lost dutchman mine found 2017

[21], Were it not for the death of amateur explorer and treasure hunter Adolph Ruth, the story of the Lost Dutchman's mine would probably have been little more than a footnote in Arizona history as one of hundreds of "lost mines" rumored to be in the American West. The story of the Lost Dutchman Mine might have become just another obscure legend had it not been for an easterner named Dr. Adolph Ruth, an amateur treasure-seeker who ambled into the Superstitions in the summer of 1931. Mine records show that one possibly two Peralta family members with possible links connecting them to the 1848 massacre, also worked at the Vulture mine during the same time period as Waltz. As early as Sept 1, 1892, a local newspaper relates . [13] In most versions of the tale, Jacob Waltz locates a rich gold mine in the Superstition Mountains (in many versions of the story, they rescue or help a member of the Peralta family and are rewarded by being told the location of the mine). Jumping ahead to the late 1860s, German prospector Jacob Waltz moved to Phoenix and began prospecting in the mountains east of the new city. Over the next few weeks we will provide some images and photos taken at or very near the site. For one, the desert area bears remnants of the cliff dwellings of an ancient people whose identity is still unknown. Blair suggested that this Waltz could be the same Waltz who later came to be regarded as the legendary Dutchman, and that he Americanized the spelling of his family name. The story is that he was given a 5 million acre land grant from the King of Spain and vested with the title "Baron of the Colorados.". [1], The Lost Dutchman's is perhaps the most famous lost mine in American history. According to historian Tom Kollenborn, the Superstition Mountains were an unlikely place to strike it rich: The map is supposedly filled with clues, and there are many others purportedly given by Waltz at various points in his life according to legends, but it's hard to prove he actually ever said any of those things. Richman, Irwin. It is still a mystery if both explorers were able to reach the summit before passing away. Dr. George M. Willing Jr. paid Peralta $20,000 for the mining rights for an enormous swath of land about 3,000,000 acres (12,000km2) in southern Arizona and New Mexico based on a deed originally granted by the Spanish Empire in the 18th century. Waltz is also said to make a deathbed confession to Julia Thomas, and draws or describes a crude map to the gold mine. (In truth, Apaches make up just one of the tribes found in the area, but these were typically all lumped in as "Apache" by white settlers who didn't appreciate the differences in Native American tribes.). As Curt Gentry wrote, "Dr. Hrdlicka positively identified the skull as that of Adolph Ruth. Peralta's Family. Thorne claimed that he was taken captive by Navajos in 1854, and that during his captivity he had discovered a rich gold vein. To determine if the skull was Ruth's, it was examined by Dr. Ale Hrdlika, a well-respected anthropologist who was given several photos of Ruth, along with Ruth's dental records. As of mid-2017, he and his crew had spent about 30 production days in and around Apache Junction. The Gold Rush was in full swing and Waltz wanted a piece of those potential fortunes. The soldiers are alleged to have presented some of the gold, but to have been killed or to have vanished soon after. After the land was ceded to the United States, the Peralta party was trespassing on U.S. soil. Most likely because Pedro de Peralta had been the Spanish Governor of New Mexico (in the 1600s) his family name of "Peralta" was the inspiration for a number of legends in the American Southwest. The Superstitions Mountains lie within the Tonto National wildlife refuge and consist of 242 square miles not counting other designated and preserved areas that boarder the Tonto National Forest and wildlife refuge. Chances you could find the Lost Dutchman's Mine: It's probably not real, but don't let that stop you . During Kinos time other Missionaries in California and Mexico were jealous and suspicious of Kino because, while they were poor and struggled his missions were rich and flourished, they said he had a secret gold mine from which he took rich gold and funded his missions and rancheros amassing 50 thousand head of cattle making him the Southwests first mega rancher. In the years after the massacre, the legend around the Lost Dutchman Mine grew, attracting treasure-seekers who hoped to find the cache (perhaps worth about $200 million according to one estimate). National ArchivesA band of Apache braves in Arizona. Keep in mind for security reasons for now I have to be selective on what we divulge. Tales of these other Lost Dutchman's mines can be traced to at least the 1870s. "Tex" Bradford of Globe Arizona went in search of the "Lost Dutchman Mine"; by October 1933 he had been missing for nine months. First. Since James Reavis, "the Baron of Arizona", was convicted of fraud when the Peralta family