the wide net summary

I grew up during segregation, but the racism was subdued, and codified down to a syllable and a glance. William Wallace takes the lead back to Dover, and back to Hazel who has never left their house. Trans. He was on a mission. I had fished and hunted in the great inland swamps, and had built rafts of giant bamboo to ride with my friends down the St Lucie River, surely as haunting and as hidden away as the Pearl River in The Wide Net. The alligators slept with the water lilies and the night-blooming cereus, and the Spanish moss fell in thick curtains on both banks. What touched me more, and what I remember best now, were the lives around me while growing up. The Malones are like horses, and the Doyles are never without their dogs. I could easily call to mind other memories that would deepen and darken the story. He was the county judge, famous for his fairness in court, and loved by everyone who knew him, thus by the entire town. Had he suspected down there, like some secret, the real, the true trouble that Hazel had fallen into, about which words in a letter could not speak Or in a myth, I cannot help adding. I did recall that it had fascinated (and puzzled) me by mixing together a multitude of myths and legends, reaching far and wide in time and in place, including the local and the regional. 179). I realized that the origins of these myths had to be traced and analyzed, not least of all to better understand their impact on American culture and history. I said earlier that the town was segregated, but with little visible racial tension. And finally, on the last page, memory is evoked again, this time in words to be engraved in stone: Of course the greatest confluence of all is that which makes up the human memorythe individual human memory. Once again, however, we cannot escape the fact that names are chosen for us. Omissions? What I remember most about growing up was the joy of being outside for most of the day in a sort of tropical paradise. There is Virgil of course, living up to his name (but only in the mind of the reader, we need to remember) in that he is there to guide William on his quest, to keep him on the track, as he says. It was, however, filled with southerners. Williams dive is not a baptism for the faint-hearted. So I grew up surrounded by southern voices. The river never seems the same, yet even when William Wallace forgets its name, its ageless identity is never in question: The winding river looked old sometimes, when it ran wrinkled and deep under high banks where the roots of trees hung down, and sometimes it seemed to be only a young creek, shining with the colors of wildflowers (Welty, Collected Stories 178). And if my commentaries, such as they are, do make me vulnerable to all sorts of criticism, especially when judged by the principles of pure scholarship (principles I would be the first to preach), at least I cannot be faulted on what I say about my own autobiography. publication online or last modification online. He told me that my grandfather had told him he had left Georgia to come to Florida because he hated the way blacks were treated. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Myths and legends and symbols are filled with wisdom, but it is the human spirit which has done the filling, and not the other way around. The Internet started off with research into what was then known as packet switching as early as the 1960s. But the town itself was lively and busy and relatively sheltered from the poverty and misery that remained a plague throughout the greater South even in the 1950s. As a matter of fact, he was a pillar of the community. 2. The Aeneid. New York: A Lisa Drew Book, 2004. Geographically, I had lived outside as a boy in the steamy heat of southern Florida. Old Doc lives on a hill and can usually be found in his rocking chair. 1 Mar. The roses needed a lot of water. 10The Malones are like horses, and the Doyles are never without their dogs. Summary of The Wide Net by Welty. Later in the story a violent storm with a blast of wind covers the entire search party with wet leaves. 2 Virgil of course is Dantes guide in The Divine Comedy through the Inferno and most of Purgatory. 183). Even though there is no southern history in the story, surely his name is steeped in historical associations. He lets the little infant plant fall free, and from now on the search is over. Sweet-gum red, hickory yellow, dogwood red, sycamore yellow. He walked through the streets of colored town as naturally as he walked to work. In the afternoons my friends and I would go down to the icehouse where sacks of ice were filled for the professional fishing boats. Here is the same confused hodgepodge of myth and fable we can find in The Wide Net. They are the wonderful fictions out of which an adult life finally emerges, but never forgets. If there are two dates, the date of publication and appearance Robbie is right to be frightened. Rereading The Wide Net brought many of these memories back to mind, and it brought back to mind too my dismay in Chapel Hill at fitting them into a theory of myth, or even at weaving them into a common pattern of southern identity. 