniel can blame either himself or Sean for the accident. Sean will be thankful to know that Chris is fine. Merrill will tell Sean that he should be pulling more for his weight. Life is Strange: Before the Storm "Farewell" Bonus Episode. Sean asks Daniel to get rid of the officers. Inquiry into the Approach of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Devolved Government on European Union Issues SESSION 2001/2002 SECOND REPORT. After the loading screens, the Title screen will appear. Penny will comment that he likes the coffee. When Sean didn't ask questions inside or outside. Sean tells Daniel Lisbeth must be having nightmares about him (, Sean says Lisbeth is lucky and without Daniel she's powerless. Sean isn't religious upon arriving at Haven Point, 2. After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will say he doesn't believe in that kind of thing. Since Daniel never got the raccoon sweater, the lime green shirt will be inside Daniel's closet in Lisbeth's house. If Lyla wasn't called in Episode 1, she will not appear in the. If Daniel told Chris the truth, Chris will help the brothers run away and give Daniel his cape. Caused by: Letting Karen open up to Sean and refusing her help. If Sean is able to talk with Lyla or tells her mom the truth, Lyla will meet Sean when he is released from prison in the, If Sean is not able to talk with Lyla and lies to her mom, Lyla will not appear in the. In his dream, Sean can come out to Esteban by revealing he kissed a boy. Lisbeth might use beating Hank up while arguing with Sean to accuse him of being "sinful". With "Nice Weather" you have to avoid looking suspicious by mentioning the flat tire or camping (only after looking at the "Tacoma Rock" sign). 1. Daniel will be pessimistic and complain about the forest being awful the next day. Caused by: Missing the interaction, or not encouraging Daniel enough during the interaction. Daniel will not enjoy his Christmas present(s). Sean doesn't set an immoral example for Daniel, unless Sean steals something by himself. The newspaper mentions that Karen, Sean and Daniel are wanted by the police and FBI for a murder. I know that in order to do this, Daniel . Sean spoke to Cassidy while she was playing her guitar. Daniel's shirt and trousers will remain dirty throughout the episode. help listeners to realize that they troubles are not unique. If Sean tells Daniel to have faith in himself, Daniel will remind Sean he said Heaven and God existed. Caused by: Trimming from 9 to 11 weed buds. Officer Patrick Campbell will mention the assault and robbery when listing off Sean's charges at the El Rey Police Department. A "Light Switch" is on the right of the entrance - click LMB to "Switch On". Caused by: Failing to convince Joey after obtaining a grab bar from the bathroom and choosing to attack him with it. As long as Chris doesn't get hurt, Daniel will enjoy his Christmas present(s). She will say she knows he is innocent and ask him to return, which he declines. Well, all the characters' (and target audience's) brains have already turned . Daniel acts more calm and gentle while breaking Sean out. He will also give Daniel his cape. Daniel successfully uses his powers to force them through the border against Sean's wishes, leading to Sean being shot and killed. you have to avoid agitating the father by saying "It's not that bad". Sean will have Karen's box of cigarettes in his inventory and claim that she offered it to him as a peace offering. If Daniel agrees to tidy the room, don't say anything when he uses his power to do it. If Sean is successful, this will contribute to the amount of nutritious food the brothers will eat at the end of the scene. The brothers will run off, and Chris's fate is unknown until much later. The edges of Sean's vision will be blurry around the campfire. The player can "join" the dance by moving the camera to the beat. Sean ignores Arthur and Stanley before leaving. Daniel takes solace in the fact they were able to actually bury Mushroom. Daniel will say that Finn gave him a wristband to wear. Caused by: Daniel eating toxic berries in the forest. Sean said he loves Cassidy's voice at the campfire. Chris will still think he has powers and run onto the road to use them to stop a Police car pursuing Sean and Daniel. Both Sean and Daniel will be less vulgar throughout the episode. - 30%, You used Stephen's laptop to log in to your profile. Sean can't gain any more info from Lisbeth's house. Joan won't get to say goodbye to Sean, nor give him a wolf figurine. Sean is jailed for 15 years and is warmly welcomed by Daniel, Karen and (optionally) Lyla upon release. Daniel obeys Sean and watches as Merrill kills Finn. . Use Daniel's power to blast open Karen's door. Chris will initially believe that he did it but will turn and see Daniel's hand outstretched, making him realize that Daniel is the one who actually did it. Sean and Karen meet up in front of the church and walk in together on Lisbeth and Daniel. Sean can't tell Charles that Chris "gave [him] some tips" when he was drawing. Sean is more melancholic when he looks at the claw marks by the lake, reflecting on how Daniel's no longer afraid of wild animals. It blocked the educational, economic, social growth and opportunities for black southerners. In Lisbeth's house, Sean can take the raccoon sweater from the closet in Daniel's bedroom. Don't intervene when Daniel tries to kill the cougar. Sean agreed to the heist at the camp (mandatory). Daniel will get knocked back and be mad, and when Sean throws the snowball at Mushroom, Daniel will stop it with his powers. Daniel stands over the ledge while walking down the canyon. Doris might be more cold and curt when addressing Sean and Daniel during their interactions. Caused by: Sean upsetting Daniel several times in the forest. Then LiS1 and it'll make just as much sense if not more. Luke and Madison will stay locked up and keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel. Chad will take Daniel's Etch-a-Sketch tablet instead, and it may be broken if Sean attempts to forcibly take it back. If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire he will have the option to tell the group about how the cougar killed Mushroom but they were able to scare it off. Sean either stops believing or continues not to have faith. - 9%, Daniel blamed you for Chris's accident. Agent Flores will show Sean a photo of Finn's body inside Merrill's house. Karen gives Daniel a sweet goodbye (since he went along with sparing Lisbeth's life). Have a few dialogues and then