genealogy and other documents to support the land grant (and a barony associated with that land) were determined to be forgeries it also raises questions about the original purchase of the land grant by Dr. George M. Willing Jr. (the transaction had supposedly occurred at a primitive campsite to the southeast of Prescott without the benefit of the typical documentation; instead of a notarized deed, the conveyance was recorded on a piece of greasy camp paper bearing signature of several witnesses). Unfortunately, when a group followed the clues given in Ruth's letter, they found nothing. Jacob Waltz said, "From the RIDGE ABOVE my mine you can see the Military Trail, but from the trail you cannot see my mine". So who killed the Spanish treasure hunters that came to the land? Furthermore, Wilburn stated that geology indicates that there is no gold in the Superstition Mountains, which are igneous in origin. When he was young he found the famous Lost Dutchman mine, but due to an accident shortly after he has no memory of the mines location. [17] Note that tombstone pictured shows birth year as 1808. If you get it hurt you better have your own team. As early as September 1, 1892, The Arizona Enterprise was reporting on the efforts of Thomas and several others to locate the lost mine whose location was told to her by Waltz. April 1, 2018 (Borrego Springs) - Way back in the late 1820s, Thomas "Pegleg" Smith got lost in a sandstorm and hobbled up a hill on his wooden leg to get his bearings. The breathable air on some surfaces actually gets even hotter; this is the biggest killer in the Superstition Mountains and dont forget the rattle snakes, scorpions, tarantula spiders, Gila monsters plus huge mountain lions and dozens of other things that will take your life. Since Ruth's death, there have been several other deaths or disappearances in the Superstition Mountains. However, despite several men claiming to have found the mine, no one ever came forward with the gold. Some have died on the search. The nearly 70-year-old man was found dead about four miles south of his home on a trail near Roger's Canyon. Later I will give more details and then begin providing information on how things fit together. It was supposedly discovered and kept secret by a German immigrant named Jacob Waltz in the 19th century, hence the . Blair insisted that the Peralta portion of the story is unreliable, writing: "The operation of a gold mine in the Superstitions by a Peralta family is a contrivance of 20th century writers". He vanished into the mountains in 2009 and his body was not discovered until three years later, hidden in a crevasse 35 feet up a cliff, and destined to become yet another chapter in the continuing story of the lost mine. Great discoveries have been made in the name of hunting for hidden wealth, but much blood has been shed in those same pursuits, too. In an addition to this legend, it's claimed two soldiers came to the Superstitions after hearing of Dr. Thorne's story to see if they could locate the cache. There are several paths that go through the brush and cacti. James Reavis tried to assert that the Peralta family had a Spanish land grant and a barony granted by the King of Spain, which included a huge swath of Arizona and New Mexico, including the Superstition Mountains. The fabled Lost Dutchman Mine may be about to be discovered in the Supernatural. You need at a bare minimum, at least a three- man team. Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona's Superstition Mountains. The Arizona fable about a mysterious gold mine east of Phoenix turns out to have real-life participants and corroboration. It's likely this legend just got re-adapted to the Superstitions to boost the legend of the Lost Dutchman's mine. Skeptoid Media, 29 Jan 2013. Jesse Capen was obsessed with the legend of the lost gold, despite the lack of hard historical evidence. OH, I almost forgot there is no cell phone service absolutely none. They were never seen again. Up on the mountain, if someone breaks a leg; it will take at least two on the team to get you down; it is dangerous for three healthy climbers, much less one with broken body parts. There's no evidence they ever came to Arizona at all. Apparently, he was rewarded. Kinos Mission San Xavier del Bac near Tucson unlike other missions in California was both massive and opulent, and still stands today. Everyone loves a good treasure hunting story. After five years of research and four expeditions, Arcana Exploration has not only found the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine, but has been able to match the most accepted clues with the physical evidence on the ground. WE HAVE ALSO SOLVED THE PERALTA BURBRIDGE MAP OF 1753. Recommended. For more than 120 years, the legend of the Lost Dutchman Mine has haunted the minds and souls of treasure seekers throughout the world. Photo: Marine 69-71 / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0. He further stated, after examining the two holes [in the skull], that it appeared that a shotgun or high-powered rifle had been fired through the head at almost point-blank range, making the small hole when the bullet entered and the large hole when it exited".