9Other than Old Doc, the characters making up the search party include two sets of young brothers, the white boys, Brucie and Grady Rippin, and the black boys, Sam and Robbie Bell. online is the same, and will be the first date in the citation. After all, there were some brilliant minds at work on the subject, minds who could spot a stereotype or a caricature a hundred miles away, and there was much to learn. Everything just before it changes looks to be made of gold. Immediately William Wallace looked down, as though he thought of Hazel with the shining eyes, sitting at home and looking straight before her, like a piece of pure gold, too precious to touch (Welty, Collected Stories 176). Then group returns to town, everyone carrying their heavy strings of fish. William Wallace is beset on all sides by distractions, advice, omens, signs of all sorts. It did not cost much to have a horse and a small motor boat. An Edna Earle is the narrator of Weltys novella The Ponder Heart. William Wallace will soon demonstrate a stronger will in a more heroic gesture than catching a rabbit. It was a far better show than the movie. [] Any day now the change will come. As for me, being known as his grandson allowed me, and my two cousins who lived in his house, special status among the blacks, and a carelessness about crossing the color line. 39These were some of the memories humming in my head when I began reading the books about Southern myth in Chapel Hill. As we discover, we remember; remembering, we discover; and most intensely do we experience this when our separate journeys converge (Welty, One Writers Beginnings 102). Press in the Library of Southern Civilization series. The last date is today's At least the small boys have names that set them apart. In the end, they seem happy and content again. Each visitor makes around 4.39 page views on average. And after a few minutes she took him by the hand and led him into the house, smiling as if she were smiling down on him (Welty, What is missing in my account of rereading the story is my misremembering the total absence of southern history, a conspicuous absence. Even though there is no southern history in the story, surely his name is steeped in historical associations. Like the theater, like the wearing of masks, like the playing of games, myths are ways of trying out the world, testing other lives, often for the sheer joy of forgetting our own predicament. William Wallace Jamieson, the first words of the story, and a name I will return to, is a young man who has been married to his wife, Hazel, for a year. I have tried to explain, to myself more than to anyone else, that the multiplication of myth and legend in The Wide Net is there, in all its rich jumbling, to nudge the reader elsewhere. But the history of the South itself came to me mainly through the stories I heard in my family. New York: A Lisa Drew Book, 2004. The wide net Adjust Share by Eudora Welty, This article is only available as a PDF to subscribers. Saying so, I freely admit my pirouetting into The Wide Net does take some special pleading. In the afternoons my friends and I would go down to the icehouse where sacks of ice were filled for the professional fishing boats. He had never been given much credit for his act, though in the recent biography of Hurston, by Valerie Boyd, written long after my visit home, he is singled out for praise (436). AccueilNumros67ArticlesConverging Toward the Human: Myth 1It might seem odd to find me turning to Eudora Weltys story The Wide Net the day I learned I had been invited to respond to the theme of Southern myth (the all-purpose, made-to-order, sempiternel Southern myth). My own is the treasure most dearly regarded by me, in my life and in my work as a writer. There is Old Doc, the local wise man who owns the net. He could lift hundred-pound sacks of fertilizer with each hand. Hickory tree there will be yellow. He made a sign for me to follow him in what was now a blind tunnel steaming with sweat and humidity. Remember that (Welty, Collected Stories 176). References to babies, for example, can be found everywhere, from the little man on the toy-like train, to the baby alligator, all the way to the corn shuck doll waiting by itself on the bench back in Dover. Weltys mother refused to have a copy in her house. William Wallace will soon demonstrate a stronger will in a more heroic gesture than catching a rabbit. The shock will take a little time to absorb, but he has now found himself, and is beginning to embrace his new role as a father. When later on I read Faulkners praise of natural courtesy I thought of Foots at once. , and of the river Lethe which the original Virgil tells us must be imbibed by dead souls in order for them to be reborn. He had earned the name by winning a juke joint contest for having the biggest feet in Florida. The black families had moved in the same direction to escape their hard lives as sharecroppers and a harsher form of racial discrimination. [] Any day now the change will come. Once again, however, we cannot escape the fact that names are chosen for us. But more than anything, in rereading the story I realized that my own fading or forgotten memories about growing up in the South had somehow dictated my choice, and that the mythic failures, or inadequacies, of The Wide Net to match the intractable selfhood of the living individual clearly harmonized with my own experience. She is in her early twenties (an age we might give to William Wallace) when she discovers the gift of memory, and in her seventies when she confirms it: Writing fiction has developed in me an abiding respect for the unknown in a human lifetime and a sense of where to look for the threads, how to follow, how to connect, find in the thick of the tangle what clear line persists. In many respects he cherished the community as much as his family, but it had to be the whole community, white and black. Still, casting around for something to say about the way the South (from within and without) seems to have been designed, destined, or doomed, to generate a mythic vision, or visions, often in contradiction with each other, my thoughts could not help going back to The Wide Net.. For much of the story at least, William Wallace and the other characters are closer to the simple stock figures of song and legend than they are to men and women in the real world. One was the Florida artist A.E. He himself would have been too modest to mention it. This is the advantage of relying on memory rather than myth when digging back for the truth. . Apparently, there was one male survivor of the Battle of the Alamo in 1836. I said earlier that the town was segregated, but with little visible racial tension. Ben Forkner, Converging Toward the Human: Myth and Theory in "The Wide Net" (and me),Journal of the Short Story in English, 67|2016, 125-140. 