coworker constantly sniffing

Find out which foods you should watch out for. Not everything can be accommodated. I also tend to use unscented deodorant and laundry detergent; I really dislike how chemical-y scented products like this tend to be. Its a hippie scentmaybe. I believe in this case, the OP is white (based on the photo Gmail sends with the email, which of course isnt 100% conclusive). Id be pretty miffed if I had to stop using things in my personal life. I suspect thats why he found me attractive :-). I think that it might be another coworker or it could be the scent from a product used to clean the office. Youre sensitive to her complaint & youve already spent time & effort that for you to do even more is becoming a type of hardship for you [hardship in the sense of harassment as Alison described]. In recent years, Ive developed a strong sensitivity to certain smells. Or make sure youre using a powerful, unscented detergent. Its also possible to have the upholstery and carpet in your office carrying the scent and be unaware of it. For real I understand if people *like* the smell of Febreeze, but seriously, its not some magical odor-disapperating powder, so dont act like its automatically preferable to any other strong scent. We've compiled some of the signs that your coworker might be flirting with you so you can look out for them next time you're at work. Patchouli is a fairly distinctive scent, particularly as a fragrance oil, which smells absolutely nothing like lemon. Its possible the smell is lingering somewhere else or has another cause (from your handbag, or its actually the smell of your car air freshener, or something other than the original perfume). I feel like Id want to get to the root of the problem. One, about patchouli just dont. Just wondering if a pattern can be established regarding the coworker. Either way, this isnt OPs issue to resolve, and OP has already done whats reasonable to do. I would love to see someone tell all my coworkers who smoke that they have to quit because Purple Jello has an allergy.). I think they probably picked the maple-nut ice cream because it wasnt a flavor they were going to randomly run into between the initial exposure and the aversion test a few weeks later, but it was nice enough that kids would actually voluntarily choose it in the first place. I used to enjoy perfume, but now find that even the slightest hint of perfume or essential oil can trigger a bad headache. Use a VPN or SSH Proxy (BEST OPTION): A VPN or SSH tunnel will act as the middleman between your computer and the dubiously secure servers on the internet so that everything sent between your . Adding some baking soda along with that can help too. Im not sure why so many people are suggesting ways for the OP to further neutralize her scent. My one and only true hangover. I'm 12 I have the same problem it started like a year ago it drives my mam mad I really want to know what's causing it, Im only 14 and I sniff all the fricking time its really annoying and I carnt take it anymore. That was my first thought. Ask your manager if you can relocate your desk. And it smelled basically like light body sweat. I went through a brief patchouli phase in my late teens. OP, is there a possibility of moving your (or her) physical location? Bring the complainer to her house to show that there are no more scented products? Decisions are made. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. I told my supervisor and somehow it got handled. And many, many people will never consider that they might unwittingly be the source of a problem. I love perfumes and scented bath products, but my scalp is really allergic to many fragrances. 2. A few weeks later, she insisted she could smell me using the cleaner againI was sitting at my desk doing stuff on the computer, but she kept on saying I was. I will happily concede that these people are probably right. I have a whole mess of oil perfumes and about half of them use patchouli as one of the base scents (I rarely wear them to work though, as in, maybe once every two months and no ones ever said anything). I worked in a department that she visited maybe once a week. If youve been sniffling for weeks or months, you can rule out a cold, Dr. Reisman says. That would make sense with the patchouli reference. Im in the group that hates the smell of patchouli. I think Alison has asked us not to read race into letters because it can become derailing and its all speculation. I agree with you that the OP has already done a lot and the coworker is being snarky. And Im certainly not going to be a jerk about it. Yes, the real problem is clearly the coworker. I have been very confused about the comments. He doesn't need to want a relationship with you. They gave us a list of suggested unscented, fragrance free, hypoallergenic laundry and hygiene items. That usually means they are fooling around or are a snitch. Yeah, totally, for mention of patchouli above I think you can refer to the Zendaya Giuliana Rancic dreadlocks saga of 2015 for an example on how this can play out. I dont like using them, because they seem very anti-social, but I will in places I cant get out of and have no chance of controlling like an airplane or in a taxi. Getting a scent out of a car seat isnt exactly an easy venture. I would also expect that I would be able to use work time to find these products, since this is a work-based request. Manners Mentor, Inc.: Bodily Noise Etiquette Really! There was actually a study done a while ago that found that a lot of people with sensitivities to fragrance actually had psychosomatic sensitivities. Should I say something? 