[23]. ARKANSAS: Crescent Hotel, Eureka Springs Crescent Hotel in Arkansas. Jacob Walzer and Heidelberg (Germany) were punched in the edges of the tintype, leading Ron Feldman to think it could be of Jacob Waltz. The legend then states that, sometime later, the last Peralta survivor(s) were helped out of some kind of bind by Jacob Waltz, and in his debt, they gave him the only thing they had of value: a map to the Peralta family mine in the Superstition Mountains, according to Cowboys and Indiansmagazine. However, Blair argued that there is a strong likelihood that there never was a second man named Weiser, but rather that a single person named Waltz was, over the years, turned into two men as the legend of the Dutchman's mine evolved. People off his Mine that he cover up with a ironwood tree :The books give me my Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. [16] A man called Jacob Walz was born in September 1810 in Wrttemberg. They also claimed to have seen the ghost of the Dutchman, and his Apache wife and young assistant. Ruth disappeared while searching for the mine in the summer of 1931. But he was soon known as the Lost . Jacob Waltz was a German immigrant, the Dutchman of the eponymous mine (dutch being a corruption of deutsch, the German word for German). "[24], Authorities in Arizona did not convene a criminal inquest regarding Ruth's death. These Native American legends aren't the only tales involving religion and gold stores in the area. Small Group Apache Trail Day Tour with Dolly Steamboat from Phoenix. Blair cited evidence of the historical Jacob Waltz and suggested that additional evidence supports the core elements of the story that Waltz claimed to have discovered (or at least heard the story of) a rich gold vein or cache. This is trails end; this is the domain of the Dutch Hunters. The Lost Dutchman Gold Mine is the most famous lost mine in American history. I Hold for No One! Road Agents Attempt to Rob Kinnears Stage Near Contention, A Western Jubilee: Songs and Stories of The American West. In gratitude, Gonzales told Erwin about the Peralta mine in the Superstition Mountains, and gave him some antique maps of the site (Gonzales claimed to be descended from the Peralta family on his mother's side). Around 1860 a German immigrant named Jacob Waltz moved into the Wickenburg Arizona area about 80 miles from Phoenix. Is it any wonder then, that I prize it? I've, Was the Lost Dutchman Mine real? Many believe there is a connection and that they sold their families mine to Waltz and his partner. The story goes that in the mid-1700s, the Superstition Mountains were visited by a group of priests of the Jesuit Order, and they came with over 240 mules loaded down with gold, according to the Denver Post. It's an entire genre all its own, from pirate maps to all the stuff Nicolas Cage got up to in the National Treasure movies. Bus Tours. Regardless, Dr. Thorne helped the man and he recovered, according to Legends of America. His naturalization papers are listed in the Los Angeles county archives and his name appears in an Arizona territorial census from 1864; other government documents confirm he did, indeed, live in Arizona territory from 1863-1891. Skeptoid Podcast. History of the Lost Dutchman Mine The rugged range of mountains east of the Salt River Valley encompasses some of the most breathtaking, untouched wilderness recesses in America. A 19th century map detailing mines in Arizona. Afterwards, Waltz fell ill (he was rumored to have contracted pneumonia during the flooding). 1873. Soon, fact and fiction became easier to sort. But Blair suggested that this core story was distorted in subsequent retellings, comparing the many variants of the Lost Dutchman's story to the game of Chinese whispers, where the original account is distorted in multiple retellings of the tale.[15]. The Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine hit the headlines in 2009 when Denver native Jesse Capen, 35, disappeared in Arizona's Tonto National Forest during a search for the mine. Monagan wrote that some valued the mine at $40 million. So let me say it again, the documentation found ON the stones is the most important thing not so much who carved them. In 1748, the area now known as Arizona (along with the Superstition Mountain) was given by Spain as a land grant to a Mexican cattle-baron by the name of Don Miguel Peralta of Sonora. While on a voyage to Mount Everest, George Mallory and Andrew Irvine disappeared, and with them a camera. When he is down to $300 he returns. Both fabled and mythical, they have helped to drive the legend of the Lost Dutchman Mine. Even though some have said the stones story is much older (it is true the source information is likely much older) than the Dutchmans time and therefor there is no connection, they are going to be slapping themselves in the face trying to overcome their denial when they realize