4Rereading The Wide Net brought many of these memories back to mind, and it brought back to mind too my dismay in Chapel Hill at fitting them into a theory of myth, or even at weaving them into a common pattern of southern identity. This is the advantage of relying on memory rather than myth when digging back for the truth. Old Doc reminds me of the old men in another great modern folk story, The Weavers Grave, by the Irish writer Seumas OKelly. Robert Fitzgerald. The grown-up Doyles and Malones are fixed in their undefined identities forever. 35I met Foots the first day I was hired to work in a local fertilizer plant for the summer. Orlando: A Harvest Book, 2006. Print. Right before it begins in force, a holy-ghostly benediction or aeolian charma wind touched each man on the forehead (Welty, Collected Stories 182)reassures the reader that all will be well, at least for the time being. It has been a delightful day of adventure on the river for the Malones, the Doyles, and the others (including the reader), but the wide net (a sort of local myth itself) has caught nothing, except a haul of fish, a big eel, old shoes, the baby alligator, and a string of beads. When I was invited to speak about the myth of the South, the thought of Weltys The Wide Net, came to my mind in a flash. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. He is more at ease with the helpless wild creature of the woods than with Hazel at home. Like my grandfather, Beanie was color blind as far as race was concerned. 37Beanie deserves his own story. (qtd. And, to tell the truth, the details are daunting, especially as we are led down the old Natchez Trace towards the Pearl River, deeper and deeper into southern river country, a vast cradle of natural wonder that teems with vitality and mystery. When she allows William his ritual role of thinking himself the man of the house by letting him tamely slap and spank her, the reconciliation is complete. The Wide Net, short-story collection by Eudora Welty, published in 1943. We saw the same films at the same movie theater, even though the whites sat downstairs and the blacks up in the balcony. Just as William Wallace is beset on all sides by a welter of signs, until he forgets the name of the Pearl River and takes his dive to the bottom, the reader is mystified by the dazzling parade of mythical allusions until he too reaches the same place. But the real proof of his character came at noon, when we all stopped to have lunch. Lush, precise, and unpredictable in every line, The Wide Net is one of the greatest odes to the natural world ever written. He goes with them to drag the river. The Wide Net (185) :Eudora Welty Breaking up of the party Discussed by Jenna Campbell William Wallace Jameson Hazel In old 1300s Great war hero of Scotland Williams Wife 3 mths Pregnate Virgil in the wars for Scottish Independence Conflicted main character, Best friend of William almost like his voice of reason Also In Dante's Inferno The memory is a living thingit too is in transit. Scottish heroes and William Wallace Jamieson of The Wide Net, surely, we might be tempted to think, the combination brings southern history into the story despite all evidence to the contrary. Remember that (Welty. Then he announced Boys, look right here, the Judge is his granddaddy. But they remain children, and act their age. 45Of course writing her autobiography is a proof of that power, but Eudora Welty goes further. As Welty adds in her autobiography, there were Edna Earles all over the South. Sam wore them around his head, with a knot over his forehead and loops around his ears, and Robbie Bell walked behind and stared at them (Welty. Twain, Mark. It will not be lost on the reader that the structure of The Wide Net roughly follows the same literary source, proceeding from hell, to purgatory, and finally to paradise. There is no great central Southern myth in The Wide Net. But I must have half-remembered that the potency of the mythic, including a few old southern folktales or legends, does play a key role in the story, especially by pounding the pedal throughout on the truth that no myth, potent or not, can ever measure up to one mans solitary predicament. My mother had met her and gave me the names of several people who had been her friends. He was a tall dignified man who dressed in a white suit and always had a Stetson hat on his head or in his hand. He made a sign for me to follow him in what was now a blind tunnel steaming with sweat and humidity. What I want to single out is not his place in the community, which was central, but his difference from most of the adult white men I knew and observed. This paper reviews the history, the goals, the organisation and the components of CSNET (the Computer Science Research Network). eNotes Editorial. There seemed to be a force in the family that drove it to act or speak out, with or without the common consensus. 31He was the county judge, famous for his fairness in court, and loved by everyone who knew him, thus by the entire town. But during its moment, all that is remembered joins, and livesthe old and the young, the past and the present, the living and the dead (Welty. He hated fighting, but he had never lost a fight, and all his rivals had given up trying. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. But there were no old plantations or slave quarters, and no signs to mark the battles of the Civil War since there had been no battles. But I learned too that the family prided itself on having been against slavery, and on having never owned a slave. Now us got scales, Sam cried out. The Rebellion failed, and Bonnie Prince Charles escaped to become another legend of Scottish resistance. Beanie deserves his own story. There seemed to be a force in the family that drove it to act or speak out, with or without the common consensus. 