1. That was me! I am on a small anti-anxiety med now and it has made a difference. To cap it off, she has started picking her nose quite explicitly. Haha, Im not sure if this is a good idea, but I love it. You see the salesmen on the metro who wear little vials of oil on these cross-body belts. I will admit that I love patchouli, though. At least she would actually SEE you trying something and, who knows, it might take care of any lingering scents. All Rights Reserved. Note that the issue is addressed in a business by in this case, the sniffer's manager, to the sniffer. I ended up leaving for another job. Used only a little, but it took four washes to get most of the scent out of my clothing. Well, OP seems to think they have entirely addressed the problem by stopping wearing scents and washing in unscented detergent, and so when they try to assess the situation they are incorrectly starting from a belief that they dont/cant actually smell. The main issue I have with this response is that its putting the onus on the LW to handle the issue, and thats just not fair. He was like a little cloud of toxic masculinity. Not sure if she has a medical condition though or she just doesnt wear deodorant/antiperspirant. And that's because your coworker might not even know that she likes you yet. I try to buy products that are unscented or are minimally scented, but sometimes Im surprised at how strong the fragrance is in some products. But youre not alone and I for one believe youre probably not the problem. Don't tell a coworker, 'You people are always causing problems' Topics like religion, politics, and child-rearing sometimes come up in the workplace. Im surprised at the amount of comments that are focusing solely on how to ensure you emit no fragrances. I smell :(. They just arent my preference, but barring a health related consequence of great severity, I would never dream of asking anyone to change their scent of choice. I switched to those and the complaints continued. Even I cant wear those. My wife gave up chewing gum around me years ago, before I realized I was the one with the problem. In high school I had a job at a chain pizza place. It seems like you are already doing everything it is reasonable to ask a person to do (and possibly more). If someone told me, for instance, I had to use an expensive, scent free shampoo vs my 1.09 bottle of Sauve, Id tell them no. If your coworker has Aspergers or some kind of sensory processing disorder, they could go through a doctor to have HR find them accommodations away from other people. Anyway, since then the smell is so offensive to me. I do wear my perfumes on the weekend still, but I generally wear business casual clothes (which live in my closet) to work and casual clothes (which live in my dresser) on the weekend. it. Im thinking the co-worker is using the term patchouli as an insult, catch-all term to encompass all hippie-ish smells (patchouli, sandalwood, desert sage, etc) of the type that might be sold at with other natural oils. It is not a matter of simply not liking something. I cant say that Id ask anyone who burned them at home in their free time to knock it off just because I didnt like the smell though. update: how can I turn down training requests from my clients? It worked like a charm. that are much more reasonable than making an entire office change routines and buy completely new products. Sometimes I notice smells will stick around for a few days, even after I have showered. Go to a therapist. I inhale the mindblowing smells and sandals I also lick, but only the inner soles where the pretty feet have met the . He doesnt wear cologne, and keeps up his hygiene (and doesnt use mothballs). . OP, it could be in coworkers head. And its one of the most powerful triggers available. The thing with perfume is that lots of people arent putting on their fancy fragrances to go to work. All the more reason to use AAMs scripts to squash the problem. This feels to me very much like the OP is being singled out. I was so sick that night. If exposed long enough, the migraine wont go away after exposure and can last for 4 days, so its absolutely no joke. Ugh, bathroom sprays. Your co-worker sounds like shes being a bit difficult and imposing unrealistic expectations on the OP. I am 30 years old and I have been told that I sniff constently in my sleep. I agree with the other posters who mention getting a second opinion and Alisons advice to bring in your manager to mediate. Short of quitting smoking forever and replacing my entire wardrobe, there was no way that I was ever going to make her happy. When everything is researched and it ends up being something other than you, shell have to quit harassing you. I think going forward, you may do well to stress how much youve done to accommodate her and how unprofessionally she has continued to act. That being said, do you use scented candles? Dont wear it to work is really reasonable, but asking someone to never use it is not like you said, there are other scents that are also hated by some. take a deep breath (through your mouth): The cause of chronic sniffling is I had wondered that as well. Maybe at one point she noticed a particular scent OP used to wear and now smells even lingering traces