the stones leadto the same birds nest. from. Arcana Exploration is made up of a group of five friends and supporters, from central Ohio, who until five years ago knew very little if anything about the LDM. Waltz did claim to have a treasure, but he really didn't and was simply telling tall tales to make his life seem more interesting, then Julia Thomas believed him. The photographic evidence taken at the site along with a selection of maps combined with historical documentation together, links the most generally accepted and related informational evidence too present day boots on the ground reality. Researchers point to an old beliefby local farmersthat the nearby Pima Native American tribe were superstitious about the mountains. Early on during the Spanish Conquest, Conquistadors such as Francisco Vazquez de Coronado (1535) came to the American southwest (New Spain) in search of gold trying to locate, Montezumas Seven Cities of Cibola. Today along route 88 is a pull off gravel road, that leads out behind the Lost Dutchman Museum, you follow it to a designated area, here you will find marked trail signs with trails simply marked as the Massacre Grounds.. After the conquistadors and priests are purported to have come and gone from the Superstition Mountains, legend tells of another group who arrived sometime in the earlier half of the 1800s. (Right) Bob Schoose (owner of Goldfield, Arizona) designed this headframe, which the team hand carried from the base camp to the site for construction. Some of you reading this may know a lot, about the Lost Dutchman Goldmine, others may be new to the story of the Lost Dutchman Mine, so before going much further, I will do a very quick overview. However, even armed with the clues and map, no one in the area could find the Dutchman's mine, thus giving it the name of the Lost Dutchman's gold mine. After one hundred and twenty- five plus years incredibly, the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine has been found, proving that the legend is more than mere myth and as predicted by Jacob Waltz himself "No miner will ever find my mine". Nevertheless, the lore has led to the publication of several books (and, in turn, a few movies), although they mostly just embellish off the basics of the existing oral legend one of the great tales of treasure in modern history. Clay Worst says the Dutchman bounced all over America obsessed with finding gold---and found nothing. Later on came a long list of early and newly appointed Dons of Spain who also made forays into the Prima Alta looking for riches. Feldman absorbed every bit of information he could find on the history of mining in the region. In many areas they cannot, and will not for any reason land, and actually have designated no fly zones. It involves murder, secrets, and a whole lotta sweet, sweet gold. Blair had little doubt that Waltz related to Thomas the location of an alleged gold mine. I will provide a picture and a little information but nothing as far as revealing the location of this mine. Waltz is attacked and wounded by marauding Apaches, but survives at least long enough to tell a man called Dr. Walker about the mine. You can Google the story of how I solved the Peralta stones and the Peralta deerskin map in LOST TREASURE MAGAZINE JUNE ISSUE COVER STORY LOST DUTCHMAN GOLD MINE. Hiking and camping are popular activities. When and where we can get a direct line of sight, we use high tech Walkie talkies, to communicate with each other. Here he worked at the Vulture Mine as a paid miner. The man said Dr. Thorne could take as much as he could carry, at which point he was blindfolded again and led out. We will share as much as we can for now, but as I stated earlier we are preparing for a return trip, and the location has to remain secret. All Treasure Hunting. The network's all-original programming slate features a roster of hit series, premium documentaries, and scripted event programming. [9] As of 1975, ruins of the Peralta mine were standing.[9]. For 25 years he lives the good life and enjoys his riches. Dozens of prospectors in the Superstitions attempted to follow him to his secret mine. Also, there's no documentation showing he ever filed a claim for a mine in the Superstitions or any paperwork showing where he allegedly sold mass amounts of gold. (However, in some versions,[14] the 'mine' is actually a cache put there by the Peraltas.). Thorne is said to be either unwilling or unable to relocate the mine. Only the materials differ. For over a century, treasure hunters have sought the treasures supposedly lost in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona, but what do we really know about the events surrounding this tale? Then, she took the map that was either from Waltz's imagination or her own and made a whole lot of money selling copies of it. I want some feedback from people with knowledge about the lost Dutchman gold mine. They found gold in the 1840s but were ambushed by a local tribe of Apaches. According to the tales, a Spanish conquistador (often said to be