the game will skip forward one week. Sean reprimands Daniel for messing with the scorpion. Several people who Sean doesn't know have written threatening comments and hate speech on his wall. Stealing an item without getting Daniel involved is impossible for Sean, because of Doris watching him on the alert. If he says he likes her too, he has the chance to kiss her in the lake and will then be invited inside her tent if he disagreed to the heist. Main article: Game Statistics (Season 2) Daniel suggests his power could help the brothers sometime. Sean sided with Cassidy while trimming weed. Daniel is guaranteed not to feel bad about Lisbeth's death. Chris will mention having spent winter with a cast on his leg in his letter to Sean and Daniel. (Sean will have $0.30 or $20.30 to spend during the episode, depending on if he told the truth to Esteban). Jacob will try to refuse the money at first offer but Sean insists that he have it to pay for his little sister's medical bills. Sean is allowed to leave without further injury, but is left feeling upset and humiliated. Telling Daniel there are only critters in the forest. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel not to mess with the scorpion and Daniel having Low Morality. If Sean reveals that he agreed to the heist while in the lake, Cassidy will storm off and take his flashlight. Caused by: Sean sending Daniel to beg for food from the family. Daniel will stop the snowball with his powers and get angry at Sean. Regardless of their purpose, readers have to be able to read accurately and. Sean uses the found key to open the door to Karen's room. Life Is Strange 2 is an episodic graphic adventure game developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix 's European subsidiary. The sleeping bag Sean uses is identical to the one he can purchase from the Bear Station that Daniel slept in, it can be assumed in that situation Daniel got a new bag and Sean just began using the one he brought instead of asking for a second one. Sean says it's important to focus on the present. Sean and Daniel will sleep in the tent from Bear Station, the brothers can be assumed to be using sleeping bags lent to them by Finn's group however if Sean brought the sleeping bag at the Bear Station he is using it himself instead, whereas Daniel will always have a new sleeping bag. Cassidy's letter will not be impacted by any additional tragedies. Choosing "You kidnapped me!" Daniel will use his powers to hold up the water tanks, allowing Sean to carry both of them in a single trip. The vigilantes (Madison especially) are baffled by this gesture and aren't sure what to do. If Sean didn't call Lyla back in Episode 1, he will not know that she is in a clinic. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven, then Sean retorting to Claire that they never pray. His regular look will be partially restored after cleaning himself up at the motel. It is revealed that Stephen has healed, without needing surgery. Sean has to call Joey and choose the following dialogue options: Joey will ask Sean to hit him on his own terms, to give the impression that Sean attacked Joey to escape. Daniel will blame himself for not telling Chris the truth as he disobeyed Sean's request to be honest. If he did, the two men later will comment on his injury. Go towards the large TV, pass the aquarium on the right and enter the room on the right. Neglect and pranks are what cause him to get upset. - 18%, Daniel was told to tell the truth but he continued lying to Chris. For this particular metric, it is fine to tell Daniel "no" in the forest, even if he seems annoyed by that answer. If he didn't agree to the heist, Sean has the option to enter Cassidy's tent. Sean can reach through a car window to steal a Chock-O-Crisp, and/or he can break open a lockbox with a rock (there is nothing inside). Sean has the option to refuse or call himself: Daniel and Chris respond positively to "Silver Runner". Daniel asks Sean about the loud moaning sounds coming from the room. Daniel will make an enthusiastic comment and hug Sean. Caused by: Agreeing to the heist from the start and successfully breaking the safe open. Sean watches as Daniel properly stacks the plates with his power. Claire is angry with Sean and Daniel for searching through hers and Stephen's belongings. Daniel will witness Sean's violence then run away after Sean is knocked out. If Daniel was asked to tell the truth to Chris but disobeyed, then he blames himself for the accident. Life Is Strange 2 's protagonist decides to stretch out his hand in a Daniel-esque way to see if he also has his own form of power and fails to do anything. To do laundry, go down, left and go through the first entrance on the right. Caused by: Letting Karen open up to Sean, Staying outside of Sand Snake Motel, accepting her offer to clean the wound, writing a caring note and hugging Karen before leaving Away. Daniel will be too upset to enjoy his Christmas present(s). Summary: The two brothers continue their journey into the winter months & struggle against the cold. Sean helps Daniel with the dishes and Daniel in return helps with the water tanks. Sean has the option to enter Cassidy's tent if he kisses her. Jacob finally accepts and is very grateful to Sean. Caused by: Sean's request to stop lying and Daniel having Low Morality while leaving the Christmas Market. Contributes to Sean's potential intoxication. Sean listens to Daniel's ending of the story. - 33%, Daniel didn't blame anyone since Chris was fine. If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire he will have the option to tell the group about how they killed the cougar, Finn appears to slightly disapprove of the action but this doesn't affect your relationship with him in the long run. Cassidy will not be injured in her mug shot. Both options will affect Daniel. In the forest, if Sean stole the Chock-O-Crisp from the parked car, Daniel will be willing to share the bar with Sean. Karen's goodbye to Daniel takes on a more melancholic and advisory tone. Agent Flores will ask Sean about Cassidy's involvement in the heist. Sean and Daniel escape the police station without causing harm to the officers. Merrill will already be alert to your intrusion and confront the group in his living room, no matter what choice you make in the kitchen. Few dialogues and then the game listens to Daniel 's secret instead of being with! 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life is strange 2 remind the rules or concede

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