that no one else would be able to smell. Possibly the only personal anecdote less interesting than a story about a dream you had, that doesn't involve the listener. Fortunately, he did not continue to complain about my scented lotion. Its just her dryer sheets, but it lingers for several months. I know were not supposed to criticize OPs, but come on. The fabrics used in most work clothes are synthetic or a blend. She refuses to move. I had to take it to the cleaners to get that smell. And its usually not like I can just switch from the scented version to the unscented one the one Im using is the only thing there is! We embarked on a months-long quest to find soaps and laundry soap that he liked and that I could tolerate, but you know hes my significant other! My mom says the same thing about Caress body wash. If your general practitioner cant get to the bottom of it, an ENT or allergist should be your next stop. Im realizing through reading all these comments that Im apparently pretty weird with my dislike of most scents! Ive eaten Moes only once since that year. Im one of the rare 20-somethings that doesnt take laundry to my parents house to do, because their washer smells funky and the funk seems to come off on my clothes a little. The OP writes that she wears scents with patchouli on the weekend. The first day I used it, I almost retched in the shower. I hope you can resolve the situation in a way that works for both of you and is not unfair to you. The only other thing I could think of is if OP is a smoker and/or uses incense or oil diffuse-ers at home. I really hope thats not it. People tend not to. So many products are scented cleaners, hand sanitisers, perfumes, breath sprays, cigarette smoke, pet dander, food & chewing gum, office supplies like sharpies & toners & even scented pencils Odours can linger for a very long time & the amalgamation might simply remind her of your scent. Honestly, next time she snarks about patchouli, Id literally laugh in her face, like Seriously? I hope something works for the person who wrote this! The next time she asks for help that you haven't been assigned to provide her, make the conversation about you following your boss's direction. (Which is why, if I were her coworker, Id be looking for accommodation. Blondie batter? But more likely these coworkers are the only people left with improvements to make in this situation. Your dog may follow the ill dog around more than usual and may spend a lot of time . Im incredibly sensitive to both man-made and natural fragrances. Its so heavily scented (even the I scented version) that it will likely be much much worse. Time. You can tell her, You said the smell was on my purse and now I have a new purse, so I dont think youre being fair. Secondly, this smell process should embarrass her enough to put a lid on the sniffing and the comments. There can be essential oils, plant derivatives, and masking fragrances in unscented products. I really wish that was possible, but it's not. We have no HR director, the owner refuses to address this. I would sit with all the other allergic/asthmatic people (this was a call center without assigned seats), or in a more isolated area when possible. Id refrain from wearing perfume to work, and from using scented soaps and lotions during the work week (or using them for date night, but then washing them off before bed). Several people wrote in to say that . As I said, I dont think she has one. The best way to drown somebody out without breaking your eardrums or losing your concentration is to use some white noise. She makes the most awful noise. Allergies. :) All in all, its just frustrating when youve done everything to accommodate someone and they are still abrasive. Normally I agree that people should try to work things out generally amongst themselves, but this seems exactly like the kind of thing you need to get the managers/HR involved with. She had the audacity to ask me to stop baking in my spare time, but I refused. It's driving me crazy at times. Also, what if someone cant change products due to an allergy? Shes a massive jerk, and you owe her nothing. The coworker is *totally* acting like a jerk. But I agree, thats not what this thread should focus on. Yeah I agree its rude of the coworker. As soon as you have something unprovable that isnt supposed to be questioned, bullies and jerks will latch onto it. Im hoping it doesnt escalate to that point, but Im glad youre out of that situation now! :(. My office got new carpet and my other pregnant co-worker and I had to work from home for a week because we couldnt deal with the smell. They lead the meeting after the meeting. If its not a health problem, and she just wants to never ever smell even a whiff of anything she doesnt like, then shes being an unreasonable jerk. Period, full stop. To me, sniffling is like nails on a chalk board. Colds typically go away on their own after about a week. We have placed a box of tissues on her desk, they are unused. However, genuine allergic reactions arent necessarily going to manifest in front of their sourceits not all doubling over in the moment. Im chemically sensitive to cheap perfumes, something in the inexpensive stuff triggers asthma and migraines. Also, I hate patchouli and its a strong fragrance once associates with folks that make their own clothes so if youre in a professional setting, Id just avoid ever wearing it, From the letter: my body wash is lightly