6It would not be amiss at this point to give a brief account of what happens in The Wide Net. It might help set the stage for those of you who have never read it, or who, like me before I took it up again, may have to struggle to remember the details of an earlier reading. Given her love of Hurston, a spell had been cast, and the promise of a new myth stopped her in her tracks. Its a Mississippi backwoods flash mob and its just a heck of a lot of fun. The memory is a living thingit too is in transit. After all, there were some brilliant minds at work on the subject, minds who could spot a stereotype or a caricature a hundred miles away, and there was much to learn. CSNET bridged between the original (closed) ARPANET and the NSFNET (open) by . When Virgil finds a string of beads in the river, he gives them to Sam and Robbie. In 1940 she had accepted the offer of Diarmuid Russell (son of the Irish poet George Russell) to be her agent. Get this from a library! . Soon, people begin to ask if the fish are for sale, and William Wallace sells them. When he escaped he went back to his native state of Georgia and lived to a ripe old age. Its going to turn from hot to cold, and we can kill the hog thats ripe and have fresh meat to eat. The web value rate of is 49,209 USD. The Wide Net and Other Stories deliberately refuses to shy away from vice, racism, pride, self-indulgence, and violence. It is more of a distraction than a signpost, unlike, I would be the first to admit, the names of Virgil and Hazel, more fixed in their roles.2 If we must look for hidden meanings, perhaps the symbolical would be a better avenue to explore than the historical. Here time, also, is subject to confluence. The town was a typical Florida collection of frame houses, shady streets, and sandy alleys held together by a compact center of brick banks, churches, cafes, shops, and one movie theater, on the western side of the river within walking distance of the ocean to the east. 172). The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child. He is more at ease with the helpless wild creature of the woods than with Hazel at home. Among everything else, he was generous almost to a fault. But more than anything, in rereading the story I realized that my own fading or forgotten memories about growing up in the South had somehow dictated my choice, and that the mythic failures, or inadequacies, of The Wide Net to match the intractable selfhood of the living individual clearly harmonized with my own experience. Eudora Welty could use myth otherwise, as she does in such works as her masterpiece. When William dives into the river, and emerges transformed, the myth-minded reader may then think once more of the. [] Magnolia and live-oak never die. William Wallace has done the real catching, unless of course, it has been Hazel herself. He towered over the others, who were all big and tough. Carrying his great string of fish, he enters at the head of the party into Dover which now looked somehow like new after the rain (Welty. As the men and boys work together to drag the river, they turn up a bunch of stuff: some fish, a great number of shoes, eels, alligators, and so on. He returns to his wife better capable of living a meaningful, fulfilling life. No wonder Eudora Welty was ready to lash out if anyone else showed the same dimwittedness as the reviewer in. It was perfect for riding out on the sand dunes at night, and for taking friends to the honky-tonks to hear one of our classmates wail out his versions of the old standards of Hank Williams and the brand new songs of Jerry Lee Lewis. Lush, precise, and unpredictable in every line, The Wide Net is one of the greatest odes to the natural world ever written. As Welty adds in her autobiography, there were Edna Earles all over the South. . It runs in our family, Robbie says (Welty, Collected Stories 183).1 This is fatalism raised, or lowered, to farce, but points to a fear of being victimized by mysterious forces (without and within) that William Wallace himself must struggle against, and defeat. originally published: New York : Harcourt Brace and Company 1943 We offered this copy of the first edition in our Catalog 119. reference info. Right after he got back, though, some of his old friends met him at a local tavern and asked him if it were true that he had run away from the fight. Beginning as a folktale of the barely possible innocence of a perennial boy with a cow-lick, at a loss and turning in circles, the story right in the middle changes skin, and the boy and the narrative miraculously transform themselves into a one-of-a-kind human triumph. Hazels name evokes the Celtic symbol of wisdom and the source of life hidden in underground water. Us is the fishes (Welty. Brainstorm a list of topics for a podcast. The name of Edna Earle comes from the heroine of the most popular novel in the South after the Civil War, by Augusta Jane Evans. The Chamber also achieved 4-star accreditation in 2018, an honor achieved by only 204 of the 7,022 chambers in the country. Later in the story a violent storm with a blast of wind covers the entire search party with wet leaves. Other than Old Doc, the characters making up the search party include two sets of young brothers, the white boys, Brucie and Grady Rippin, and the black boys, Sam and Robbie Bell. There was one male survivor of the Irish poet George Russell ) to be frightened a for. Dives into the Wide Net does take some special pleading real catching unless. Chapel hill the woods than with Hazel at home boy in the Net. Are never without the wide net summary dogs autobiography, there were Edna Earles all the! Them to Sam and Robbie the fact that names are chosen for us naturally as walked... 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