Francisco Vazquez de Coronado, but sometimes reported as any number of other explorers, real and fictional) came to the Superstition Mountains in the mid-1500s searching for a mythical city of gold, one of the legendary Seven Cities of Gold, somewhere in the mountains, according to Legends of America. The start of the most famous legend to come from the mountains, that of the Lost Dutchman Mine, begins with these fortune-seekers. Supposedly, the Superstition Mountains have long been a sacred site for the nearby Apache tribe of Native Americans. Thomas admitted she drew the map herself but claimed she based it on descriptions given by the Dutchman, according to Skeptoid. The network's all-original programming slate features a roster of hit series, premium documentaries, and scripted event programming. It is here were you will reach areas that are barely penetrable, this is where most trails stop abruptly for safety reasons. (Courtesy: Robert Cooper) Three years ago, a Denver bellhop ventured into Arizona's Superstition Mountains determined to find the Lost Dutchman's Mine, an elusive, vast gold reserve that has. Gina Dimuro is a New York-based writer and translator. Mules and horses carried raw ore to the chute; the dumped ore tumbled out the front into wagons that carried it away. He even has a gravesite you can visit today in Arizona. Over the years, the Lost Dutchman Mine legend grew to become the Wests most famous lost mine, reaching a fever pitch in the early 1950s when hundreds of Dutch hunters flocked into the western end of the Superstitions. Fact and fiction blend in these tales, becoming "faction", but key elements are "lost Apache gold", "a Dutchman", "a lost gold vein, found by . Waltz was buried in Phoenix at what is now called the Pioneer and Military Memorial Park. The Jesuits, who had been collecting the gold for many years from various sources, were said to be fleeing as they had been expelled from the Spanish empire, who owned most of the land that would eventually become the southwestern United States at the time, according to the Great American History Blog. According to Thomas, it was on his deathbed that Jacob Waltz shared the story of his secret mine, and even provided a map to it filled with clues. Not in a flu-like way. It's impossible to know for certain, but there is one big clue. After the land was ceded to the United States, the Peralta party was trespassing on U.S. soil. Indeed, there's yet another legend purporting to explain where the Dutchman might have acquired his gold. Fortune seeker Barry Storm stumbles onto some clues that may lead him to the fabulous Lost Dutchman Mine, but others have tried and been murdered. What really happened to Ruth? The Legend Of The Lost Dutchman And His Gold Mine Explained, ever filed a claim for a mine in the Superstitions. The Lost Dutchman Mine - Kindle edition by Ely, Sims. This land grant was the basis of the James Reavis Arizona land swindle (Reavis became Willing's partner and continued to try to prove the authenticity of the land grant for years after Willing's death). ZERO ZIP NADA!! John D. Wilburn in his book Dutchman's Lost Ledge of Gold (1990), wrote that the Bulldog Gold Mine near Goldfield, Arizona, fits very well the description Jacob Waltz gave as the location of his 'lost mine'. The reason you can see Weavers Needle to the south is the same . Watch on The reported mine was dubbed Lost Dutchman around 1892 after Waltz died. First, let's talk about the geology of the mountains. He had worked as a miner but was an amateur prospector at best. During the miners escape to Mexico, Apaches attacked and 148 of the party were massacred. He disappeared after going on a quest for the legendary 'Lost Dutchman's' gold mine in the Superstition Mountains. We are currently in the process of planning for a return trip to further document our findings. In subsequent years, the Dutchmanas Waltz was calledworked both placer and lode gold mines in the region. The enigma of the LDGM is that it has been a puzzle with many pieces that, up until now, no one has been able to solve. This is very interesting and both are true. Arizona's most notorious lost treasure story for both believers and otherwise takes place in the mysterious Superstition Mountains. The body of George Mallory was found in 1999, while Irvine's body is still missing (allegedly). He really did emigrate from Germany, though this seems to have occurred decades before the legends claim, because there are verified documents showing he filed to become an American citizen in 1848, long before he supposedly arrived in 1860, according to the Superstition Mountain Museum. Eventually, the conquistador ordered his men to flee and he never returned to the mountains, which they called Monte Supersticin, thus giving the mountains the name of Superstition. There, his blindfold was removed and he saw a cave full of gold. He joined an expedition looking for a rich. by Jim Hatt Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:32 pm. This late 1800s ore chute is proof of mining activity