lemon scented.. I don't have an obstruction, so I am not really sniffing up snot or mucus. I think this is a good suggestion, was about to say the same. Shes good about remembering the week I mention it, but by the end of the following week (or especially the week after that), it starts getting bad again. Refer them to another coworker or someone who's working on something similar, so they can help each other. Her co-worker is being incredibly rude. Ive heard that she is now complaining about someone else I used to work with. * Shes a jerk. I have a number of co-irkers that I want to tell Nice perfume/cologne must you bathe in it? but I dont, because its merely obnoxious, and Im not a jerk. At this point, its pretty ridiculous to ask LW to do more. Sniffle. Maybe, but one of the complications would be figuring out the nature of the sensitivity.. 100% this. That seems pretty unreasonable. I dont wear it often (I find it soothing and will sometimes put a little on in the evening, just on my wrist and just for me). But I was young and naive and I said all I had done was use soap (which was standard issue and unscented) before I left the restroom. Same. Brownie batter? Continuous sinus nose pressure after 2nd child? They want to give my seat to others wearing cologne. Sniffle. It just makes it worse. Ive heard the term thrown out as an insult, similar to using the terms granola or crunchy. Sometimes its a subtle smell their bodies give off, sometimes its body odor after a day of work. Download Article. Whats Causing That Salty Taste in Your Mouth? I had to go see the ombudsman and talk to HR, but nothing helped. I dont think she should have to stop wearing perfume on the weekend or totally change her hygiene routine. Blowing is fine--sniffling is a killer. Policy. Instead, offer practical solutions that can fix the solution for everyone. They want to make it seem like you are not a good fit for the job. I have a coworker who is brash, cool, and seemed real. Id take I straight to HR at this point and get your cooperation efforts on the records. Im going to ask that we stop with those suggestions now and instead focus on how she should deal with the coworker, which I think will be more helpful to her. I live in a dry dusty climate then rainy for about 4 months. He serves as the Studio's sports and recreation section expert. Scent can also be a trigger for good or bad memories. Sorry, but no. I dont think my colleague is trying to make give me migraines with her perfume. Related: you would not believe the number of people who accept all beliefs/races/genders/orientations/nationalities/etc. Your coworker could merely be bothered, in which case its up to them to get over it. Its not reasonable to expect your workplace to be completely purged of every patchouli molecule. So, it is possible she has an unconscious bias regarding you and part of how it is manifesting for her is in thinking you stink, no matter what you are doing. I still like salmon. I have awful memories of the time my luggage was lost by an airline. How is 24/7 sniffling allowed in an office space without repercussions? I'm glad to hear that some snifflers have experienced repercussions! All rights reserved. We ended up going out to a bar that evening in a group, and as the night went on, people slowly peeled off until it was just the two of us. If not, there you are. You can also suggest an article, book, or other resource on the topic. Clock out and walk around the block for 15 minutes before I come back to my desk? (That obviously wouldnt account for the co-workers still smelling patchouli, but it does mean that unscented isnt, as you say, necessarily a solution.). But Im not going to ask another person to never drink that tea again. Its not workable. Oh, like I can use neutragena sensitive skin moisturizer and I can use neutragena sensitive skin sunscreen, but if I use neutragena sensitive skin moisturizer with sunscreen, I break out in a horrible painful rash. The last time she used baby powder on a babys bum was approximately 31 years ago. Southern Comfort for me. OP How long have you and this co-worker worked together? Patchouli has actually been a key scent note for Dior for decades :-). After we stopped that we smelled. Wash and dry clean any clothing that you wear thats kept in your office. I try really hard to balance my wanting to smell yummy with being considerate of those around me! This feels very much like using HR to bully an employee while acting like the victim. I finally had to write up one worker who insisted on spraying perfume in the office. Like those toilet sprays for example. and if tissues don't work for someone there are medications and netty pots and SO MANY alternatives to sniffling forever and ever. What is that smell!?!? Even when I blow my nose a lot it doesn't help sometimes. It became a campus-wide thing. And all of her clothes, even immediately after laundering, smell exactly like her perfume, which is interesting because the detergent on its own it quite strongly scented. I havent used anything patchouli-scented in weeks/months/whatever! WOW! Find out what causes asthma, and how to take control of your symptoms. I hate the taste/smell of passion fruit now because of some misadventures involving passion fruit-flavored rum that happened over a year ago. Unfair to you version ) that it will likely be much much worse smell should. 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