in the Superstition Wilderness. The legend of the Lost Dutchman's gold mine is a quintessential version of just such a story. The park is said to be haunted by the spirits of people who died over the years searching for the mine. In his 1945 book about the Lost Dutchman's mine. The Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Has Been Found! [10] Trouble came after Willing learned that the deed was entirely bogus. Lost Mine found in the Superstition Mountains David Jones 14.3K subscribers Subscribe 6.6K 728K views 4 years ago #MOTSM #superstitionmountains #lostmine Mysteries of the Superstition. After growing up on the East Coast and California, Feldman moved in 1968 to Arizona where he established a successful stable offering trail rides and pack trips into the rugged mountains that were once home to the Apaches. Arizona place-name expert Byrd Granger wrote, as of 1977, the Lost Dutchman's story had been printed or cited at least six times more often than two other fairly well-known tales, the story of Captain Kidd's lost treasure, and the story of the Lost Pegleg mine in California. Lost Dutchman's Cabin in the Superstition Mountains StrangeAgo October 21, 2017 In this article, two men went in search of the Dutchman's mine and claimed they found his cabin. Kino is believed to have had a rich goldmine somewhere in the Superstition Mountains. Normally if a mine produces two and half ounces of gold per tonne of rock it's considered a bonanza. This is what brought him to the Superstition Mountains (yes, that's their real name) near what is today the city of Phoenix, Arizona. Lust for Gold: Directed by S. Sylvan Simon, George Marshall. . 9 May 2022. LIKELY TO SELL OUT*. As the legend grew, so did the size of the fortune. Said to be the most famous lost mine of all time, it continues to draw prospectors to the Superstition Mountains of Arizona in search of its rich gold. There's another story that supposedly took place three centuries earlier also involving a treasure stashed away in the area. We at Arcana Exploration believe we can show that this was later worked by Jacob Waltz, and after his death came to be known as the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine. When is the documentary goimg to start back up? The average high temperature in June, July and August, is 104 degrees. Then, see some astonishing photos taken at the height of the Klondike Gold Rush. In 1847-1848 during the time of the Hidalgo Treaty when Mexico sold the territory to the United Sates the Peraltas, knowing they would lose access to their mines made one last trip bringing hundreds of miners from Sonora to mine as much as they could, but were attacked by Apaches. While we are rather skeptical of the finding of the Lost Dutchman claim, if the new find is rich in gold it will do until the old discovery is really brought to light. Day-use areas open from sunrise to 10 p.m. One member of his team, Mic McPherson, helped Feldman find the Lost Adams Diggings in 1989. George Mallory's Lost Camera. Going on a year now. As the legend goes, prospector Jacob Waltz found a gold mine but went to his grave without sharing the secret of where that mine was located. So what do we really know about these legends, Waltz, and the Superstition Mountains? However, despite bankrupting herself and spending a very long time in the mountains, she and her search party never found any evidence of a hidden gold cache, per Arizona Report. A note from Ruth saying he needed help and had discovered the mine was found in the Salt River. The story continues that the Peralta family found and mined gold in the Superstition Mountains. In December, 1931, The Arizona Republic reported on the recent discovery of a human skull in the Superstition Mountains. 1873. I've never done a forum before, so I am new to this. The story of the Peralta Stones is that they lead you to a small almost invisible ledge, like a small birds nest perched in the middle of a forest of giant oaks concealed by the natural elements, it obscures itself from all beasts of prey especially man. So far, they've filmed at locations that include the Treasure Hunter of the Year Awards, held at Apache Junction's Mammoth Saloon in March, and at Goldfield Ghost Town, an attraction that features a zip line and live staged gunfights. The Lost Dutchman is America's most famous lost mine, and many people have risked their lives searching for it. 'S all-original programming slate features a roster of hit series, premium documentaries, and with a! Of mining in the Superstition Mountains picture and a little information but nothing as far as revealing location. Very near the site spent about 30 production days in and around Apache Junction Hotel, Springs... In California was both massive and opulent, and a whole lotta sweet, gold... Nearby Pima Native American legends are n't the only tales involving religion and gold stores in area. The Mountains, which are igneous in origin the dumped ore tumbled out the front into wagons that it. 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